Page 15 of Tempting a Wolf

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“Never more.”

* * * *

“I choose Tameca Corrigan to be my mate,” Marcus announced before them all.

She forced down the lump in her throat when he parted her robe and let it fall to the floor. Several sharp intakes of breath made her shut her eyes so she couldn’t see the disgust they must be feeling at her plump body. But Marcus’s reaction, his touch, drove all thoughts of the watchers from her mind.

His teeth grazed her neck while he pulled her into a tight embrace. At the moment of penetration, he would bite her to seal her to him forever. Her direction in life would take a radical turn at that moment, but she had learned in the hall and now here, so would his. Her mother had lost sight of what the coupling meant. She remembered the pain of loss, the drive to please her lover, but forgot that her lover was just as bound to her.

Tameca ran her fingers along Marcus’s face, and she saw him shudder. She traced the lines of his back, stroked his ass, and ran her nails down the length of his thighs. Power surged through her. She sank to her knees to take hold of his shaft. Glancing up at him, she licked his tight head and took it into her mouth. He growled.

“You’re mine,” she told him. “All mine. After we are made one, you will not have another woman. Ever!”

Anger flared in his eyes, and he clamped his teeth together, but he didn’t deny her claim. She took him deep into her throat, pressed down, and sucked hard. His knees buckled. Tameca took his full length into her mouth and pulled back. His roar was followed by several others in the room. Still she didn’t give up her control. Squeezing and stroking the tip of his shaft, she licked his balls.

He gasped. “Tami!”

“Mine!” she shouted, looking around for the first time at the women in the room. Every one of them drew back. Her teeth sharpened just as she had seen in Marcus, her mother, and the others. She felt the change inside, fire consuming her body, but she resisted it. They would be lovers in the full sense of the word while she was fully human. Afterward, there would be plenty of time to give in to the beast.

Marcus jerked when she went back to sucking him. She ran the tip of her tongue around his hood, while she watched for his reaction. His eyes were black and narrowed. A rumble started in his chest. She bared her teeth, and when he pushed her back, she chuckled.

She stretched her arms above her head, then relaxed on the silk sheets and spread her legs. He lowered himself to aim his rod at her wet treasure. The frenzied cries around them escalated. Marcus eased inside her. He was too big. He’d never fit. She cried out, and he stroked her cheek while uttering soothing words.

Slowly, his engorged member filled her to capacity. At once, she wanted more and wanted him to stop. His slow strokes built the fire inside her, made her passage clench tight around him. She climbed to an orgasm greater than her fingers had ever taken her toward. Marcus glided in and out, and she bucked beneath him.

“Marcus!” She turned her face into his palm still on her cheek.

“It’s okay, baby,” he soothed her. As he leaned down, she realized he had delayed his bite to give her time. Now that the pain had let up and the pleasure had threatened to consume her, he felt she was ready.

His teeth sank into her neck an instant before the orgasm rocked her body. Her nails grew out, and she clawed his back and arched to push her hips hard against him. He ground deep and fast. She howled her release, and he met it with his gushing, hot seed.


Tameca woke to sunlight beaming in the window and Marcus sleeping at her side. She grinned down at him like a lovesick idiot and then scrambled from the bed to brush, use mouthwash, and floss before he woke up.

As she teased the hairs on his chest, she marveled over how perfect his body was, so hard and well toned. How could a man like this be satisfied with just her? Yet, as she thought of that, she felt the never-ending stir of desire in her belly. Since their coupling—or was it since a sense of awakening had happened to her?—she had lusted for sex way too often. She only hoped it would settle down soon.

“Are you going to stare at me all morning, Tami?” he asked with his eyes still closed.

She jumped. “No, just for another half hour.”

He rolled over and pulled her close. “Mmm, you smell minty.”

“I wanted fresh breath for when you woke up, but your breath could give me tighter curls.” She laughed, threw her arms around his neck, and rested her head on his chest.

He grumbled but didn’t seem to care too much about her comment.

“I have a problem, Marcus.”


“It’s sex.”

He leaned back to see her face. “You’re not happy with the sex?” She almost laughed at the way his nostrils flared like he had been highly insulted. She imagined women all over the world would have pleaded with him to take them to bed again if he had treated them as he had her for much of last night. And therein lay the problem.

“I love the sex. That’s not the problem.” She wiggled out of his hold and stood by the window looking out. Endless trees surrounded Marcus’s property so she figured no one could see in, but one of the men from the party last night happened to be strolling by. In the light of day, exposing herself didn’t seem as easy. Maybe the moon had more of an influence than she had thought.

Marcus appeared to agree. He blocked the man’s view of her when he spotted his brother outside. “Talk to me, Tami.” He lifted her chin.
