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He kissed her hard, one hand splayed against the small of her back, the other cupping the back of her head to angle her face to his. His lips were warm, demanding, sending pulses of electricity through her veins.

“I can’t believe we can do this every day,” he said, his voice thick when they breathlessly pulled apart. “No more Skypeing, no more calling just to hear your voice. I get to wake up to you every morning.”

“You’ll be sick of me within a week,” Caitie said, grinning.

His expression was serious. “I will never get sick of you, Caitlin Russell.”

The way he was staring made her skin heat up with desire. “I can never get enough of you, either,” she told him, a shiver snaking down her spine.

“Let’s go to bed.” He took he

r hand, folding it in his own. “The cleaning up can wait.”

An hour later, after he’d loved her warm and hard the way she liked, Breck took her in his arms, spooning her so her body fit against his. She closed her eyes and breathed him in, thinking about all those nights when she’d fallen asleep to his voice on her phone and longed for his touch.

“Harper liked her gift,” she said sleepily, as he pressed his lips to her cheek. “It was so lovely of you to think of it.”

“I’m glad she did.” He kissed her again. “And I meant what I said, she’s always welcome. She’s part of you, and I love her for it. Plus she took care of you when I couldn’t.”

“It’s been a good day,” Caitie said with a smile, her eyes drifting closed. “Can you believe I’m going to be an auntie?”

She felt him smile against her skin. “You’ll be an amazing auntie,” he told her, running his lips down the side of her neck. “The same way you’ll be a fantastic mother one day.”

Caitie couldn’t help but grin. They’d talked about children – Breck wanted four, she wanted two and the occasional chance at sleep – and they’d agreed that sometime in the next couple of years they’d try. Once she’d recruited enough consultants that the business could live with her taking a step back, and when Breck had built up the team he needed to make Miller Construction a success on the West Coast.

She loved that they were in agreement about everything. Their friends, their family, their future together. After all the heartache she’d been through, being with Breck felt like the final piece of the jigsaw, slotting in so easily, making everything complete.

“I love you,” she said, her voice heavy with sleep. It had been a long day, and her body was ready to give up for the night.

“Not as much as I love you,” he told her, pulling her tightly against him. Her spine curved into his chest and stomach, their legs tangling together.

Her eyes fluttered closed. As she drifted off there was a smile curling her lips. Because she knew, even in slumber, that in the morning she’d wake up in his arms, where she’d always belonged.

He was her safe haven and she was his. Together, they finally had it all.
