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“What do you think is going to happen when you get too angry tomorrow? Or when one of your people is killed or even hurt at the hands of one of the shifters? You have to wait until a full moon to change for the first time, and only with the help of one strong enough to lead you. Darryl and all the rest can change at will. They are the most vicious of the shifters, and they will kill your people. Look at what happened to you at the beach.”

Shae stopped struggling. “If I do it early, then I can put it behind me and…”

“And go insane.”

“How do you know that? I might be different. You said yourself you’re different from your family members. Maybe American wolf shifters aren’t like that.”

“Then why did Darryl agree to wait?”

Defeat slumped her shoulders. “What are you suggesting?”

He stroked her arms, and she did all she could not to let it excite her. She failed miserably. Her pussy clenched and moistened. If she could smell her want, he could as well. She shut her eyes, feeling herself sway toward him, but standing rigid so as not to allow her body to brush his. How could a woman want a man as bad as she wanted him? Even when Darryl controlled her desires and made her hot, it wasn’t like this. Eiji. Damn it all, she could chant his name. Why did she have to meet him? Why him? When he left…

A voice inside her head cried out, “No!”, and she wondered if it was her awakening wolf.

“Go somewhere safe with me. Wait it out. When it’s your time, I will guide you.”

To cover her weakness, Shae put a hand on her hip and tilted her head to the side. “How do you know you’re strong enough? I mean, after all, you’re just a rogue wolf, right?”

She didn’t expect him to change. One minute he stood in her bedroom fully dressed. The next he shifted in a smooth, almost magical transition. He bent forward so his hands touched the floor, and as he did, his composition melted and reshaped. Hair sprang from every pore while his clothes fell away. Shae’s jaw went slack at the huge white wolf standing before her. Pale gray eyes blinked at her, daring her to question his ability to handle his business. Any other time, she’d feel that familiar tightness in the pit of her stomach when she came face-to-face with a shifter, because these weren’t mere animals. They could reason like a human and were multiple times stronger than their animal counterparts. Eiji didn’t instill fear in her. She didn’t know if it was because she was now like him—or almost so—or if it was because of the man himself.

“You’re beautiful.” She dropped to her knees and found her head lower than his. “Damn, you’re huge.”

She scratched the spot just beneath his ear and nuzzled her face into his fur. Eiji bumped her away with his nose toward the suitcase, and she sighed.

“Fine. I’ll go.” She stood and began repacking her things. Could she set her family on Darryl and his people? They were more family now. Was it wrong, and what about Eiji?

“You have to call and tell them not to come.”

She jumped at Eiji’s voice just behind her, but she didn’t turn around because she hadn’t heard him put his clothes back on. If she saw his naked body, she’d jump him, and they would get nowhere tonight.

“I don’t know what I’m going to tell them, especially since I confirmed there are wolves here.”

“Think of something.”

She glared over her shoulder at the cold demand.

“We’re not going to be here. You can’t tell me you give a fuck about Darryl.”

Eiji slipped into his pants and pulled them over lean hips. Shae enjoyed the view of the solid abs with rippled muscle. “When the time is right, I will kill him. The others only if they get in my way, but that is between us, not the humans.”

She gaped at his calm statement.

“Your people will be hurt or killed, and that will hurt you. Call them.”


He left the room with her suitcase. She flipped him off and then called Joe. She might not like it, but Eiji was right. Her family had to be warned off for just a little while.

A short time later, they were on the road. The house Eiji drove her to was located in the Hollywood Hills. The steep drive up to the house was long and winding, and the first appearance of the place sparked excitement in her belly. This was more along the lines of what she was used to. A multilevel structure with smooth white stone walls on the outside, small palm trees brought out the Western design along with strategic backlighting. When she stepped inside, she found more opulence and design to coax away the stresses of the day. An entire back wall was made of glass, and beyond it, an area held relaxing furniture, a built-in hot tub, and an unobstructed view of the city.

“You’re renting this?” she asked Eiji.

His hand tightened on her suitcase handle, and his face reddened. “Izumi owned it. I rented one house and chose the other to live in.”

“You got the better one.”

He frowned. “Because it was taken first.”
