Page 61 of Daddy

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“I love you.”

I watched her face carefully, suddenly feeling a bit vulnerable. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead before practically melting against me.

“I love you too, now and forever.”

“Now and forever?” I repeated, totally and irrevocably under her spell.


Huh, a guy could get used to that.



“And here’s to the business woman who’s going to knock all of our socks off!”

“Here, here!”

Everyone raised their hand in a toast to me, but I just covered my face, blushing at the cheesy words from Fitz. Even after two years together, he was still as sappy as when we had first confessed just how much we meant to each other.

And I absolutely loved it.

I looked up at his face, smiling and laughing with the friends that we had made together. They were all here to celebrate me, or rather the company I made with all the clientele I had managed to build up in the past two years, but I had my own plans in mind for the night.

Fitz sat down next to me once more and I pulled him into a chaste little kiss. It was nothing compared to how I would hungrily devour him once we were home, but I’d learned to contain myself in polite company. Mostly.

He gazed at me so warmly when we parted that my cheeks color and our fingers wound together like we were school yard crushes. I didn’t mind though, it distracted him from everything as the waiters started serving the dessert that we had all ordered before the toasting began.

Just like I asked, they made sure everyone had their dish before Fitz, serving him last. I watched him from slightly as a single chocolate cupcake was placed in front of him with a white layer of frosting on top to make a flat surface. There were words on that surface, words that I had debated on using at all.

“This isn’t what I ordered,” he said to the waiter, but I squeezed his hand to cut him off.

“Are you sure?” I murmured. “Because I think it is.”

He looked back to me, confused, but clearly knowing something was going on. Finally, he actually looked at the damn things and read it aloud.

“Number one Dad,” he said slowly before chuckling slightly. He didn’t get it yet. “Hah, normally you prefer to call me Dadd-” he stopped mid word, his eyes going wide as his head snapped towards me.

He got it now.

“Are you-” he sputtered, too many words trying to get out of his mouth at once. “Are we- Is-”

I nodded, feeling happy tears well up behind my eyes. “We’re pregnant,” I confirmed, barely able to get the words out.

Suddenly he was hugging me. So warm, so tight, so loved. A cheer rounded the entire table and I could tell our friends were filming or taking photos, but for once I wanted our private moment to be recorded. I wanted to watch Fitz’ face from every angle and see the same joy that I had when he had realized.

He pulled away, looking me over like I was some sort of modern miracle, then peppered my entire face with kisses, tears and all. I laughed giddily at his ready affection before his lips covered mine and they told me just how much I meant to him.

And how much our child was going to mean to him.

I was breathless by the time he pulled away and I didn’t know if I would ever catch that breath again. But I didn’t need it. I had everything I needed right in front of me.

“I love you,” I whispered when we parted, foreheads resting against each other.

“And I love you. More than you could ever know.”

“Is that so?” I murmured, never passing up the chance to be a little mouthy with the man I was head over heels for. The man whose baby I was carrying. “I guess I’ve got a lifetime to figure it out then.”

“Yes,” he rasped, smiling so tenderly I thought I might melt right there and then. “Yes, you do.”

***The End***
