Page 41 of Married to the Wolf

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“No, don’t, Sebastian.”

He pushed up again with a grunt, ignoring her command. Seconds later, his come filled her, and they relaxed together.

“I’m not sure

that was healing,” she muttered around heavy breaths.

“Trust me. It was very therapeutic.”

The wolves were back in the room, all of them. She knew when they walked in that they smelled the remnants of her and Sebastian’s lovemaking. Hell, they’d probably heard every creak the bed made and her exclamations of delight. She should be used to it, but she was embarrassed all the same.

Sebastian, the arrogant thing, looked satisfied with himself. She rolled her eyes at him, and he had the nerve to wink. Afterward he turned to Alex. “Alex, I can help you with that.” Sebastian nodded toward the bandaged arm of his Guard.

“I’m not so weak that I can’t deal with this, Sebastian. Besides, you need to concentrate on healing yourself.”

“I’m fine.”

Sophia slipped away while they spoke to go into the bathroom and clean up. She wasn’t comfortable with so many of them in their bedroom, but she understood how they needed to be close to Sebastian. Honestly, she felt a little better with the muscle around as well. When Sebastian first told her she had to have Guard, she’d bucked, but now she saw the need. Even with them, he was hurt. It could easily have been her. The worse part was that she didn’t have their ability to heal, which meant she would be dead right now.

As she thought of possibly dying, she wondered about Sebastian’s reaction. He was so passionate all the time when it came to her. By nature he was possessive and dominant. Would he snap if she was killed and tear everyone and everything to pieces?

Just means I have to be careful so he won’t.

When she came out of the bathroom, she found that most of the shifters had transformed into their wolf forms. She wondered if Sebastian ordered it. They lay all around, some stretching and yawning. Perhaps they’d had little sleep or after Sebastian nearly wrecked their minds, they were worn out. God knows she hoped all the drama was over for the time being.

The wolves looked toward the door at the same time, and dread stirred in her belly. Seconds after it burst open, and she jumped. She was getting pretty tired of being the last to be in on what was happening. Then again, she didn’t have much choice compared to their noses and hearing.

She assumed the panting man in the doorway was the one Alex had called William, but she didn’t know him that well. “Sir, we’ve got company. One of the men down at the gate said they spotted several vehicles heading up the road and more wolves amidst the trees.”

Sebastian sat up and swung his feet over the side of the bed. Sophia rushed to his side to try to prevent him from rising. He brushed her hands away, his focus on William. “Do we know who it is specifically?”

“All three packs.”

Sebastian went still. “All…three?”

“Yes, sir. Some of our people are among them. They may have gone to meet with the others while you were down.” His gaze shifted to Sophia and back to Sebastian. “Word is they’re calling for her death. They blame her for the hunters finding us after so many years.”

“That’s bullshit,” Alex snapped. “Everyone knows it was Belle.”

Sebastian’s voice turned gravelly, and his teeth sharpened to that of the wolf’s. “They’re calling for my wife’s death? They’ll have to go over my dead body.”

Cold fear crawled down Sophia’s back. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. A pack of wolves were headed toward the mansion, and they had one thing on their mind. Her death. She looked around at the wolves crowding the room and at her husband who wasn’t as weak as a kitten but he looked pretty shaky. There wasn’t a chance in hell they could stand against the enemy.

Sebastian stood, and his nails became claws that ripped the bandages on his body to shreds. He dropped the pieces to the floor. “You’ll fight with me, I assume?”

He was asking everyone in the room, and every one of them answered right away. They were with him. Sophia got to her own shaky feet. This situation was beyond her, but she couldn’t sit there and let them risk their lives on her behalf.

“I-If you have a weapon in the house, I could use it,” she croaked. “I’ve never shot a gun in my life, but if it’s me or someone else, I can put a bullet in them.”

Sebastian snorted for an instant and then grew serious. “You will stay put, Sophia. In this room. Ava, you’ll watch over her.”

Ava yipped because she hadn’t changed back into her human form, and neither had Diana and Darla. Sophia started to protest, but Sebastian continued to instruct his men.

“Alex, find out who is loyal to me on the property. No, never mind. I’ll do it.” He shut his eyes, but Alex grabbed his arm.

“Sir, talking to so many at once, that will take a lot of energy. I can get out there and get the feel of where their thoughts are. They’ll open up to me. Let me do this.”

“No, this ends today. I won’t continue to be questioned about my decision to mate with and marry Sophia. I can read their hearts and minds at once and be sure. Let’s move. And, men, whoever bares their teeth to me and threatens my wife dies. Got it?”
