Page 4 of False Pretenses

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“I’ll have a Suburban,” Nathan said. “And you, honey?”

Alyssa just caught herself from starting at the endearment. The woman waited with a polite expression that didn’t light her eyes. Alyssa rested a hand on Nathan’s arm in a possessive move designed to piss her off. She almost laughed at the attendant’s cringe. “I’ll have a Cosmopolitan, if you don’t mind. Thanks.”

“Sure,” came the tight reply, and she turned away.

“Good girl,” Nathan whispered in her ear, sending chills racing each other down her spine. When her drink came, she took a few fortifying sips and relaxed in her seat while they hurtled toward an experience she wasn’t sure she was ready for.

* * * *

A man in a dark chauffeur’s uniform waited for them in the baggage claiming area. Alyssa was surprised the vehicle they rode in wasn’t a limo, but the town car was nice all the same. When they pulled up before a hotel that could be nothing other than five star, she turned to him. “I thought we were staying at your family home.”

He slid from the car and held out a hand to her when the driver opened the door for him. Alyssa put her hand in his, not startled this time at the tingle.

“We will tomorrow,” he explained. “While we’re getting to know each other better, I don’t want to be under the watchful eyes of the staff.”

She blinked. “Staff?”

“Yes, it’s a large home. Since my father and I are usually busy with work-related issues even while on vacation, and my mother and sister have their pursuits, someone needs to cook and clean. We hire staff to do that. We’ve had the same people come in seasonally to work for us. They’re locals.”

Alyssa thought of the apartment she rented, which Trinity had insulted. She’d spoken the truth when she said Alyssa lived in a higher crime area, but it was all she could afford. New York was an expensive city no matter where one chose to reside. She wanted to do better, and hopefully with the loan and changes made to her store, she could in time.

Nathan wrapped Alyssa’s fingers around his arm and guided her into the hotel. After checking in, she was glad to find the suite he’d booked held separate bedrooms. She counted three along with a kitchen, living room, and dining room.

“Are we expecting anyone else?” she asked, bewildered.


“It’s a bit much for one night.” She strolled to the middle of the suite that was larger and nicer than her apartment and stood there. Behind her, Nathan thanked and tipped the bellman. The door whooshed shut, and the automatic lock clicked into place.

“Come here, Alyssa.”

She peered at him over her shoulder. He held out a hand, causing her heart to hammer.


All of sudden, she forgot how to walk as she stumbled to him. He stood in the hall, off the kitchen, and she joined him there. When his hands settled on her arms, she shivered. He stroked her skin with a featherlight touch.

“The more I touch you, the more comfortable you’ll be.”

She swallowed. “You’re not going to try to seduce me, are you? Because you’re not my type.”

His brows went up at her bald statement. Maybe he believed every woman wanted him. The way she shook and panted being this close to him, he would know the truth just looking at her. She did her best to pull it together.

“I don’t plan on it. But you’re telling me you feel nothing when I do this?” He raised her chin, leaned down, and kissed her lips, a touch that was a far cry from what she’d attempted on the plane.

When he raised his head, she thanked the heavens for her cocoa skin so he couldn’t see her flush. “It’s not bad or anything.”

He winced.

Score one for me.

“Well, I guess I will have to try harder.” He came in for another kiss, but she wriggled out of his grasp and hurried away.

“Which of these rooms is mine? I need to get cleaned up, and I would love to take a quick nap before dinnertime.”

She expected him to protest, but he let her go and pointed her in the right direction. Alyssa found her bags already settled at the base of the bed and shut her door to go through one of them. For a good ten minutes, she sorted through her clothing while her mind raced with thoughts of Nathan Corde’s lips. They’d been warm and soft, and he tasted better than any lover she’d ever had. Wait, don’t even go there, girl. He is not now, and never will be, your lover. Period.

How would things have gone if it were Trinity? She loved Curtis, but could she pretend to love Nathan, and would she have flinched at his kisses? Alyssa sat on the bed. Maybe this entire fiasco was just that, a ruse for Nathan to get a black woman in his bed. Then again, that was absurd. The man stood several inches over six feet and had a body most men would pay good money to have, not to mention he was rich. Women of all kinds would line up to share his bed.
