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I honestly couldn’t rememberthe last time I felt bone-deep satisfaction. Fraser and Leo fucked me through god knows how many orgasms. The two of them heated me up, twisted me, teased me, and made me want to spend hours with them, discovering how many times we could make each other come in one evening.

We’d visited the steakhouse for dinner. I much preferred calling up room service and exploring the toy basket some more, but it was probably best to get to know one another in normal ways and not just finding out about our kinks and turn-ons.

“The hostess will seat us in about ten minutes.”

Leo took up position next to be on the balcony overlook main reception. Fraser had gone to the bar to grab us a set of drinks. The two of them cleaned up rather nicely. Each wore a different colored button down and a pair of well pressed shorts and deck shoes.

“I saw you smiling from over there.” Leo tossed his head in the direction of the hostess stand where he’d just put our name in. “What’s got you looking like that?”

I debated whether to tell him all the naughty things I’d been thinking about.

“I was simply reflecting that less than twenty-four hours ago I lay in bed in my cold condo in Chicago, trying to stay awake long enough to rub one out before bed, and here I am today, not only not tired, but ravenous for more.”

Before I saw him, I felt Fraser. He pressed his body against mine, passing me a glass of wine around the back of my body. Between my cotton sundress and his linen shorts, there was little that separated his hard cock from the little jewel that poked out from between my cheeks. I’d debated taking it out while dressing for dinner. However, neither man had instructed me to do so. I’d become used to the delicious stretch and the heaviness when I walked. If I were totally honest, it more than likely was the reason my whole pussy still throbbed with need.

“Mmm, what’s this?” He asked, nibbling my ear, and rocking his erection against the jeweled protrusion. “Oh Rae, you are fucking perfect.”

I tracked his arm as he set his beer on the ledge just to my left before wrapping it around my hips. With my firmly held within the confines of his arm, he pressed against me harder, making that plug press into my backdoor, and cause it to shift and stretch in a new direction.

“Stop it, Fraser.” Leo scooted closer to the both of us, his hand inching up the front of my dress. “How the hell am I supposed to sit through dinner and enjoy amicable conversation with a fucking semi?”

Despite his protests, he found the hem of my dress, his fingers exploring the skin of my thighs before reaching my uncovered pussy.

“Rae.” My name on his lips sounded like a song. “You’re so naughty.”

His fingers found purchase on my swollen and already—or possibly still—sensitive clit. He thrummed his fingers from my clit all along my slit, while Fraser pressed against me from behind.

“Why aren’t you wearing panties to dinner?” He asked with feigned shock in his voice.

Already I could barely form words. I was less than fifteen strokes from coming all over his hand, in a dress, in the lobby of a steakhouse. Nothing seemed more erotic at that moment than Fraser humping against my ass, manipulating that plug with his stiff cock, and Leo playing with my pussy, as if people weren’t milling about a floor beneath us.

“I’m pretty sure.” I desperately tried to keep my voice steady. Forming words took an immense amount of effort and concentration I didn’t want to expel at that moment. There were so many better, more appealing things—like coming—that I preferred to hold my focus. “I’m pretty sure,” I tried a second time, wetting my lips and swallowing to force my concentration back to this conversation, “you were the one that dared me to.”

“Is that true?” Fraser asked, surprise raising the timbre in his voice, “Mr. Quiet and Contemplative has a commanding side?”

Fraser grabbed Leo by the neck before he answered and assaulted his lips. The deeper their kiss got, the more persistent Fraser's rubbing became, and Leo’s manipulations of my clit became more focused. My entire spine felt alight with bone deep need. The lightning bolts emanating from my clit through my entire blood stream had me begging and panting. I held on to the balcony with one hand and tried not to drop the wineglass still in my other. I wanted to grab onto Leo’s hand, to keep it still and exactly in the place I needed it. I wanted to ride his hand at my pace, and slingshot me off this edge of need into the well of satisfaction that called to me like a siren in the sea.

“Do you see those ladies over there Rae?” Fraser panted in my ear? “The ones on the sofas? They’re looking right at us. The one in the middle looks like she wants to walk up to us and ask to join in. I can see her licking her lips. That yellow sundress she’s wearing is doing little to hide how hard her fucking nipples are. She wants this, Rae. She wants to be part of us.”

His words wound me tighter. I didn’t even think that was possible. My mind had gone so sideways with need I was three strokes away from lifting my dress and begging Fraser to stick his cock in me in front of everyone.

“She liked that idea.” Leo told Fraser, “She’s so wet, it's dripping all over my hand. I wish I was between your legs, Queenie. I bet there’s quite a feast waiting for me beneath this dress.”

“Mr. Fraser?” The hostess called from her stand. “We’re ready to seat you.”

“This is it, Queenie. Now or never.”

Fraser pushed his body off mine and I felt that loss immediately. His hands grabbed hold of the plug through my dress and twisted. Repeatedly. As he twisted, he pulled it out by centimeters, only to push it back out again. I felt a scream trying to claw its way up my throat as the orgasm that had been circling just out of my reach railroaded into existence. I bit my lips hard, desperate to keep quiet and not cause a scene.

I humped desperately against the surrounding air, riding out every firework of pleasure. Leo dipped his fingers deep into my pussy one last time, forcing a shiver I felt from my toes to the follicles on my head. He leaned far enough onto the balcony to catch my glance. When he was sure I watched him, he placed his fingers in his mouth and dramatically withdrew them, licking every drop of moisture from them.

“Guess I’m a dessert first kind of guy, after all” He winked at me, placed his hands in his pockets and allowed the hostess to lead him deeper into the restaurant.
