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“I do, but it’s small. Too small for a family.”

“You got something you want to tell me?” Breck asked, grinning. “Do I need to bring a shotgun to your wedding?”

Lucas laughed. “Nah, nothing like that. But we want to start a family soon. Ember loves kids and I love making her happy. Plus I kind of like the idea of being a daddy, too.”

“I never thought I’d see the day,” Breck said, lifting his bottle to his lips. “Remember when we all planned to live at the beach together? You, me, Griff, and Jack? Imagine how bad that place would have smelled.”

Lucas wrinkled his nose. “Yeah, it would have been disgusting.”

“Have you thought about extending the cottage? Or demolishing it and building something new?” Breck asked. “I could take a look if you want me to, make some suggestions.”

“Yeah, that could work.” Lucas nodded. “Though I’m still thinking about the risks of bringing kids up so close to water. I need to work it through.”

“Just say the word and I’ll come over.” Breck shrugged. “We can go over now if you’d like?” It wasn’t as though he had anything else to do, and he’d probably welcome the distraction. His mind had been way too full of a certain woman for his own comfort.

“I wouldn’t do that to you, my friend. Rachel’s visiting with Ember and they’re talking about you. When she started waxing lyrical about your abs, I decided to make myself scarce.”

“She’s never seen my abs.” Breck shook his head. “And they’re not that great.”

He shifted in his chair, uncomfortable at the thought of Rachel talking about him. Things were getting out of hand. He needed to find a way of letting her down gently. Maybe after the wedding. It was only three weeks away, he could avoid her until then.

“That’s not what she said,” Lucas carried on, oblivious to Breck’s discomfort. “Washboard tight, is how she described them. I had to get out of there before she said something I couldn’t unhear. I don’t want to have a detailed description of any other part of your anatomy.”

“She’s never going to see other parts of my anatomy.” Breck drained his bottle, and threw it at the can in the corner of the deck. It hit the rim, before sliding inside with a clatter. “So you don’t have to worry there.”

“You know she wants to, right? She’s got her heart set on getting into your bed. Before you know it, you’ll be walking with her down the aisle for a second time.”

“Shut up.” Breck sighed loudly. “Seriously, I’m not interested. She seems like a nice girl and all, but she’s not my type.”

“Who is your type?” Lucas asked, smiling at him.

Your sister, Breck wanted to say. He winced at the thought. Lucas would never accept him going there. “I’m not sure I have one.”

“Come on, you must’ve had girls back in Boston you dated. And I remember you hanging around some when you lived here. You’re not exactly a monk.”

Breck laughed. “No, not exactly.” He regretted throwing his bottle in the trash. He wished he had something to hold, to mess with. His hands felt jittery and empty. “I guess if I needed to choose a type, I’d say I like a girl with class. Intelligence. Someone with a sense of humor who isn’t afraid to push me, and doesn’t take my shit. A girl with her own interests, who’s ambitious, strong, and doesn’t want to hang around me all the time. At the end of the day, I guess I want what everybody wants. A girl to sit and talk to as the sun goes down.”

“And then you take her to bed and have hot sex.” Lucas raised his eyebrows.

“Classy.” Breck groaned. Why was it when Lucas said that, Breck’s mind automatically flew to Caitie?

“I’m just telling it like it is. There’s no point in having a relationship without the sex. The talking is nice, so’s the being together, but when you get down to things, it’s all about sexual compatibility.”

Breck blew out a breath. This conversation was moving into uncomfortable territory. A stark reminder of why he shouldn’t shit on his own doorstep. What kind of guy thinks about sex with his best friend’s sister?

“Anyway, back to your list. For a guy who said he doesn’t have a type, that’s pretty extensive criteria. Are there any girls out there who can even match up to them?” Lucas asked.

“Apart from Ember?” Breck raised his brows.

“Ah, as gorgeous as she is, even my girl doesn’t meet your criteria. You’re never going to get all that with one girl.”

Only with the wrong girl. “Now you know why I’m single.”

“You’re going to end up being a lonely, old man. Maybe you should call Rachel. At least you’d have someone warm to cozy up to.”

“I’ll pass on that, thanks.”

Breck’s phone buzzed in his jeans pocket. He pulled it out, planning to forward it to voicemail. Probably Rachel calling again. After his conversation with Lucas, he definitely didn’t want to chat with her anytime soon.
