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‘Oh, we were just amusing ourselves, you know. Passing the time.’

‘Indeed?’ His gaze bored into me, daring me to say it.

‘Indeed, Sir.’

‘Doing what?’

The pile of snow that had been the snowman Ambrose’s head chose this strategic moment to crumble. The dilapidated black top hat fell off and rolled a few yards before coming to rest in front of Mr Ambrose’s feet. He gave it a look. One of those looks. Honestly, I was surprised the poor hat didn’t spontaneously grow legs and run to hide behind the nearest tree.

‘I see.’

Adaira, I noticed, had begun to inch away from the evidence of our little snow escapade. Trying to escape, was she? I had to commend her initiative, but I could have told her it wouldn’t work. This was Rikkard Ambrose we were dealing with. He lifted his eyes from the offending top hat and nailed her to the spot with just one icy look.

‘You. To your room.’

‘What? You can’t do that! You’re not my father!’

‘Indeed I am not. If I were, you would most likely not obey. Now - go!’

Poor girl. She had no chance. Her legs ran away with her, and she just had time to throw me one last supportive look before she disappeared into the manor house.

Finally, Mr Ambrose turned away from his sister, and our eyes met again. My mouth felt dry, and I cleared my throat.

‘I…I can explain-’

That was all I got out before he crossed the distance between us with three long strides and pulled me against him. His lips crashed down on mine, taking my mouth with a cold ferocity that made me shiver inside. His nose brushed mine, and it didn’t feel at all like a carrot.

Well…this wasn’t the kind of explanation I had planned, but it would do just fine in my opinion.

‘You…!’ Breathing hard, he broke away just long enough to glare down at me, then reclaimed my lips and started to kiss the life out of me. ‘You’re impossible! Unlike any other woman I’ve ever…You’re impossible!’

‘Does this mean you’ve reconsidered my offer after all?’


The word was a ferocious growl against my lips. I pulled a face - which is not easy thing to do while being kissed by Rikkard Ambrose, believe me. ‘You’re being unreasonable about this.’

‘I, unreasonable? You’re the one who is suggesting that I…that we…’

I waited - but he couldn’t even say it. Living in sin apparently didn’t appeal to him for some reason. Strange. I would have thought he’d jump at a cheaper alternative to marriage.

‘Just think about it,’ I coaxed. ‘There would be no commitment, no pressure, no need for a really, really expensive ceremony-”

‘That will not happen!’ he hissed. ‘Either you will be mine completely, or not all.’


His hands slid into my hair, holding me fast. ‘Because I am a gentleman.’

‘And a chauvinistic tyrant.’

He did not deny it.

‘I heard you and Adaira talking at the end.’


‘And you were talking nonsense!’
