Page 55 of His Best Man's Baby

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She smacked his arm. “Liar.”

“Okay, I thought about what I would do if you left me for Daniel.”

Tae saw the pain in his expression and the way he gripped the chair’s arm. She stroked his chest and kissed him. “It’s okay because I chose you.”

“Good girl.”

She smirked.

“You love him though, don’t you, Tae?”

“I did. I guess I kind of love him now, but I’m not in love with him anymore. He wasn’t the right one. I made that decision years ago, and this situation showed me I was right. Daniel is a great man. He really is, but not my great man.” She had never told Jax how Daniel basically threatened her and made her feel like she didn’t have a choice about being with him. Jax would have confronted Daniel, and things were bad enough with him knowing Daniel lied about him giving up on her and the baby. How Daniel thought he would get away with such a lie, she had no idea, but it caused a greater rift between them and with her and Daniel. In a way, she felt sorry for him. He was alone, without her, Alise, and Jax. Someone was always going to come out of this situation hurt. That was the nature of their tug-of-war, but she hoped more than anything that Daniel would some day find happiness again and let her go.

Jax tapped her hip. “Hungry? I was thinking of trying out a new recipe.”

“Aren’t we supposed to be finishing up with the moving?”

“What’s this we you speak of, woman? You haven’t lifted a lamp.”

She snorted. “Whose fault is that? If I break a nail, you throw a hissy fit.”

He flared his nostrils. “I do not throw hissy fits.”

Tae laughed at the offense in his bearing and climbed off his lap. Behind her, Jax grumbled.

“You will be punished severely one of these days.”

She spun to face him and flashed her boobs. His eyes glittered. She started to hurry away when a stabbing side pain stopped her cold. The next instant they both stared at the wet spot on the carpet beneath her feet.

“Jax! My water—”

“—just broke!” he finished. “Your bag is ready by the door. I’ll carry you to the car and come back up for it.”

“I can walk.”

He would hear no arguments, and they rushed out of the apartment. Before long, Tae lay in a hospital bed breathing through the pain. Zerita held her hand, encouraging her, and Jax stood on the other side, wiping her forehead. “Not long now, sweetie,” Zerita said of the contractions being five minutes apart. “You’re almost there.”

Tae moaned. “Did anyone call my mother?”

“I did,” Jax said. “She and your dad are going to fly down.”

Hours later, after agony that felt like it would rip her sanity away, Tae gave birth to her sweet baby boy. She slept like the dead for a while and next opened her eyes to see her mom not far away, cooing to the baby in her arms. Tae turned her head, yawning to find Jax sitting on her other side, his hand in hers and him fast asleep.

“Looks like you found a good one,” her mother said.

Tae smiled, not taking her eyes off Jax. “I did.”

“What’s my grandson’s name?”

“Jaxon Devlin Hart, Jr.”

Zerita pushed open the door. “Wow, Devlin? For real?”

Tae laughed. “Yes, don’t make fun of my husband’s name or my son’s.”

“Ohh, somebody acts like nobody ever had a man or a baby but her.”

Tae snorted. “Don’t hate.”
