Page 8 of False Pretenses

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Alyssa began walking, and Nathan fell into step beside her. She kept her attention on putting one foot in front of the other because just as he had insinuated, that kiss had lit her on fire. All she could do was fight to keep her hands to herself and not suggest to him that they go back to his room. She wasn’t into jumping into bed with men she had just met, and while Nathan wasn’t exactly new, he was Trinity’s boss. That could make things awkward for her cousin, and Trinity didn’t deserve it.

“Why did you agree to come with me, if you don’t mind my asking?”

She stumbled, and his hand shot out to catch her before she fell. Yes, she did mind him asking. Stalling, she pushed her hair back from her face when a breeze stirred it. “I told you I grew up with Trinity. Doing this favor for you meant a lot to her, and for her it meant a lot to me. She’s been there for me when I needed her. I wanted to give back in a way that I could.”

He listened in attentiveness to her explanation, and while he nodded when she finished, she wondered if he believed it. Then she decided she didn’t care if he did or didn’t. Her money issues were her problem, and a man like him couldn’t understand anyway. After some moments, he reached out and threaded his fingers with hers. She tried pulling away, but he held on.

“There will be times we walk along the beach with my family present. A couple in love wants to touch each other often.” He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it. She shivered, and he frowned in concern. “Are you cold?”

“Um, no. I’m good, thanks.”

He tugged her to his side and wrapped an arm about her shoulders. This time she didn’t flinch or pull away. Deciding she wanted this to work, she nuzzled in under his arm and laid her head against his shoulder. They moved as one, taking slow steps. I bet to anyone looking we seem like a couple. She peered up at his face. What would it be like to love a man like him?

“Shouldn’t I know more about you, like your routine?” she asked.

He snapped his fingers. “You’re right. Come. We’ll sit down here and study.”

They found beach chairs, and Nathan brushed the seats free of sand. For the next few hours, they sat together sharing some intimate and some boring details of their everyday lives.

“I own a bookstore,” Alyssa confessed, “and I never thought we’d have anything in common, but I guess we’re both workaholics.”

Nathan agreed. “We don’t get a lot of time to spend together, so we cherish what we can.”

She ducked her head. He spoke as if they really were a couple. The man had the acting thing down pat. “I text you just to say I love you at various times of the day.”

He fingered her palm. That was the kind of thing she dreamed of having with someone, a closeness that reached across space and time, trust and loyalty that didn’t waver. Would Nathan be faithful to the woman he dated, or would he tell her up front she would never be the only one?

“I’m not into open relationships,” she blurted, and he started in surprise.

“Neither am I. I do not share my woman.” Switching directions, he added, “My favorite food is French fries.”

She laughed. “Seriously?”

“Does that seem weird?”

“I don’t know. You don’t look like the French fry type.”


He didn’t appear to be offended, so she told him the truth. “The corporate kind of man who knows which of the fancy forks to use when at a formal dinner.”

His boyish smile took her breath away. “Ah, but that’s the appeal of the French fry. You can’t enjoy it unless you eat it with your fingers.”

“And it’s not good if it’s not a little greasy.”


After another hour or so of getting to know each other, Alyssa began nodding off, and Nathan rose and dragged her to her feet. By now his arms around her had started to feel normal and comfortable.

“Time for bed,” he announced.

She yawned, leaning on his chest, and they strolled back to the room. “Good night,” Alyssa murmured and stumbled into her room. She shut and locked the door and then leaned on it. Even the chilly panel didn’t cool her hot body. Everything about him excited her, from his smile, to his voice, to his eyes, and his touch…

She didn’t know how she would bear the coming week. At least if she revealed her attraction, she could put it down to great acting. If nothing else, she needed to guard her heart and know, in the end, it would all benefit her business.

* * * *

In the late afternoon, Alyssa and Nathan checked out of the hotel and were driven to another location. When Alyssa stepped into the lobby of the new place, she wrinkled her nose in confusion and turned to Nathan. “I thought we were going to your parents’ house? What’s the name of this hotel?”
