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She could hear the beat of her pulse as the blood rushed through her ears, mixing with the lapping of the waves as they pushed against the shore. Her chest felt too full to breathe, yet her lungs were desperate for oxygen. And all the while they were staring at each other, their eyes locked together as his arm pulled her against him, tipping her head up so their lips were only a breath apart.


A crashing wave came in from along the shore, spraying foam toward them on the sand. Before she had time to react, Nate was scooping her up into his arms, lifting her out of the way of the water as it soaked his tailored pants.

Still holding her, he ran up the beach. Ally wrapped h

er arms around his neck, biting down on her lip in an attempt not to laugh at the expression on his face. But the impulse got the better of her as she collapsed into a series of giggles.

They made it up to the steps where they’d left their shoes. The bottom of his pants clung to his legs, flecks of sand covering the dark blue fabric where he’d kicked it up as he ran.

“Are they ruined?” she asked, as he scooted down and helped her sit on the bottom stair.

“I’ve no idea,” he said. “It doesn’t matter anyway. I’ve got more pairs.”

She reached out to touch his cheek. “My knight in shining armor,” she murmured. “Always ready to save a damsel in distress.” She traced the line of his jaw, feeling the sharpness of stubble against his smooth chin. “Thank you for saving me.” She glanced down. “And I’m sorry about your pants.”

“At least one of us got to paddle today.” He moved his hand over hers, pressing her palm to his face. Slowly, he turned so his lips were pressed against the center, kissing her hand before he looked at her with heavy eyes.

“Do you want to go inside?” he asked.

She could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn’t just asking if she wanted to walk back to the house. Her heart raced as she considered the real meaning. Did she want to go inside and shut the world out so it was only the two of them? Was she ready to carry on where they’d left off a few days earlier?

When, not if.

“Yes, please,” she said, more certain than she’d ever been before. “There’s nothing I’d rather do than go inside with you.”


They didn’t even make it inside before the urge to kiss her overwhelmed every cell in his body. They stopped at the door, where he spun her around, pressing her back against the glass as he inclined his head to brush his lips against hers, tasting the warmth of her gasp as she arched herself into him. She was clinging to his neck, her body sandwiched between the door and his firm chest, making certain there was no possibility of her losing her balance.

He slid his arm around her waist, pressing his palm into the dip of her back. Curling the other around her jaw, he angled her face so he could kiss her harder.

Her lips tasted of salt and strawberries, an intoxicating combination. She filled every sense he possessed. He welcomed it, wanting to be so full of her he couldn’t think properly. The need to possess her pushed everything else away.

Their first kiss had been delicate and sensual, as they’d sat on that bench overlooking the beach. Their second had been full of desire – to connect with her in a way that showed her exactly how he felt.

This third time? It felt like a communion. Their lips moved together as though choreographed, their bodies melting into each other until he wasn’t sure where she ended and he began. And from the way her breath hitched as he threaded his fingers through her silky hair, she felt the same urgent need he did – to come together and never part.

She was still in his arms when he unlatched the door and slid it open. He helped her inside, hooking his arm around her, keeping her steady as she lifted her cast high enough to clear the doorway.

“You okay?”

She nodded, her eyes sparkling. Her lips were already pink and swollen from his kisses. He loved that he’d done that to her. “I’m more than okay,” she said.

“Do you want to stay out here? Or should we go to my room?” He eyed her carefully. He was desperate to touch her, to taste her, but only if she said yes.

Her smile widened. “Your room?” she said, raising an eyebrow. “I’ve never been in there before.”

Yeah, well he wanted her in there now. He could picture her on his bed, her blonde hair fanned out against the dark blue sheets, her wide eyes staring up at him as he took every inch of her in. His mind was full of the memory of her from the other night; the way her thighs were warm against his arm as he touched her, the way her breasts tasted as he worshipped them with his mouth. He wanted to feel that again, to feel her tighten against him as she reached her peak, her body melting as she rode a wave of pleasure.

He let out a mouthful of air. If he kept thinking that way tonight was going to be over before it had even begun.

“Come on. It’ll be faster if I carry you.”

She didn’t protest as he scooped her up into his arms, her legs dangling, and arms wrapped around him. Her eyes were as heavy as his, reflecting back the desire that had taken over his body. As far as he was concerned he couldn’t get to the bedroom fast enough.

When he laid her down on his bed – freshly made this morning, thank God – she looked just as delicious on there as he’d imagined. But she had way too many clothes on. He licked his dry lips, wondering where to start. His hands ached to feel her thighs, her chest, her waist.
