Page 23 of His Best Man's Baby

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She grabbed Big Girls Do It Better and dropped it on his stack of books. “I think this one’s yours.”

He looked down and read the cover, then back up at her. At his confused blink, Tae bit the inside of her cheek and fought not to crack a smile. After a moment, he grinned, and the sunshine came out in her world. “I don’t think so, but why would you read it?”

Now the tables were turned, and she struggled to defend her habit of devouring pieces that had little to do with her major in literature. “I…”

His hot gaze traveled from her face, to her breasts, on down to her wide hips and thighs. “You don’t match the woman on the cover, but then maybe you were curious?”

Was this his way of complimenting her? Or was he saying she wasn’t white like the woman on the cover, so why was she in his face? Before she could formulate an answer, he continued.

“You’re a very beautiful woman and a far cry from being described as ‘big.’”

Her heart almost leaped from her chest. “I think you missed my thick thighs and big booty, but thank you for the compliment.”

He helped her to her feet and gathered the rest of her books. Rather than hand them over, he offered to carry them to the register for her, and Tae accepted.

Before she knew it they were dating, and she was falling desperately in love. There had been one problem at the time—she was a virgin, and while she was no little thing like he claimed, Daniel was huge both in height and build—and in his pants. The night she invited him to her apartment with a mind toward having sex, she’d been nervous as hell.

Daniel wore slacks and a button-up shirt. His blond hair was combed to perfect order, and he looked good enough to eat. In fact, the whiff of his cologne made her mouth water. The man made things worse when he touched her arm in a gentle caress, his blue eyes filled with concern.

“What’s wrong, Tae? You look frightened.”

She’d clutched her hands together, swallowing the lump in her throat. Damn it, I’m twenty-four. Get a grip, Tae. Just tell him the truth. She’d opened her mouth, but confessing her lack of experience turned out to be impossible.

Daniel’s thumb caressed her bare arm. She’d worn a miniskirt and a matching blouse with spaghetti straps. The V neckline plunged low enough to tease with her ample cleavage but was still tasteful. While she dithered trying to find the courage to say something, his gaze dropped to her breasts and lingered. She’d been looking down and noticed the tent rise in his pants. This wasn’t the first time, but she didn’t blame him. Her panties had needed changing on too many occasions after he’d left them soaked with his kisses and his roaming hands.

“You know I love you, don’t you, honey?” he said.

She melted and raised her hands to his waist. Daniel drew her closer so she rested her head against his chest. “I know. I love you, too.”

He leaned back and lifted her chin. “We don’t have to do this. I can wait.”

She tried striking a sassy pose. “P

lease, I invited you, remember?”

“And you’re a virgin.”

Her world crumbled. “You knew?”

“Of course.”

Panic tightened her throat so she had to force words out. “Because of my kisses?”

His brows creased. “Your kisses bring me to my knees. No other woman has tasted as good as you. No, I know because of your fear and how many times we’ve been at this point and you’ve backed off with an excuse. If it was just that you wanted to be sure it wouldn’t be a one-night stand, I think you would have given in ages ago.”

She groaned. “I’m sorry, Daniel. I really do want you, but I don’t know why all this time I haven’t found the one I wanted to give my virginity to. Not until I met you. I don’t want to lose you.”

He grasped both her arms and gave her a small shake. “You are not going to let me make love to you because you’re scared to lose me! With that this plan is canceled. Go get your shoes. We’ll go bowling or something or to a movie.”

“But we were going to—”

He gazed at her breasts again and dropped his hands to his sides as if she’d burned him. When he turned his back, it hurt her, but she got it. That decision was what did it for her. Daniel was willing to suffer blue balls rather than take her for the wrong reasons.

“Hurry up, please.”

“Okay.” She smiled behind his back and spun away to head to her room. Once there, she began stripping out of her clothes. She tossed the tank on the floor and unbuttoned the skirt. In her bra and panties, she was about to call him, but changed her mind. If Daniel only saw her underwear, he might be able to resist. She needed to be naked. The panties hit the chair, followed by the bra. She bent in half trying not to hyperventilate, but blood rushed to her head instead.

“Tae, honey?” Daniel called.
