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“But you’re not in a relationship?”

This was excruciating. Ally shifted on the sofa, moving her leg in an attempt to get comfortable, but it did no good. Nate was showing no emotion at all.

“It’s not unusual for teenagers to run off for a while,” the male officer said. “Especially in a situation like this one.” His gaze flickered to Ally then back to Nate. “We’d usually expect her to return within twenty-four-hours, once the novelty of running away wears off.”

“She was very upset,” Ally said. “She’d tried to call me the previous night and left a tearful voicemail.”

“Can you let my partner hear it?” the officer asked, standing up. “And in the meantime, can you give me a few more photographs, Mr. Crawford? I assume you keep some around here.”

“I have a good one in my office.”

“Great. Let’s go take a look. And if you can also give me the contact details for any other members of your family, just so we can alert them that she may be headed their way.”

Ally watched as the two men left the room, leaving her alone with the female officer. Taking her phone out of her pocket, she dialed her voicemail again, putting Riley’s message on speakerphone for the policewoman to hear.

“She really did sound upset,” the officer said as the message ended. “Do you know if something happened in Los Angeles?”

“I’ve no idea. She has a friend, Laura, she may know. And there’s a boy she likes, too. His name is Leo.”

The officer gave a rueful smile. “In ninety-nine percent of cases like this there’s always a boy or girl.” She took note of their names on her pad. “Please try not to get too worried. There’s every chance we’ll track her down before the day is up. It’s almost textbook, really. Emotional teenager discovers her father has a girlfriend?” She shrugged. “When they suddenly realize their parents have a sex life it shakes them up and makes them mad.”

A shiver went down Ally’s spine. She’d been that teenager once. Hated Marnie as much as she’d hated her right back. She’d demanded his time, his money, his constant attention. Which meant that when Ally needed him he wasn’t there.

Just like Nate hadn’t been there when Riley needed him. Because he’d been naked beneath the sheets. With Ally.

The embarrassment felt like being covered in shards of glass.

Nate walked back into the room, swiftly followed by the other policeman.

“We’ve had a lead. Mr. Crawford’s credit card was used two hours ago to buy a single plane ticket to Boston.”

“Where my sister lives,” Nate said.

“We’re pretty sure she’s headed there.”

“Has the plane taken off yet?” the female officer asked. Ally looked at Nate. His face was as tight as ever, his breath as shallow as hers.

“Half an hour ago. We’re requesting the flight manifest now.”

“I’m going to pack a bag and head to the airport,” Nate said, his eyes landing on Ally’s. “I’ve called Kirsten to let her know.”

“Kirsten’s your sister?” the officer asked. She made another note.

“That’s right.”

“We’re calling the Boston Police Department, too. Riley should have a big welcoming committee waiting for her at the other end.”

Ally waited for relief to wash over her, but it didn’t arrive. All she felt was that same churning feeling in her stomach that had been going on all morning. At the thought of Riley – so upset by seeing Ally and her dad that she had to jump on a plane to escape.

“We’ll head out to the car and make a couple of calls while you pack,” the male officer said. He inclined his head before he made for the hallway, his partner following right behind.

It was just the two of them again. Nate raked a hand through his thick hair, curling his fingers around the back of his neck. There were shadows beneath his eyes and his skin looked pale in spite of the California sun outside. “I should go grab a bag,” he said, still hovering by the door.

“Yes.” Ally nodded.

“Can you stay here again?” he asked, his tone business-like. “Just un

til I know she’s safe. If she isn’t on that flight, or if something goes wrong I need somebody here.”
