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COFFEE, A SWIM IN THElake, and a shower woke me up, but nothing felt as good as Rebecca’s morning kiss. I fingered her tangled hair, and kissed her bruised lips from us having our way with her. I’d hoped we would enjoy a full lazy summer Sunday down at the lake making love to her, but Anthony’s phone going off in my safehouse still rattled me.

The hitman site stayed stone-cold quiet. But I had noticed an influx of new users joining the group. Could have been the site master just massively dumping group links all over the place to boost users on the system, but my gut didn’t think so.

After breakfast, I broke the news we should leave.

I insisted everyone wear blindfolds once we got in my decoy car on the other side of the lake. I said it was okay to remove them once we reached the Massachusetts Turnpike. I’d made a massive detour off the New York Throughway that added three hours to the trip.

But safety mattered more when Rebecca’s life hung in the balance.

We stopped for dinner at a place in Tribeca that always kept a table open for Anthony in a private room. It didn’t compare to the feast Bastien cooked, but the food was great. It was all shop talk, Rebecca hinting that Bastien was her closest advisor, her consigliere. Considering neither Anthony nor I had a law degree, it wasn’t something I could argue.

It didn’t dimmish who she and I were as a couple. Rebecca’s bedroom eyes smiled at each of us the same. The sun had set, and a rare chill in the air set in. We piled into the limo we’d swapped out in Washington Heights where a soldier of mine returned the old clunker back to the safehouse.

That kind of security cost a fortune and came rife with risks. Good thing I hadn’t planned on going back there anytime soon. My penthouse at the Warwick hotel was plenty good enough to get my fill of Rebecca. Or her townhouse.

My groin stirred, wanting her again. Eyeing Anthony and Bastien, I knew me asking for time alone with her would ruffle feathers.

We were still figuring shit like that out.

With my limo idling in front of her townhouse in Midtown, Rebecca crawled in our laps one by one and said goodbye. Vale, her bodyguard waited by the front door. She’d sleep alone tonight, but she’d be safe.

Being closest to the door, I got her last. “Did you have a good time, baby? Did I give you what you wanted?”

She’d asked me to arrange her rape fantasy. “It was everything I’ve wanted. You’re everything I’ve wanted.” Her kiss did me in. “I love you.”

“I love you.” More. But I kept that to myself.

The driver opened the door. Vale and Gil, her other guard, walked her past the iron gate and up the stone steps. I signaled for the driver to go.

Only, Bastien pounded on the armrest. “Stop. I’m getting out. Sorry, guys. I’m not ready to say goodbye to her.” He pushed out the car door leaving me and Anthony staring each other.

After a moment, Messina took out his phone. “They have a lot of shit to make up for.”

I hated that Anthony was right. And waited to get screamed at when he figured out, I’d reset his phone back to the factory setting.
