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Sebastien had all mynerves taut and just looking at him while we danced, I stayed wet all night. He mixed me up with pleasure and pain. The door Giancarlo had opened in me and the lust humming through my veins blew it off the hinges. I caught him lingering on the edge of the crowd, watching me. I hated that I missed him. Missed his body making me insanely hot. Even if it was just sex.

Sebastien dodged the question again and again about what the hell was going on with him and Anthony. Only admitting that he cheated on me with him in college. Was that cheating though? With us broken up for so long, his confession hardly made a dent in the heart he shattered a long time ago.

As much as it hurt to touch him, I had to dance with him. Damn medieval game. Seducing a man to get what I wanted. With one man, I could have tried another angle. Three? The princes of New York were bachelor playboys who only responded to tits and ass.

I glanced down at myself, once again failing in that department with my high-neck halter gown. I didn’t have to tempt Sebastien with my body. He knew what was under my dress. Then again, I’d grown fuller in the hips and breasts in five years.

All my thoughts emptied out, watching his eyes grow heavy looking at me. I could easily fall back to the time when we were in love. I didn’t have to gaze around us. I felt how many eyes were on him, the man was so breathtaking.

My legs ached to jump him and wrap around his waist. But my games with Giancarlo taught me to be patient to get what I wanted.

“I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier,” he said sweetly.

Maybe what I’d said finally sunk in. I straightened my back and smiled. “Okay. But can we leave here and talk?”

“Not yet.” He leaned me against the wall and caged me between his arms. Dropping his head to me, he said, “It’s so hard to be this close to you. And not just rip that dress off.”

“All of a sudden?” Feeling the textured wallpaper against my bare shoulders made me aware of my body. Aware of how his hands would feel on my skin.

“No. I’ve always wanted that. I’ve been stupid.”

“No shit.” I gripped his jacket. “Seb, is it really you? What happened?”

“It’s me.”

Sometimes it just clicked for men. They had damn switches. One day it was on, the next it clicked off.

“Let’s go somewhere. You’ve never seen my townhouse.” I felt ready to tell him where the evidence was. With him on my side, we could beat Anthony and Giancarlo. Together, we could pressure the Messinas and the Byrnes to terminate the Sunrise agreement.

“I have another idea.” He grinned wickedly at me.

“Tell me. Please.”

He gripped my chin, and his hand on my face after so many years, sent electricity through me. “God, I love you begging me. Say it again.”

“Please, Seb,” I whispered, shocked at how easily I submitted to him when Gian needed weeks to get me to that place. Sebastien had a fifteen-year head start.

“I know you won’t like this. But trust me, this is all for the best.”

“What is?”

He didn’t answer me, just took my arm, and steered me across the ballroom to the south end that faced the garden. With the warm spring weather, the skinny louver doors were open, each leading to a narrow balcony for no more than two people. It felt even more intimate with a six-foot-four, barrel-chested, wide-shouldered man. Desire hummed through me thinking he couldn’t wait and needed to kiss me overlooking those perfumed rose bushes.

Out on the balcony, I expected him to close the doors. Instead, he leaned me against the railing.

“Kiss me, Seb. Please. I can’t stand this anymore.” Bastien’s square jaw and long nose made him look like a Hollywood heartthrob.

His lips quivered close to mine, but didn’t make contact.

Fuck it. I lunged up since he was so much taller than me, but his warm hands landed on my bare shoulders.

“I’m sorry, Becca.” He pushed me down as he went for his belt.

I’d been tied up with Gian’s belt too many times. Now I got turned on from just the sound, but again I tried to close the louver door.

“No,” he said harshly.

“What are you doing?”

“Not me. You.” He reached into his tuxedo pants and took out his cock. “Suck me.”

“I’ll do whatever you want,” I said, brushing the plummy tip, wetness clinging to my fingers. “Let’s go somewhere else.” This whole game was for people to think I was dating all three of them. Not to see me be lewd with them.

My heart pounded, imagining myself asking Gian for a room. Turning the tables on him.

“No, here. Suck me off. Here. So everyone can see.”

I tried to pull away, but he had a firm grip on me. “No. We don’t have to do this here.”

“People need to see. Need to see you do this to me. It’s for the best, I promise.”

The more I resisted, the harder it would be to turn the tables on him. Maybe not all men could be persuaded with a blow job. But Sebastien could. Years ago, my mouth around his cock gave me power over him.

The taste of him never really left my mouth.

Nodding, I gripped his cock. The gasps of people watching us sent a thrill through me I wasn’t expecting. What a way to stake my independence. I could do whatever I wanted. Including going down on a man in front of New York City’s elite.

I closed my eyes and took Sebastien’s cock into my mouth. Inch by inch, he groaned, sliding in deeper. It felt like forever since my mouth had been on him. His hands gripped my chignon, which would leave my bun wrecked and me looking abused when I left here. I gripped his balls and licked up and down all nine inches of his cock. We measured it once.

“Yeah,” he said a little louder. “Suck me, princess. Just get me off already.”

He was playacting. For who or what? I couldn’t deny the throbbing between my legs feeling Sebastien’s cock in my mouth, knowing what it did to him. He was rather loud when we were younger. Not much had changed.

I pulled off and glanced up at him, fire in his eyes meeting mine. “Please. Let’s go somewhere else.”

“Here. I’m gonna come. Keep working me with that gorgeous mouth.”

Holding my breath, I took all of Seb into my mouth, letting the tip hit the back of my throat. I felt his fingers brush the column, stroking himself through my skin. I relaxed all my muscles, taking tiny breaths through my nose, but really, I just needed to taste more of Sebastien. With my throat relaxed, he slid in even farther.

“Fuck, that’s it.” He came down my throat, wildly thrusting at the end.

Done. I gave him what he wanted. Now, I was strung out and on a fiery edge. I needed to come.

But Sebastien zipped up and bolted off the balcony, leaving me a confused mess.
