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Anger fueled me withso much rage, I wanted to kill Becca for sitting there looking so calm and pretty while I faced my family business going bankrupt. Domenico Holdings sat on billions of dollars of assets, much of it liquid.

Only, I couldn’t kill her. Wouldn’t. Somewhere deep inside, I loved her. Maybe not in the in-love kind, like Bastien was still in love with her. But I would love for her to be my wife. She grew up like me, knew what was expected of a mob boss’s wife.

With Giovanni officially dethroned, Becca was the new queen. I guessed she’d shipped him off to God-knows where before he could tell her she was mine. Or she’d have brought it up. Didn’t mean I’d give up trying to marry her. Now she was up for grabs. And I needed to act fast because Bastien would soon figure that out. I needed to get my charm on so my father could absorb everything Domenico.

Giovanni was the king of kings. A fact of our world we’d all grown to accept. A mountain too high to climb. Just a place to leave gifts at the foothills. If Papa took control of Domenico Holdings, that changed things in our world. The balance of secondary power like Daria and Byrne would crumble. Jackals would crawl down that mountain looking to take the rest of them over. If I knew this, so did they. Bastien and Giancarlo would now work to keep Becca and me apart.

“I’ll find Becca’s father,” Giancarlo finally spoke up.

“We need to buy time.” Bastien buttoned his suit jacket. “You’d be surprised how paper evidence is still a valuable currency in the law.”

“He’s right.” Giancarlo was already sucking up to Bastien. “There’s a ton of shit online, but everything digital can be hacked and altered. There are plenty of programs to do this without leaving any kind of trace.”

“And paper documents can’t?” I asked, feeling stressed. My body ached for release. The kind I needed to keep calm.

“There are still forensic and forgery experts out there who the courts listen to. And juries.” Bastien ran a hand through his curly hair. “It’s a more proven form of witness testimony. Because they can show physical evidence of document tampering. Some geek testifying about how they tracked down an IP address that hopped from several others, showing some cool light show on a screen will just go over a jury’s head. Prosecutors know this.”

“Where do you think Becca’s gonna hide that presentation?” Giancarlo asked, looking from me to Anthony.

“That’s what we need to worry about. Not hurting Becca.” Bastien sent me a warning look.

“It’s not the documents we need to discredit,” Gian said on a cough, but clammed up. “I have to go.”

He pulled the door open and rushed past Vale and Gil.

“Get the fuck out of my way.” Bastien snapped at the guards, leaving too.

My blood heated just watching him. I’d been taking risks with him to satisfy our darkest desires. We had reputations, as ruthless alphas to protect.

Now this Sunrise garbage was out there, and I had a feeling we were all going down.
