Page 36 of His Best Man's Baby

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Jax laid a hand on her thigh, and Daniel laid his on her other thigh. She shut her eyes. If she came right now, it was both their faults. A cramp in her side made her forget about sex, and she winced, rubbing it.

“What’s wrong, Tae?” Jax sat forward and pressed a hand over hers.

“Nothing. I’m fine. Just a little crampy.”

“You should go to bed,” Daniel suggested. “Alone.”

“Don’t start!” She moaned when the pain intensified.

Jax jumped from the couch and whipped her into his arms. He charged down the hall toward her bedroom and kicked the half-open door inward. Tae found herself dumped on the bed, not roughly but not gentle either. The knitted brows over Jax’s eyes told her he was worried. He walked over to the dresser as Daniel entered the room and rummaged through her drawers. When he pulled out a nightgown, Tae opened her mouth to protest. Jax had her blouse off in seconds, cutting across her protest.

“Get her some fresh socks,” Jax ordered.

Daniel moved to do as he asked without complaining. With Daniel bent over his task at the dresser, Jax pulled the nightgown over her head, and with deft fingers reached beneath it to unhook her bra. He tucked her between the sheets, and she squeaked, eyes widening when he nabbed her panties and slid them down her legs. By the time Daniel turned around frowning at them with socks in hand, Jax had her panties balled up in his palm.

“Maybe you need to go to the doctor,” Daniel said.

Tae clutched the sheet to her chin and lay on her pillows. “I just need rest.”

Both men stood over her bed watching her. She squirmed, feeling exposed.

“You can go. I’m all right.” The pains had eased, but her body was on fire for a whole other reason than her health. “T-Thanks for taking care of me.”

Daniel nodded. He flipped the bottom of the sheet up and slipped her socks onto her feet while Jax watched as if he were judging whether Daniel did it right. Or making sure Daniel doesn’t feel me up. Remembering the way Jax had removed her underwear had her squeezing her legs together. They needed to go.

“Good night.”

Jax chuckled. “Fine. I can take a hint. Come on, Daniel.”

Daniel glared at him, but he started for the door with Jax following.

“Jax,” she called.

He stopped and looked back at her.

“My hamper is over there in the closet, perv.”

Amusement lit his green eyes. “Oh, you don’t want me to leave your clothes on the floor. Got it.” He knew what she meant. She watched to make sure he dropped the panties he still held in his hand, along with her T-shirt, bra, and pants into the basket. Then he leaned over her and planted a soft kiss to her lips before leaving. “Good night, beautiful. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Her breath hitched in her chest, and she nodded. They left, and she lay in bed lonelier than she ever remembered feeling in her life. She turned onto her side and let her body sink into the groove she’d made in the mattress. She missed lying on her stomach and hated the aches and pains that came with shifting of her hip bones to make room for the baby. When sleep didn’t come quickly as it usually did, she reached for her cell phone and sifted through the favorites list. Her mom picked up on the third ring.

“I can’t believe it. Is this my daughter Octavia calling me?”

“Dramatic much, Ma?” Tae smiled. “How are you and Dad?”

“We’re alive. Not in the grave yet.”

Tae rolled her eyes.

“Your sister called me and said she asked you for help, but you ignored her. I worry about Janita.” Tae heard the concern in her mother’s voice.

“But you don’t worry about me. She has a husband, Ma, and I’m not paying for a new phone for her.”

“I do worry about you, Tae, but you’ve always been strong. I know you are doing well for yourself.”

“Apparently, everybody thinks I’m well, asking me to shell out six hundred dollars.”

“Terrence is only working part-time. They have to take care of themselves and the babies.”
