Page 23 of Perfect Strangers

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"There you two are … where did you go?"

"Oh," Veronica said, swallowing, "just looking at the scenery. Talking."

Jason didn't say anything as Nancy eyed him.

"Well, we're ready to leave. Come on."

"Great," Veronica said, and the three of them started back the way they'd come, with Nancy in the lead. Veronica gave a sideways glance at Jason, who looked back at her. His expression was blank, but after a second she saw that ghost of a smile appear on his lips. No one said anything until they got back to the group.

Chapter 12

When the three of them arrived back, the rest of the group was milling about in a large cluster, ready to continue on their walk. Doug saw the newcomers and clapped his hands together.

"Great, thank you Nancy!" he called out, then turned to address the group. "Now that we're all here again, we can continue on with our walk! Let's go, everybody!"

The group started moving as Jason slowly separated from the two women. Veronica willed herself not to look his way as he made his way to the outside of the crowd, keeping a distance from everybody else. Veronica turned to Nancy instead.

"Sorry we kept the group waiting," she said.

"It's okay," Nancy said, keeping her gaze facing forward. She wasn't smiling.

Veronica didn't know what else to say, so they walked in silence, the cracking of twigs and small pockets of conversation coming up here and there.

About an hour later, as the walk came to a close and they approached the parking lot, Veronica said goodbye to Nancy and made her way to her car. She took her time getting there, casually trying to look around to see what Jason was doing. She found him at his own car, seemingly unaware of her existence. She watched as he opened the door and got in, bringing his engine to life.

Veronica felt a hollow echo inside of her chest. She tore her eyes from him and dug around in her purse instead, trying to find her keys. Just as she fished them out and went to unlock her door, Jason's car pulled up next to her. She had a flash of déjà vu as he rolled down his window.

"Hey," he called out over the rumble of his engine. Veronica peered down into the window to look at him.

"Hi," she said back.

He was silent for a second. And then, "Great walk today."

Veronica frowned slightly.

"Yes, it was."

"I think the next one could be better, though," he went on. "And I'm sure there are places where it would be difficult to be found."

Veronica's heartbeat picked up. She swallowed.

"Yeah," she said. "I'm sure you're right."

Jason smiled that ghost of a smile.

"I'll see you later," he said, and without waiting for a reply he sped off. Veronica watched him turn out of the parking lot and drive out of sight. She took a deep breath and let it out, then turned to unlock her car door.


After that, Veronica's life began to change into something she wasn't expecting. She and Jason saw each other at the next walk, and in the first half he had managed to pull her away, out of the group without others noticing. From there they snuck off of the trail, Jason in the lead. When they were alone and the group was far away, it was like something in them both snapped and their lips came together like magnets.

They grabbed a hold of one another, their hands quickly stripping the other of their clothes. It was quick, sexy work, the only sounds being that of their breath coming in hard through their noses. When Jason undid Veronica's jeans he dropped down to his knees and buried his face between her thighs. She almost let out a moan but clamped her lips together, trying desperately to keep quiet.

He grabbed onto her behind, pulling at the muscle, holding her close to him. Her fingers found their way to his head where she ran them through his short hair, thick waves of pleasure moving through her body. He stood up and they kissed again, Veronica able to taste herself on his lips.

He undid his own pants and she felt his hardness press up against her. Taking her in his strong arms he lowered the both of them down onto the earthen floor, and there they made love. Their entwined mouths stifled the cries that threatened to come, their bodies two sweaty, writhing masses interlocked in the most intimate way.

When Veronica came it was like her body was being released of all its tensions. Jason kept moving in her, drawing her orgasm out, prolonging it until he came as well. Their bodies slowed down but they remained where they were, holding each other, breathing deeply and feeling their hot skin pressed together.
