Page 28 of His Best Man's Baby

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He looked into her eyes. “Why should I?”

“I thought you were here to help me.”

He walked around her and bumped the freezer door closed, taking her hand in his. “I am, and the first place we’ll start is with food.”

“I was trying to do that.”

“No.” He shook his head and raised her hand toward his mouth, flipped it palm up, and nipped the inside of her wrist. She gasped and tried to pull away. He held on. “You need to eat healthier. I’m not saying one hundred percent perfect, but definitely not all sugar cereal and microwave meals.”

“What do you know about my cereal, Jaxon Hart?” She grumbled that everyone her knew her habit.

“Enough.” He spun her toward the exit and smacked her ass. “Go get some pants and shoes on. We’re going to the grocery store.”

“I have plenty of food!”

“You can go, or I can dress you. Just as a warning, it would be my pleasure.”

“Like that’s news.” She muttered all the way down the hall to the bedroom and searched out pants and shoes. Knowing Jax waited for her in the living room for some reason brought back memories of the time Daniel had sent her to get dressed. That time she’d stripped instead and ended up losing her virginity. Being pregnant, her innocence was long gone, but she would not strip down for Jax tonight—well, not again anyway.

The grocery store was just two miles from Tae’s apartment, and Jax insisted on driving them there. She didn’t argue. They walked in together and grabbed a cart. “I hear if you shop only from the outside aisles, you’ll get the healthiest foods,” he said.

Tae rolled her eyes at him. “I’m getting my staples, and they’re not from the outside aisles.”

“We’ll compromise.”

She followed behind him while he selected celery, potatoes, onions, fruits of several kinds, and more. “You know that’s going to cost a fortune, right?”

He ignored her and had the nerve to knock on a melon.

Tae listened to one when he did. “Do you know what you’re listening for?”

He grinned. “No.”

“Do you know how to cook?”

“No, again.”

“So, you plan on me wasting money or the food going bad?”

“I guarantee, we’ll eat everything.”

“Who is this we?”

They bickered good-naturedly all over the store until Tae came to the baby aisle. She paused by the assortment of canned formula and frowned, reading the labels. Jax joined her. Feeling the heat of his body next to her did things to her libido. At least it wasn’t dead yet.

“Do we know which one we will buy, or are you breastfeeding?” he asked.

He used that “we” again, and she chewed the inside of her cheek. “Don’t they eventually have to have formula either way?”

“No idea.”

Movement to their left caught Tae’s eye, and she glanced over to see a blonde pushing a cart with a toddler in it. The tight, white T-shirt showed off enormous boobs and flat abs that looked like they’d never carried an infant behind them. While Tae took in the miracle that was the woman’s physique and thought of her own already imperfect body, the woman glanced up and offered a friendly smile—at Jax.

“Hello.” The husky voice made Tae want to choke her.

“Hello,” Jax echoed.

Tae moved between them and placed a hand square in the center of Jax’s chest. “Come on, honey. I don’t think we need any formula for the baby. You can help me breastfeed.” She side-eyed the mommy skank to be sure she got her meaning, and was satisfied with the heightened color in the pretty face. Tae brushed past Jax heading in the opposite direction and almost stumbled when her belly came into contact with is hard-on. She waited until they cleared the aisle and entered another one to round on him.
