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Catherine arrived at the dentist's office the next day and sat down to wait for her name to be called. She grabbed a magazine and flipped through it, not looking down at it.

"Catherine?" the receptionist called out and Catherine's heart began to beat hard in her chest, but she wasn't sure why. She put down the magazine and got up, glancing around the waiting room. There was only one other person waiting in the room, and he looked like he could use a shower and a good night's sleep.

Catherine walked down the hall to the same room as the day before and saw Doctor Thorn standing there, waiting for her. He was smiling that smile of his again and was looking right at her.

"Oh my God, you frightened me," Catherine said, putting a hand to her chest.

The doctor's smile never faltered as he watched her.

"Have a seat," he said, gesturing to the dentist's chair. Catherine put down her purse and sat down, her heart beating hard in her chest.

"I'm glad you could come back," Doctor Thorn said. "It looks like we might have to do a little more work today than originally anticipated. I'm going to have to give you a muscle relaxant to keep you still."

"Um, okay," Catherine said.

Doctor Thorn grabbed a needle off of the tray beside her. "Hold out your arm please," he said.

Catherine held out her arm and the doctor injected her with a clear fluid. Catherine could feel it working on her body almost immediately. Her muscles felt like they were melting inside of her. She felt her head slowly drop back against the headrest as her entire body relaxed in the chair.

"Beautiful," the doctor said. "Now it's time to administer the gas. Be sure to breathe deeply, Catherine."

He picked up the mask and placed it over Catherine's nose. She breathed in and felt her mind slipping off to a dream state. As her eyes slowly closed shut, she saw the Doctor looking down at her, that smile planted on his face.


Catherine was lying on the white bed again, the room around her clouded in a misty white. She once again felt like she couldn't move a muscle, but this time instead of feeling stuck in mud Catherine felt like she was incredibly, desperately tired. It was as though she had just run several marathons back-to-back and was only now laying down to rest.

The man in black was standing next to her once more. Her eyes went wide when she saw him but she knew there was nothing she could do. She was exhausted and couldn't move a muscle, couldn't even open her mouth to scream.

The man moved to the foot of the bed and leaned down, not to her face this time but to her legs. He grabbed her ankles, one in each hand, and spread them apart, opening her legs wide. Catherine wasn't wearing anything below her waist and she could feel the cool air blowing against her privates, twitching at the sudden change in temperature.

Catherine lay there, helpless, as the man bent down and began to lick her pussy. His head buried itself in between her thighs, his features still somehow masked in shadow. Catherine tried to resist him but she couldn't. No matter what she did, her muscles refused to allow her to escape from his grasp.

The man's tongue ran up and down her pussy, pushing itself deep into her hole before sliding up and flicking over her clit. Catherine tried thinking of something else, anything to get her mind away from what was happening to her. But she couldn't help her body's reactions to his unceasing mouth. The longer the man ate out her pussy, the more she felt her body reluctantly becoming turned on by it.

Catherine didn't want any of this, she just wanted to leave this place, to go away. But she was stuck where she was and her body was responding to what he was doing. She could feel her clit swell up and begin to throb. The man's mouth came down over top of it, creating a vacuum around it as he lapped away at the nub like a thirsty dog.

Catherine heard a moan escape her throat without her doing. Reluctant pleasure was beginning to surge up through her pussy as the man licked and licked and licked. He produced his hand and stuck first one, then two, then three fingers inside of her snatch. Catherine let out a cry as the walls of her pussy stretched open. He began pushing his hand into her, his digits sliding in and out of her without remorse.

Catherine was helpless to stop him as the man slid a fourth finger in alongside the other three. She felt her pussy screaming out as it was stretched beyond pleasure. He shoved his fingers in and out of her with intensity, his tongue lapping over her clit as he did.

Catherine's eyes went wide when, just as she thought she could take no more, she felt the man's thumb tuck inside of the four fingers. She wanted to scream but couldn't. Instead she lay there, her lower half feeling like it was being torn apart as he pushed his entire hand up inside her pussy.

The man began moving his arm in and out of her, fist fucking her. Catherine tried again to do anything to stop this violation, but her body would not obey her. He licked her clit like an ice cream cone and, despite how much pain she was in, Catherine again felt reluctant pleasure begin to rise up inside of her body.

The man's hand moved faster inside of her body, pushing up against her uterus now. Catherine couldn't help herself. Her pussy walls screamed but her clit screamed even louder. She was filled with sweet, sick ecstasy, like a glass full of water, until it finally spilled out of her in a rush of release.

Catherine's body flooded outward with the orgasm wrought from this man's incessant perversion. She could do nothing, could stop nothing that came from her as she was forced to come for this evil man, this wicked soul. The pleasure and pain washed over her like an ocean wave, drowning her, and Catherine's eyes forced themselves shut ...


... only to open and see the ceiling tiles of the dentist's office. Her pussy and clit were on fire, the dentist's body bent down over her lower half. She could just see the shadowed image of him as he stared down at her legs, spread open, that wicked smile painted on his face.

Catherine tried to scream but couldn't. She still couldn't move, couldn't tear herself away from this man. She heard the grunting, the panting of Doctor Thorn as he forced his fist in and out of her. Her sexual nightmare had come to life.

As her body finally began to relax again, he folded his fingers up and slipped his hand out of her pussy. Once out, Catherine had the strangest sensation in the lower half of her body. It took her a second to
