Page 62 of His Best Man's Baby

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She forgot about his legs. “I was not ‘seeing’ him as you put it. I ran into him while I was out. I invited him. He’s coming, and if you want to continue to act like a butthead, you can while I enjoy my dinner and talk to your best friend.”

Jax glared at her. “I thought this was a night for us to be together alone, and you bring him into our bed.”

She stood and moved toward the bathroom. “Dramatic much?”

“Oh, damn!”

She turned around. “What?”

He held something he’d picked up from the dresser. “We didn’t use a condom.”

Chapter Seventeen

The clink of forks hitting plates, and throats swallowing wine were the only sounds in the dining room. Every now and then, Little Jaxon cooed as he kicked his tiny feet in his chair. Tae peeked beneath her lashes at Jax and then at Daniel. Neither man had spoken more than two words to the other.

“How do you like the steak?” she dared to ask Daniel.

He smiled and raised his fork. “Delicious. You’re a good cook.”

Jax flared his nostrils. “I cooked it.”

Tae suppressed a chuckle, and Daniel reddened.

He set his fork down. “Then I guess it’s not as good as I thought.”

“Really?” Jax sneered.

“Don’t start, you two,” Tae warned. The tension mounted, and she wanted to scream that they both needed to stop acting like children.

The argument broke out full scale. Both men jumped to their feet, fists raised.

“You know you’re pretty insecure for a man about to get married,” Daniel taunted.

Jax bared his teeth. “You’ve never been able to get over that she preferred me.”

Daniel looked at her and then back at Jax. “Her pussy—”

Jax’s fist smashed into Daniel’s face, and Daniel went down hard. His entire plate of food landed on his chest, and blood gushed from his nose. Jax leaped after him and grabbed his shirtfront, raising his fist a second time. Daniel seemed too stunned to react. Little Jaxon wailed, and Jax froze.

“You see what you did?” Tae rushed to take the baby from his seat, but Jax appeared at her side and brushed her hands away to do it himself. He had their son against his chest in a heartbeat, crooning to him and walking the floor. Daniel

brushed food from his chest, wincing, and then stemmed the flow of blood as he rose from the floor. He flopped into his seat and watched as Jax walked back and forth. Tae grabbed a napkin and handed it to Daniel, and he looked at her.

“All this time, I assumed I would be better,” he whispered.

Tae glanced at her fiancé, but Jax paid them no mind. She doubted he had heard Daniel. “Jax adores that little boy. He’s a great daddy. We both love him so much.”

Daniel said nothing. He stared down at the mess on the floor, his expression unreadable. When the baby calmed, Jax returned to the table, but he kept Little Jaxon in the crook of his arm. Tae resisted running to get her cell phone to take a picture. Jax claimed she had a thousand already. She’d called him dramatic again.

“Hey,” Daniel said, capturing Jax’s attention. He ran his hands through his hair, and Taw saw how Jax frowned at it. He too must have noticed the change in Daniel, and she sensed no malice in her fiancé. Daniel looked at his friend. “I want us to go back to being friends. I know she’s yours now. I accept it. I’m not saying I don’t feel anything, but I won’t make waves.”

Tae crushed her napkin beneath the table, staring at Jax. Talk about a quick about-face. Would Jax accept it?

Jax looked away from both of them. “Yeah, whatever. Sure, bro.”

Tae beamed. “See? I knew you could patch things up. Now, give me the baby, Jax. You and Daniel can clean up my floor!”

Her fiancé frowned, but she whisked the baby away. The next item on her agenda was to get Jax to invite Daniel to the wedding.
