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She cursed him under her breath. “I said let me go.”

He held her a little longer and then backed up. Shae went about packing her things, and when she went to lift her suitcase from the bed, he edged her aside and did it for her. She hated how she lusted after the bastard.

“Just…just sit it over there in the corner,” she snapped.

He made no comment but did as she asked. For the rest of the day, they didn’t talk much. Eiji cooked while Shae practiced with the katana. She refused to let him show her by touching, so he instructed with words alone, and at the end of the day, exhausted, she fell into bed. Eiji stood in the doorway, and she felt his eyes on her. She rolled over.

“Are you coming in?”

He strolled forward and kicked the door shut, and then lay down next to her. Shae wanted to keep arguing, to tell him he was wrong, but she settled into his embrace, and just like he said she would, she spread her legs for him to feel his shaft sink deep inside her heat. Damn you, Eiji, for making me love you.

Chapter Eleven

A noise woke Shae from her sleep, and she discovered whatever it was had awakened Eiji first. He stood at the door with his hand on the knob. He wore pajama bottoms and no shirt, and she rolled silently to her feet and slipped on a pair of shorts and dragged a T-shirt over her head. The katana lay on the carpeted floor beside the bed, and she caught it up and unsheathed it. She smelled them now, Darryl and his boys, and if the distinctive scent were any indication, they were already inside the house.

Glass shattered somewhere nearby, setting her teeth on edge. Eiji’s broad shoulders shifted as he loosened his muscles, but before he could open the door, someone thrust it wide, sending him falling backward. Three men advanced into the room, one morphing into a wolf as he ran. The beast landed in the middle of Eiji’s chest, but Eiji threw him against the wall. The crunch of bone gave Shae a sense of satisfaction, but she had no time to focus on her lover. More people flooded the room. From the look of it, Darryl commanded more than she’d thought, or he had allies.

Throwing caution to the wind, she sprang into action, swinging the sword just as Eiji had taught her to do. The sharp blade caught the end of a man’s arm, and he made the mistake of trying to stop it with his bare hand. Blood spattered onto the carpet.

“Even a werewolf isn’t invincible, fool,” she sneered at him and went after the next bastard who came at her while the last crouched on the floor holding his wounded hand. A flick of her wrist and a lunge dragged the sword across the man’s torso. He crashed to his knees, growling like a wolf, but it did no good with the amount of blood pouring from his wound. Shae kicked him in the chin to send him the rest of way to the floor. He didn’t get up again.

Somehow she fought her way to the hall and then down it to the living room. The mistake came when she ran into the spot where someone had smashed a lamp. Shards of glass cut into her feet, and she lamented not taking the time to put on shoes. The momentary distraction was enough for someone to grab her from behind and wrap a muscled arm around her neck. She gasped for breath and kicked back at his leg. He winced, but his grip didn’t lessen. The tighter he squeezed, the less strength she retained to hold on to the katana. The weapon clattered onto a nearby table and then rolled off to hit the floor. The next instant, Darryl appeared before her, and the man holding her let go. The back of Darryl’s hand and his hard knuckles connected with her jaw. Despite locking her jaw, the blow wrenched a cry from her, and she slammed against the wall.

A growl of rage seemed to shake the house on the hill. Several men screamed in pain, and a small crowd of them fell backward from the hall. They didn’t stay down long, but sprang up to their feet, Eiji stalking in wolf form. With the moon shimmering through the open terrace doors, his white hair shined like something ethereal. For a moment, they all appeared to be transfixed, and time stood still. Then Darryl came to his senses and grabbed Shae again by the throat. She struggled to get free to no avail.

“Stop,” he snapped at Eiji, who had coiled to attack. “Before you can reach me, I’ll have crushed her windpipe. I told you not to fucking touch her, but I can smell you all over her. You marked her, you son of a bitch. She’s mine.”

Eiji shifted and stood on two feet. The white hair receded, all except for the silken locks on his head. She couldn’t help thinking how sexy this Asian man looked with pale hair, but it also told her Eiji was on the edge of a rampage.

“He killed Travon,” one of the men told his alpha. “And John and JD.”

“Kill him,” Darryl roared.

Several men sprang forward.

Shae screamed, “No!”

“I challenge your position as alpha,” Eiji blurted.

Everyone froze.

“Who the fuck you think you are challenging Darryl,” one of the guys spat.

“He has the right.”

Shae glanced at the man who’d spoken, and something told her he was close to Darryl. He seemed calmer than the others. When he had spoken, the man criticizing Eiji fell silent and stepped back a pace, but they all looked at Darryl. When he said nothing, Eiji cut in again.

“If you’re afraid…”

Shae’s knees gave out, and she sank to the floor finding herself released.

Darryl sucked his teeth and sneered at Eiji, eyeing him up and down. “Afraid of what? Give me room.”

Everybody fell back, including Shae. Trying to keep her gaze on the two men circling each other, she dug bits of glass out of her foot. Her heart raced so hard it hurt. They fought over her, and she was tempted to yell she didn’t want either one of them, but that wasn’t true. She wanted Eiji, and she definitely didn’t want him dead. Darryl beating him didn’t bear thinking on. She searched her surroundings for the katana, not giving a damn about their rules. The minute she got a chance, she’d take the bastard down, but someone must have picked up the sword because she didn’t see it.

A hand dropped on her shoulder, and she jumped. She peered over and found the guy she had studied earlier. When the hell had he crossed from the other side of the room to stand next to her?

“If your boyfriend wins,” he whispered to her, “he gets to be alpha, but that won’t last long, because I will challenge him.”
