Page 39 of His Best Man's Baby

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“No, not that.” A cramp rolled through her belly, and she breathed deep, shutting her eyes.

“Tae, whatever you’re stressing about, stop it. You heard the doctor. I’m going to be right there to make sure you do as he says.”

She opened here eyes, looking at him. “I’m not going to fight it. Trust me. This scared the crap out of me, and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize m-my…” She hesitated.

“Tae?” He leaned close. “Baby, what’s wrong.”

“It’s your baby, Jax,” she blurted out. “You’re the father. I never slept with Daniel—I mean not after we broke up.”

The silence was deafening.

He straightened and moved away from the bed, stuffed his hands in his pockets, and said nothing. She could no longer see his face and worried about his reaction. What was he thinking? Did he hate her? Of course he did. For almost five months she’d let him believe the baby he loved wasn’t his but his

best friend’s. In fairness, she hadn’t known until she was two months pregnant, but three months was too long.

“I’m so sorry. I was wrong to keep it from you. I have no excuse.”

“You’re right. You don’t,” he interjected, and she felt tears start that she blinked away. He heaved his shoulders and rolled his neck, then turned back to her. The smile on his lips didn’t reflect in his eyes. They appeared sad, but the sadness vanished, hidden away she knew because he wanted her to stop worrying. “We’re going to concentrate on you and the baby.”

She couldn’t help it. She cried, and he sank onto the bed and drew her into his arms. The trembling wouldn’t ease for long minutes until he rubbed her back. Later, when the doctor determined she’d be better off at home for the time being, Jax helped her dress in a gown the hospital provided and disposable panties she never knew they had. Too tired to be embarrassed, she said nothing to Jax the whole time, and he finished up by pulling socks with rubber on the bottom onto her feet.

Tae did complain when he insisted he carry her from the wheelchair to his car, but he disregarded her protests and tucked her in. By the time they got back to her apartment, she fell in and out of sleep, and he tucked her into her own bed. Sometime later, voices woke her, and she strained to hear who it was in her living room. She picked up Jax, Zerita, and Daniel’s voices.

“We can take turns caring for her, if you want, but there’s not going to be anymore arguing, Daniel.”

“Who do you think I am that I would risk her baby?” Daniel shot back. When he spoke again, she could tell he’d forced himself to get better control of his temper. “You’re right. No fighting.”

“Good,” Jax said, “and while we’re on the subject, I want you both to know. The baby is mine. Yeah, that’s right, Daniel. She told me the truth at the hospital, and I’ve been thinking if she never slept with you, you couldn’t have thought he was yours. That means you knew.”

Zerita and Daniel must have gasped, but her friend said nothing while Daniel spoke up. “We can discuss this another time.”

“We definitely will,” Jax said, his tone a dark warning.

Tae didn’t realize she’d moaned, but it couldn’t have been very loud. Jax appeared at her bedside. His rough hand raised her chin, and thick fingers caught the teardrop at the corner of her eye. “I’m here,” was all he said. Her throat closed. She couldn’t form words. Over his shoulder, she spotted Daniel and Zerita, both worried. Daniel appeared devastated, and knowing it hurt her to her core. He’d wanted to be her baby’s father even if he wasn’t the biological one. She knew he’d kept her secret for selfish reasons, but now with her lies, she had made things worse with him and Jax.

The tension between the two men wasn’t the only problem though. As Jax shifted his position so he blocked her view of his best friend, she came to an awareness she never saw coming. She loved Jax. He had been by her side from day one and worked his way into her heart. He cared. That much was obvious, but it didn’t mean he was in love with her or that he would commit himself to only her.

“Tae, get some rest, and I’ll come by tonight to see you, after work,” Daniel said. His familiar voice rolled over her, bringing memories of his intimate touch to the foreground of her mind again. Feelings for him had never died, and she knew even without Jax reaffirming it Daniel still loved her.

“Okay,” she said, lowering her gaze so Jax wouldn’t read the emotion in her eyes. “Thanks for coming by.” Her words sounded too formal, but she had no idea how else to be.

Zerita nudged Jax aside, and he moved now that Daniel had left. She bent down to kiss Tae’s cheek. “Hey, girl. I know you and that little fighter are going to be okay. I’ve already spoken to the boss lady and let her know you need a few days. When and only when you’re up to it, give her a call about how long you will be out. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tae grinned and smirked. “You’re bossy.”

“I love you. Between all of us, we’re going to make sure you get stronger, and if I have to later, I will beat yo’ ass.”

Tae snickered. Zerita almost never fell into what the woman called “lazy speak.”

“Okay, Mama. I got you.”

“You better.”

Zerita left, and Jax saw her out. When he returned, he brought a tray with food and a glass of grape juice, Tae’s favorite. She went to sit up, but he tsked frowning and shaking his head. “Lay still until I get you.”

“I’m not an invalid, Jax.”

“I thought we agreed you would obey me.”
