Page 6 of Tempting a Wolf

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“A dream!” she told herself as she drew her head in from the window and slammed it down. “That’s all this is. A silly little dream. Nothing to worry about.”

She quickly got back into bed, yanked the covers up over her head, and shut her eyes. All would be back to normal by morning. She hoped.

Tempting a Wolf

Chapter Four

“So,” Vic mumbled.

“Yeah,” Tameca answered, not really sure what the hell they were so and yeahing about. A double date with Pat and Ray with Tameca and his cousin Vic. What had she been thinking? He had to be two times as nerdy as his relative. And she had twisted her best friend’s arm to do something other than have a booty call with Ray for this disaster.

They had already watched two lame movies the men had chosen and proceeded to enjoy more than she and Pat had. Tameca had had to put her foot down about sticking around at the theater for a third. Her mood could not bear it. She and Vic stood awkwardly in front of each other while Pat argued with Ray about where they could find a late-night place to eat that wasn’t a fast-food joint. Tameca knew they should have eaten earlier.

“So, you work with Pat and Ray, huh?” Vic had found his small-talk mental file.

Tameca nodded. “Yes. You? What do you do?”

He said something, but she didn’t hear. Across the street, a man stood talking to a woman. She didn’t recognize either of them, but the weird thing was that the man seemed more interested in what Tameca was doing and the woman looked like those actors in the background scenes of movies. They moved their lips and gestured with their hands when the microphone was off. You knew they were pretending the whole time.

Overactive imagination, Tameca. Chill.

That dream and seeing the man in the alley had freaked her out. But it had also made her come to a decision. She glanced at Vic. His lips were moving and she heard his voice, but she couldn’t focus long enough to take anything in. She guessed he was droning on about his work. This wasn’t about dating or getting to know him.

She let her gaze drop over his body. Decent; not muscular, but not frail. He seemed to keep himself clean, and he had stared at her boobs a few times.

This was about her losing that huge V on her chest. Just to get it over with. Vic was the man. He probably thought he had to work for it, date her for a few months. But, no, this was the night. Then no more dreams about beautiful godlike wolf-men. She suppressed a chuckle.

She cut across his chatter. “Do you have your own place, Vic?”

He jerked in surprise. “Uh, yeah. Yes, I do. Why?”

“Well.” She put a hand on his chest. His heart was already pounding. “I’m not that hungry. Why don’t you and I ditch Pat and Ray and just”—she raised her eyebrows—“you know.”

Chewing at her lip kept her from cracking up at the stunned look on his face. His excitement got the better of him, and he began to stutter. “I-I-I. Yes!” He took her hand and practically dragged her down the street, yelling an “I’ll call you later, cos,” over his shoulder.

Tameca shrugged toward Pat and hurried along. Note to self: Get car out of the shop or go out with men who have their own.

They stood at the bus stop arm in arm. Twice Vic tried to kiss her, and twice a crow or what she assumed was a crow swooped down as if to attack him. Huddled with her shoulder pressed tight to his and her eyes on the sky, Tameca told herself this had nothing to do with Marcus. Nothing at all.

“You’re so pretty, Tameca,” he told her. “I wanted you the minute I saw you. Man, I love a woman with big tits.”

She winced at that word. For some reason she felt degraded by it, always had. She patted his hand. “Don’t worry about it, Vic. You’re in. You don’t need to sell me on spending the night with you.” At least she didn’t feel the least bit afraid like she did when Marcus was up on her. But, then, Vic’s body didn’t make her desperate for all kinds of wild sex like Marcus’s did.

Vic seemed to be coming in for another try at a kiss, but she leaped to her feet and paced back and forth in front of the bench. “Where is that damn bus?” She glanced down at her watch, and when she looked up again, there was Marcus, right in front of her. Her mouth went dry. “M-Marcus.”

“Hello, beautiful. Fancy running into you tonight.” His expression said it wasn’t an accident at all. And why should it be? All the signs pointed to him, but she didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t. A man like him was out of her league, she almost chanted to herself. Too hot, too experienced, and she wanted him too much.

As alluring as Marcus was to Tameca, when he shifted his gaze to Vic, the dark look that came over him dispelled all his animal magnetism. Instead, he repelled and frightened her. Tameca could have sworn he growled under his breath. Her eyes went wide, and she glanced around them, spotting the blond god across the street with the woman. She realized only now that they were the same two who had been chatting across from the theatre. And the man at the corner could have been the one in the alley behind her house. Terror licked at her insides. This was serious business.

Tameca turned away from Marcus and half-faced a lamp post. She rested her hand on it while pretending to check to see whether the bus was coming. Right there in Vic’s face, Marcus moved up on her until he brushed her from behind. She trembled. The man hadn’t even done anything, but she was close to an orgasm. He was sex.

“The scent of your hair, the curve of your ass, even the tinkle of your laughter tempts me,” he whispered in her ear.

“Marcus, don’t.”

“Don’t what?” He moved closer, if that were possible. She fought to not push her ass into his groin. He was hard as a rock, and unless she missed her guess—huge! “Do you know how bad I want to be inside you, Tami?” He nipped her earlobe. “Do you know how many ways I can take you, how often I can make you scream my name?”

“Hey!” Vic protested when Marcus squeezed her thigh.
