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“Giancarlo, I need toknow where your safehouse is.” I slid into a cotton romper. “There shouldn’t be any secrets between us.”

“Yeah, but they——” He pointed to Bastien and Anthony.

I got up in his face. “They are part of what we have. But I’m talking about you and me.” I stroked his chin, loving the feel of his stubble. “Too stressed to shave?” I whispered, keeping the moment between us.

Part of what I learned about us as a four-way couple, each man needed individual attention. While our group lovemaking ratcheted up the heat between us with all kinds of kinks, and I considered myself involved with three men, I didn’t regard them as three cocks to satisfy me.

Four cocks... If Julian joined us.

I snuck a look at him and his eyes were right on me. When I quirked a smile, he...smiled back.

“You were saying something, Becca?” Gian brought my chin back so our eyes locked.

I didn’t say I didn’t get distracted now and then...

“I missed you, Gian.” I kissed him, feeling Julian’s eyes on me and it heated me even more.

“I missed you.” He stroked my cheek after breaking the kiss.

“You were in Ireland?” I whispered.

He stared at me and then over at Julian, figuring that was how I knew. “My Aunt Siobhan died.”

“I’m sorry. Were you close with her?”

“Not at all. I barely knew her.” He connected his eyes to mine again. “My father sent me.”

“I see.” I didn’t believe any of these men had a hand in this plot to kill me. But I also believed their fathers were involved. Somehow.

Something told me my men thought so too.

“I’ll show you where the safehouse is.” Gian hugged me. “But they get blindfolded.”

“No,” Anthony said, sliding a hand around my waist and nuzzling my neck. “That’s how we fucked up the first time. Relying on one person to protect her.”

Gian’s eyes slipped closed. “Fine. But not him,” he said, pointing to Julian.

Putting his hands up, Julian said, “The less I know about the kind of shit you monsters are involved in—”

“Monsters?” Bastien bit out.

“You’re killers. All three of you. I’m a fucking Fed.” He slapped his chest. “I can’t be—”

“Jules,” I stopped him. “Don’t say that. Don’t make any decisions. Not now.”

He dropped his hands and glared at the guys before looking back at me. “Fine.” The tension in his voice worried me.

“Speaking of killers...” Anthony strolled up to Julian. “Your father was no saint.”

Julian drew a few breaths before speaking. “I know.”

With Julian’s father once in the game, I had hoped he could connect with us. We all came from an organized crime background. Deep inside our cores, we were the same. Forged from the same fire.

I squeezed Giancarlo, needing to feel his arms around me. As well as Anthony, who I held with my other hand. The three of us stayed in a tangle until Sebastien came and wedged himself in with us.

Hmmm. Where would Julian fit in?

A glance over to him suggested he’d been thinking the same thing. After a deep breath where I felt more whole and secure than I had since...shit, forever, I wriggled away and got my queen face on.

“Have you made any progress figuring out who the new hitman is, Gian? Were you able to at least dig into who offered the contract?”

“No,” he said, sounding mad. “It wasn’t very feasible working from one laptop in a remote town in Ireland where the entire village shared one weak Wi-Fi channel.”

“If I have the right firewall to work behind, I have tradecraft knowledge to dig deeper in a way you can’t, Giancarlo,” Julian said with this head held high. Dressed in a tee shirt and sweatpants compared to the suit Gian put back on, I could sense he respected Julian’s grittiness to get his hands dirty on the dark web. “I admit, I acted rash and just wanted Rebecca to be protected. I thought you were wolves in sheeps’ clothing. I needed her safe first before I figured out...”

“Yeah, Russo?” Anthony barked.

“You’re wolves all right.”

Bastien gave a low throaty chuckle.

“But I see now, you’re sincere.” Julian pushed off the wall he’d been leaning against. “As far as Rebecca is concerned. I’m sincere too. I want her.”

“I’m not ready to open up what we have to include him,” Anthony announced. “Sorry.”

I stroked his face, baby smooth, but his thick Italian facial hair always bothered him. “That’s fair. You each needed time to accept what we have. The four of us. But I want Julian with us.”

Yeah, I said it...


TWO HOURS LATER, Igazed in wonder at what Gian’s safehouse looked like as we crossed the lake. I glanced behind me and shivered at Bastien and Anthony each holding a gun against their chest, ready to shoot anyone who even looked in our direction. With shades on their eyes, they glared up and down the lake. They looked more like bodyguards than mafia princes who pranced all over Manhattan behind their own guards.

Julian sat behind me, blindfolded. To his credit, he stayed quiet.

Gian tied the boat to the dock and Anthony helped me up the ladder. When he and Bastien surrounded me on the dock, Gian said, “Get her in the house.” He tapped on his phone. “The kitchen door is unlocked.”

“Food?” Anthony said.

“Not yet. I have a service that will drop off food.”

“Where will they drop it off?” I asked, looking around.

His cheek twitched. “We need to talk, the four of us.”


“I’m not giving in on this one. We’ve not been alone with you since we found you. You need to be debriefed.”

“Seriously,” Julian said, yanking down his blindfold. “Oh sorry. Were you not ready for the reveal?”

“You could have taken it off when we got in the boat,” Gian said wryly.

When Julian lunged for him, I stepped in between them. “Guys...” Of all people, they needed to get along the most. “Jules, I do need to speak to my men.”

I didn’t play fast and loose with my words. Julian wasn’t mine yet. Bastien, Anthony, and Gian needed to approve. I wouldn’t add that kind of tension to what we had. In matters of business, I was their queen and they obeyed me, but behind closed doors, I was theirs. I let them be in charge of me. And I loved our dynamic.

“Come on, I’ll show you a room you can sleep in.” Bastien pulled Julian by his jacket.

I glanced at the house, the way it rose up toward the clouds. When we were here a few weeks ago, we didn’t get much sleep. The window on the third floor reflected off the setting sun, reminding me of that staff corridor and the room with the crawl space in the floor. Another fantasy hit me.


If I had to hide out here, I would make decadent use of my time with these virile men. And I had the perfect way to bring us all together.
