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I grabbed Giancarloby the throat. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d accuse you of angling to steal Becca for yourself. We have no idea where that house is.”

“I doubt that’s what he’s doing.” Sebastien stalked toward us. “Are you, Giancarlo?”

He took a breath, but then shook his head.

“I’m going upstairs to make sure Becca’s okay.” When Bastien tried to follow me, I smashed my fist in his chest. “I love you, man, but I love her more. Got it?”

He stepped back. “Got it.”

“And she loves me too,” I stressed with a catch in my throat. “I know maybe you can’t believe it. But she does. That means I get some goddamn alone time with her.”

“Sure, take all the time you want,” Gian said with his arms crossed. “We’ll just tell the hitman to wait.”

“Anthony,” Rebecca’s voice turned me around. “Yes, I love you. And I want alone time with you too. With each of you. As well as together.”

“Angel, I’m so sorry. What can I do?” I took her in my arms.

“That was quick.” Bastien eyed her up and down.

She’d changed into the clothes Gian recommended. “Being hunted motivated me.” She squeezed me. “When are we leaving?”

Vale loaded his clip with bullets. “I’m ready.”

“Good, I’ll pick her up in the Bronx,” Gian said. He steered Becca to her kitchen window. “Becca, can you climb that fence?”

“To my neighbor’s yard?”

“Yes. There’s a path around the side of the house. Two feet from their front gate is the subway.”

“How do we get into the tunnels?” she asked Vale.

“There’s a ladder to climb down on the far end,” he said. “There’s an access tunnel that runs all the way up to the end of the line. It’s safe. Inspectors use it.”

“Is there a third-rail?” Bastien asked about the electrical power source of the entire system.

“Yes,” Vale answered. “And they sometimes run equipment trolleys along it. But it’s late. They’re done for the day.”

“I’m guessing the rats stay away from the third rail,” Gian said, not looking happy.

“What about homeless people?” I asked.

“No one will get near you, Becca.” Vale loaded another gun with bullets from a storage closet in the corner of the office and shoved it in his coat. “I can’t guarantee no one will be down there. But I’m willing to stake my life the hitman won’t be down there.”

“Why not?” I folded my arms. “You thought of this, Vale. Why would they not guess this and ambush her?”

Bastien pinched his nose. “Messina’s right, Vale. They have to know she’d be getting out of the city and wouldn’t want to be detected.”

“I assume I can take my gun with me,” Becca said.

“Yes, definitely,” Vale said, checking her Ruger and handing it to her. “Here’s your ankle holster.”

She lifted her leg on the desk and the move got me hard. I loved running my hand up her leg and finding that weapon strapped to her thigh, but this got me hot too.

“Becca, I’ll meet you at 167th Street. The north side,” Gian said. “Middle of the block.”

“And if someone bothers them? Just some random asshole?” I said.

“I can handle a random asshole,” Becca said, looking strong. “Not that I think anyone would get past Vale.”

God, I was so proud of her.

“Your phone, Becca.” Gian held out his hand. “Vale, yours too.”

She slipped it out of her pocket and let it fall into his hand. Vale grumbled, but handed his over.

“That wasn’t so hard,” Gian said with a snide expression my way.

“She handed it over to you. You didn’t destroy it.”

“Oh, I’ll be destroying it.” Gian already had it unlocked, fucking hacker. “I’ll save your pictures on a thumb drive, Becca.”

I resisted an eyeroll, knowing I already sounded like a jerk. Fuck-all, though. Phones were our lifeblood.

“Gian, can’t she turn it off?” I asked. “Can’t you debug it? I really don’t want her making this trip without a phone. Vale, too.”
