Page 50 of His Best Man's Baby

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“Ms. Croft, we’re all done. You can get dressed now.”

Tae blinked and glanced down at her belly. The technician hadn’t completely wiped away the gel she used when administering the sonogram. Tae took the offered tissue and cleaned up herself then worked her way off the table. “Can I go to the bathroom before that? I’m about to burst.”

The woman smiled. “Of course. We’ve all been there. Across the hall, second door.”

Tae had been to the clinic a million times. She knew where the bathroom was but made no comment as she dashed as fast her as swollen ankles and rounded belly would allow. Once she handled her business and had washed her hands, she returned to the room but paused long enough to call Jax before she got dressed. After four rings, the phone went to voice mail. She frowned and typed a text message.

“I’m ready. Please come now. I’m starving.”

She dressed and went through the mundane procedure of checking out. Jax still hadn’t called or texted. When she stepped out of the clinic, she searched the parking lot for him, but saw no sign of his car. “Damn it. I could have driven myself, but he insisted. So over this.”

At least she didn’t have to go into to the office. Incredible favor allowed her to work part time in the office and part time at home. Tae considered it a miracle. She might not be on bed rest, but the doctor insisted on little stress. That was the only reason she’d gotten the special treatment, another reason she loved her job.

She checked her purse. No cash. Across the street was a Harris Teeter and a couple restaurants. She could grab something to eat and get some money for the bus. Frowning, she wondered if the CATS bus schedule might be easily accessible on her cell phone. Stupid Jax.

Then she remembered that Jax never forgot her or missed her appointments. She recalled what happened the last time he stood her up, and all thought of eating disappeared. He might be somewhere hurt and unable to call. What if it was worse this time? What if he was dead?

She cried out, and clutched her stomach, tears spilling down her cheeks. A man who had been strolling to his car turned around, saw her, and rushed over. “Are you having the baby? What do we do? Call the police? Somebody help!”

Tae fought to get control. She willed her breathing to slow so she didn’t hyperventilate, but the pain of Jax being hurt bore heavy on her emotions. “No, please,” she panted. “Don’t. I’m fine. I just need to sit down.”

She wound up back in the doctor’s office, a cup of water in her hand, and a nurse taking her vitals.

“Really, I’m okay,” she insisted.

“Can’t be too careful, Ms. Croft. You’re only seven months. Did something happen after you left?”

She refused to admit her fears. “No.”

“Well, Dr. Chen doesn’t want you leaving on your own. Is Mr. Hart picking you up?”

She almost burst out crying at the mention of his name and the fact that they knew him well enough to know he was always with her. “I’m going to call my…other friend. He’ll be here soon.”

“Okay.” The nurse rubbed her back and straightened. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Dr. Chen will want to talk to you again. You stay right there, and when your friend gets here, he’ll need to come inside to get you.”

Tae stared down at her phone with the favorites on screen. She hesitated over Daniel’s shortcut, remembering him asking her to call him if she needed him. Then she moved on to Zerita’s number and pressed that. The phone rang several times and went to voice mail. She hung up and called Zerita’s office line. Her friend’s assistant picked up.

“Zerita Fox’s desk. This is Pamela. May I help you?”

“Hey, Pam. Is Zerita around?”

“Hi, Mommy. How’s it going?”

Tae gritted her teeth. Pam’s teasing was the last thing she felt like dealing with at this time. “Fine. Is she there? It’s kind of important.”

“Nope, sorry. She’s in another endless meeting. I don’t know how she gets writing done, but don’t tell them I said so.”

“I won’t.” Tae ended the call with a few assurances that she would keep everyone updated on herself and the baby. She dialed Daniel. Jax is fine. Jax is fine.

“Baby?” Daniel breathed into the phone. His gentle tone unleashed the floodgates. She cried like a fool, blubbering incomprehensible words. Even as she noted the sympathetic glances from the nurses and confused annoyance from a few patients passing by, she couldn’t quite pull herself together.

“Where are you?” Daniel managed to break through the onslaught.

“At the clinic.”

“I’m on my way.”

He disconnected the line without another word. All she could do was sit there and wait, holding on to the hope that her baby’s daddy was fine. Twenty minutes later, she’d already spoken with the doctor again, and Daniel walked through the door where Tae waited. He paused just inside the entrance, and she would have signaled to him, but stupid emotions overcame her. He scanned the area, spotted her, and then headed over. When he stooped to touch her cheek, she cried some more like an idiot. Daniel drew her into his arms and rubbed her back. He asked nothing while she sobbed it out.
