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Gritting her teeth, Cameron lowered herself to the bench overlooking the ocean. Every inch of her body hurt. But Arabella was safe… for now.

“You should be in bed.”

Startled, she flinched, then groaned as pain shot through her.

Ian grimaced. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Waving off his apology, she turned back to the water. Despite her fear of the element’s power, she found it oddly comforting. And humbling.

“I meant what I said though. You should be in bed.”

No. She should be dead. If Ian hadn’t arrived when he did, or if her attacker hadn’t arrogantly assumed her already dead, she’d be lying cold under a sheet right now.

“I can’t keep staring at the ceiling.” For the past two days she’d stayed in bed as Wes had instructed. No more. “You’re supposed to be back in the States by now.”

Because of her attack, Ian and Wes had delayed their departure. A few days ago, she would’ve rejoiced to have more time with the man she loved. Now every day he stayed just made saying goodbye more difficult.

“I’m in no hurry to get back. Wes and I will stay until you’re better.”

Easing to the bench beside her, he stretched an arm over the back, surrounding her with his warmth.

“I’m better. Healing will take time. There’s nothing for you or Wes to do.”

Dark eyes narrowing, he bit down on his bottom lip. “I’d rather see you well myself.”

Which meant she couldn’t afford to show him any weakness. They lapsed into a tense silence. Although years had passed since she’d been in a relationship with Ian, she knew him well enough to know something weighed on his mind. Finally, unable to take the strained silence any longer, she turned to him. “Just spit it out. Whatever it is, saying it has to be better than stewing.”

His eyebrow quirked, and one side of his mouth turned up. The caving of his dimple caused a riot of fluttering in her stomach. Damn the man for being so gorgeous.

“I think you should reconsider coming home with me.”

When she opened her mouth to protest, he pulled his arm from behind her and held both hands up for her to stop. “You and Arabella. Hell, even Keso. You’re not safe here, Cameron. None of you are. He’s going to come back for Ara. Once he finds out you’re alive, he’ll come for you too. He—”

“I know.”

Her quiet admission did more to silence him than any argument.

“You know?”

She nodded. “You don’t have to convince me that we’re in danger. I know… Probably better than anyone.”

Hope filled his eyes as he straightened. “So, you’ll come? You’ll…”

She shook her head. “I can’t.”

“You keep saying that, but—”

“It’s the truth. Do you think I’ve never considered coming back? You weren’t the only one I left behind. I left my entire life. My history. There have been times over the years when I’ve missed the familiarity so badly, I physically ached for it. But I can’t take Arabella to the United States, Ian. Even for a visit. It’s impossible.”

Confused, he gave his head a hard shake. “Is it money? I’ll buy you both tickets. I’ll—”

“And what will you do when they ask for her passport? Her birth certificate? She doesn’t have those. Arabella Lawrence doesn’t exist.”

Ian’s mouth fell open. After all these years, she’d finally rendered him speechless.

“I delivered her in Keso’s apartment. Then Keira died and we just . . .” She shrugged. How could she explain the days following Keira’s death and Arabella’s birth? If she had it to do over, she would’ve made different choices. Probably.

“So, you go tell the government or whatever what happened and you…” His voice trailed off as she shook her head.

“Legally, technically, biologically she’s Victor Roberts’s daughter. She might be Keso’s niece, but that won’t matter if Roberts tries to take her.” And he’d already proven he was prepared to kill to get her.

Ian pushed up from the bench to pace away from her. “You could explain that her mother died. That Keso was the only family. That you…”

“That we kidnapped her.”

Spinning around, he regarded her out of wide eyes.

“We did. And I’d do it again a thousand times to protect her from a life with that bastard. But we kidnapped her. A promise to a dying mother will not stand up in court.” Though chances were with Victor Roberts involved, they’d never make it to a courtroom.

Defeated, Ian sank to the bench. Perhaps now he understood she wasn’t just being stubborn or heartless. That it wasn’t her lack of love for him that kept her away.

She slipped her hand into his much larger one, then squeezed. “I hear everything you’re saying, Ian. I know we would be safer with you. But if I try to take her home, she’ll be taken from me and given to Victor. And I’ll likely be arrested.” Which didn’t frighten her nearly as much as Arabella at Victor Roberts’s mercy.

Tightening his grip on her hand, Ian leaned over and planted a kiss on the top of her head. “We’ll figure it out,” he vowed. “One way or another, we’ll make sure you’re both safe.”

Nodding, she leaned into him. They would be safe. She had a plan, but neither that plan nor her future involved Ian.

* * *
