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Kirsten’s smirk was replaced by a look of concern. “Oh God, I’m sorry, you must be exhausted. Of course you can, the bed’s all made up. And if you want to shower first there are fresh towels in my bathroom.”

He felt as though he’d just dodged a bullet. One heading straight for his heart. As much as he loved his sister, right now she was the last person he wanted to talk to about Ally. Okay, the second-to-last person. The last person was sleeping in the guest room.

“Sleep tight, big brother.” Kirsten smiled at him.

“I’ll give it my best shot.”

* * *


He opened his eyes, looking around the darkened room. Whoever just spoke was standing in the doorway, silhouetted against the light spilling in from the hall. “Kirsten?” he said, his voice croaky. “That you?”

“Yeah. I’m heading out to dinner with a couple of friends. I thought it would give you a chance to speak to Riley without me here cramping your style. I’ll only be gone a couple of hours.”

“What time is it?” He sat up and looked at his crumpled clothes. He was wearing the same t-shirt he’d grabbed that morning before the police arrived, along with a pair of old jeans.

“Almost six. Riley’s stirring but she hasn’t woken up yet. Or at least she hasn’t shown her face outside the guest bedroom. If you need me to be out any longer just message me. Otherwise I’ll bring you both something back to eat on my way home.”

“Are you okay with us staying here tonight?” He felt more awake now. Sitting up, he swung his legs around to touch the floor, and something about the movement reminded him of Ally.

He pushed that thought right out of his mind.

“Sure. I can take the couch.”

“I’ll take the couch,” Nate told her. “I’m not throwing you out of your room as well as imposing on you. I’ll book us a flight home for tomorrow.”

“Home?” she asked, smiling. “Which one?”

“Angel Sands.”

She gave a little chuckle. “I thought you might say that. And I’m glad. I know things have gone spectacularly wrong these past couple of days, but it really seemed like Riley had turned a corner before then.” Kirsten pulled a jacket on. “Anyway, I’ll speak with you later. Call me if things threaten to explode. And whatever you do, don’t let Riley leave. God only knows when you’d find her again.”

“Wasn’t planning on it.”

Kirsten left with a wave, pulling the front door closed behind her. Nate sat on the edge of the bed for a moment, blinking his way back to full wakefulness.

He might have slept the afternoon away, but it hadn’t done anything to improve his mood. He needed to get himself into a better one and fast. There was only room for one teenager in this apartment, and it certainly wasn’t him.

Maybe coffee would help. He walked across Kirsten’s bedroom, glancing at himself in the darkened mirror. His hair was a mess, his face was worse, and he looked like he’d slept for hours in these clothes.

He really did need coffee and fast.

“Kirsten?” Riley’s voice was sleepy as she pushed the guest room door open. Nate stopped in the hallway and held his breath for a moment. Then she walked out, her hair as messy as his, her face red and creased where she’d been sleeping on it. “Dad?” Her eyes widened. “When did you get here?”

“A couple of hours ago.”

“Why didn’t you wake me?”

“Kirsten said you were beat. I was pretty tired myself. I thought we could both use the rest.” He kept his voice even. There was time for shouting and time for calm. This was definitely one of the latter occasions.

Riley opened her mouth and closed it again, reaching up to smooth her hair back from her face. Watching her gesture was like looking in the mirror. How often did he do that when he was feeling uncomfortable?

“You okay?” he asked her.

She nodded. Then her face crumpled. “I’m sorry.” Her bottom lip wobbled. “I was so stupid. I don’t know what came over me.”

Nate cleared the distance between them in a second, put his arms around in two. Then he pulled her close, shutting his eyes and breathing her in. And for a moment – just a moment – he finally felt some peace.
