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Blindfolded, I wasled to a room. Heart pounding, my nervous hands tugged the belt of the trench coat I threw on when I got kidnapped hours ago.

A man grabbed my arm, his fingers gripping me intimately. His brooding and harsh steps sent icy shivers down my spine. His power, so evident, rattled my nerves, anticipating what would happen next.

Inside a dark bedroom, he shoved me on the bed.

“Strip,” the low gravelly voice filled the room with palpable tension. “That nightgown. Put it on, and only that. Then get back downstairs in two minutes. Don’t make me come back up here to get you.”

The man I couldn’t see left the room. After removing the blindfold, I looked around, Trembling, I wondered where the hell I was. I knew how I got here. They kept my eyes covered in a car for hours then dragged me onto a boat across a lake.

I changed quickly, hoping to avoid their wrath. Wearing the very thin nightgown that brushed the midline of my thighs and nothing else, I padded through the hallway. At the main staircase, I glanced left then right, spotting two other sets of stairs leading to higher floors and lower floors.

No doubt my captors had all the exits locked. A window at the end of the hall spilled light into that corner. Peeking out the glass, my heart ratcheted up seeing nothing for miles, except dense brush. With the lake on the other side, I had no choice but to comply with their demands.

I carefully planted my bare feet on each carpeted step. The entire lower floor was nearly pitch black. All the curtains were open and the moon’s luminesce shined into the house providing my only source of light.

“Hello,” I called out, feeling the goosebumps along my arms. “You dragged me here. Show yourselves! Are you cowards?”

Three men wearing nothing but ski masks and jeans slowly crept into the foyer. They breathed heavily, staring at me. I couldn’t see their faces but God, they looked so damn hungry for me. Wide chests, bulging biceps, and chiseled abs suggested just one of them could overpower me, and there were three of them. Fire thrummed through my veins at their flawless physiques. But for all I knew, these were not the same men who brought me here. Perhaps they grabbed the others while I was dressing.

“What do you want with me?” I demanded.

They said nothing, just licked their lips. Their bare chests rose and fell and one of them, the one to the far right rubbed the front of his pants. I knew what they wanted. Me.

I couldn’t deny how their beautiful bodies made me feel. With my recent sexual awakening, I wanted sex all the time. I couldn’t get enough. This... This might be too much for me. They might be too much for me. Like this.

Then I heard one word drip from all their lips at the same time.


I ran toward the back of the house with their testosterone-fueled scent drenching my senses. I hoped one of those separate staircases would lead all the way to the third floor. No doubt, each monster would take one set of stairs. They covered more ground separately.

By the third floor, the soles of my feet screamed from the hard strides I took over the coarse tweed steps. A hallway stretched out with at least a dozen doors, six on each side. These must have been the housekeeping quarters. I pushed through the very first door and quietly closed it, but left it ajar since that’s how I’d found it.

As I hoped, the narrow bedroom had a massive wardrobe in the corner I could hide in. Rushing that way, my foot slid on a rug with tassels. I crashed hard on my knees and while bracing with my hands, a small depression underneath sparked a wicked memory.

My grandparents owned a house like this. Very old. Just not as nice. My father was technically a self-made billionaire. Grandpa had shown me a special place to hide during the games I played with my sisters and my brother Nate when we were kids.

I pulled the rug away and there... There was an indented knot in the wood. Turning it, a handle popped out. Under the floor, I found a small boxy crawl space via a trap door. I lifted it and the smell of must and mildew choked me. Ha! They wouldn’t expect me to hide here.

I descended the ladder. The crotched rug had a string on the underside I used to pull through the knot hole, setting the rug back in place.

I controlled my breathing, knowing they would scour every room looking for me. Within minutes, the door to the quarters crashed open and footsteps sounded above me. Sprinkles of dust shook from the floorboard with every hard stomp of a man filled with lust-filled fury. So much fury, he’d fuck me even harder with every minute he’d have to wait. I closed my eyes and used the thin eyelet nightgown to cover my nose and mouth so I breathed in nothing that would cause me to sneeze or cough.

The sound of those heavy footsteps petered out of the bedroom and I dropped the nightgown, but still couldn’t take a breath. Didn’t want to breathe or relax.

I was sure they’d find me eventually.

And do bad things to me.

My heart beat faster as I twisted the nightgown in my fingers.

In a matter of seconds, thundering footfalls came back into the room and the top of the trap door wrenched away.

“Smart girl,” he said, his voice deep and harsh, confusing me, racking my nerves that I’d made a terrible mistake.

Who was this man?

With the mask still on, I couldn’t be entirely sure. But I could sense his rage from my nearly outsmarting him. No, a man like this didn’t want easy prey.

“Climb out of there, or I’ll yank you out.”

Swallowing, I stepped on the ladder to lift myself out. When I reached the top, those dark eyes behind the mask inched across every part of my body like a lover’s caress. “You’re mine, princess.”

“I’m the queen and I don’t belong to you,” I yelled and with all my strength pushed him.

Caught off-guard at my sudden outburst, my desire to keep running, he fell back, giving me a few steps to escape.

I’d engaged in a futile effort as he grabbed me from behind in a matter of seconds. His arms wrapped around my middle and lifted me what felt like five feet from the floor.

“Nice try,” the man said, further pinning my arms. “I have her!” He pushed me against the wall, running his hands all over my body, cupping my breasts. “Fuck, these tits, man.”

“Don’t you dare touch me.”

“I will not only touch you. I’m gonna fuck you. Deep.” He brought his face close to mine. “Hard. Everywhere.” He tugged the front of the nightgown and after buttons popped off, my breasts were exposed. The air made my nipples damn hard.

He ran his thumb across the pebbled nubs. “You’re gonna fucking love it. You’ll be begging for my cock. Theirs too.” He turned my head, holding my chin.

The two other men strode toward us. Their masks still on didn’t hide the hunger I could feel in the air. The man holding me already warned me what my fate was on this moonlit night.

Three men fucking me. Hard. Everywhere.

The man grabbed me against his chest and I now faced the two men approaching me. Viscerally aware that my breasts were still exposed, I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood.

“Nice,” the one man said.
