Page 47 of His Best Man's Baby

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“It’s not that simple.”

“Explain it to me!” He grunted and ran fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”

“You call that yelling?”

He shrugged.

“I love Jax too,” she whispered.

He looked like she’d punched him in the gut.

“I’m sorry.”

“You said ‘too.’ That means you still love me.”

She could have kicked herself. “Daniel, I feel like I’m in a tug-of-war. I can’t deal with this.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” She thought he’d back off, but he grabbed her chin and turned her head to face him. The inches between them disappeared. “I’m not backing down. I stayed away long enough. I love you, and I’m going to have you.”

His mouth descended on hers. She scarcely had time to draw in a breath before he claimed her lips in a searing kiss. He forced her lips apart and snaked his tongue into h

er mouth. Wet panties and hardened nipples were the least of her issues when she brought her hands up to push him away. Instead, her fingers curled into his shirt. While she didn’t push him away, she didn’t draw him closer either.

Daniel took his time kissing her, tearing down all her defenses and leaving her raw and vulnerable. When he raised his head, her lips were numb and her heart sore. She put a hand to her mouth and stared at the woman struggling with a full cart, pushing it a slight incline to her SUV. Others entered and exited the grocery store, and out at the main road, cars zoomed by. The entire world went about its business while she had come to a screeching, confused halt. Why wasn’t it easier than this?

“Marry me.”

She shut her eyes. “Daniel.”

“I know I got it wrong years ago.”

“So you don’t have a problem with me working?”

“I don’t like it, but I just want you to be happy. If a job makes you happy, we can work around it. I just want you with me.”

Six months ago she might have jumped in his lap and demanded he take her home to stay. “I can’t just walk away from Jax, and I can’t have you both.”

“You’re right about that,” he ground out. She looked at him. The bitter anger in his eyes was almost palpable. “The friendship we had won’t return to the way it was.”

She felt sick.

“The second you choose me, if he touches you, he’s dead.”

“He’s my baby’s daddy, Daniel.”

“And he will have visitation rights.”

She stared. Daniel may have claimed to accept her working, but his words made her feel like nothing had changed. He wanted to control everything. Not that Jax was much different. She didn’t blame either man, but neither of them truly understood her position.

“Can you take me home, please? I’m feeling pretty worn out. It’s been a long day.”

He turned over the car engine. “I hoped we could have a late dinner together.”

Right now she had a lot of thinking to do, and who knew what mental condition she’d have after she spoke with her mother. “I already ate, but can I call you tomorrow?”

He seemed disappointed. “Sure.”

Tae rode in silence as Daniel drove her back to the apartment. When they arrived, the apartment lay empty, and she found a note Jax left. She skimmed it.
