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Chapter twenty-nine



I wake up in my bed with Donovan’s arm thrown over my stomach. I love watching him sleep so peacefully, and I love waking up with him next to me. It’s the last few weeks of summer and we have taken full advantage of enjoying warm nights on my patio looking at the stars, with a glass of wine and each other. Something I was sure would never happen just a few short months ago.

We spend most of our nights here together unless he’s on the road at campaign events. He decided to stay in the race for senate. After the interview was published about our ordeal in the basement, he had an outpouring of support from his voters. We kept the details to a minimum without too many inquiries into those details. It was important to me to keep Jackson’s private life private. What he does isn’t wrong. We have quite enjoyed his connections at Club Noir and don’t want to lose the anonymity we find there.

Another reason we stay here is for Lindsey. She isn’t ready to be alone, especially at night. I still hear her up and about all hours of the night, but at least she’s been seeing a therapist, finally, after a lot of pressure from Abigail and me. Jackson has been here many times to check on her after I apologized to him for the way I treated him at the hospital. The relief he felt after my apology was palpable. I may have cried a little because I felt so terrible, and he may have shed a tear or two as well.

Lindsey and Jackson have become good friends since the incident. I think she feels comfortable being herself in front of him since they were both the most affected by the events of that day. They share a lot of the same feelings of misplaced guilt, but they have each other to lean on. When I’m not home for a night or two, either Jackson or Abigail stays with her. Having Jackson and Abigail here together, though? That’s a whole other can of worms. Those two are oil and vinegar and best kept separate.

Donovan stirs next to me, tightening his grip around my waist as he sleepily kisses my neck.

“Mmm, you taste like heaven,” he tells me. He still can’t get enough of tasting my skin or other parts of me. Truthfully, I never want him to.

“It’s moving day, sleepyhead. We need to get up. The movers will be here in an hour.”

Yup, we’re moving in together. Originally, the idea was for him to come here, but I don’t think my apartment is big enough for all of us, especially when Donovan works from home for his campaign and all his staffers try to fit into my little living room. Fortunately, Aiden’s lease was up at his place, so he offered to come stay here with Lindsey on Donovan’s dime. Not a terrible deal for a single guy who doesn’t really go out much and never brings anyone home. He’s about as averse to relationships as Jackson, minus the one-night stands Jackson has the reputation for.

Lindsey was on board with the idea, too. I think she feels safer when Donovan is here, so to have Aiden here full time gives her some comfort, considering his past as a military operative. And she may be a little tired of the constant affection Donovan and I show each other. Or it may be the nagging from me. Who knows? I try not to baby her. It’s not serving her with her recovery, or so her therapist has told me. She’s still my little sister, though, and I’m still dealing with some of my own guilt. I’ve gotten better about it, we all have, but it pops up from time to time.

Donovan continues kissing my neck, now rubbing his erection against my hip.

“Baby, I need you. If I have to go all day watching you in those little shorts and my T-shirt bending over, over and over again, you gotta give me something to tide me over. It’s our last morning in your apartment. I really think we should commemorate the occasion.” Man, he is laying it on thick this morning. Fortunately for him, I have never been one to deny him and I’m not about to start now.

“I suppose we can spare a few minutes for a couple of orgasms.” I smile as I turn to face him, both of us on our sides. I’ll never regret forgiving him and moving past the hurt we caused each other. Forgiveness got us here, and here is pretty damn good.

“I love you, Donovan,” I say right before I kiss him. He pulls back and looks me in the eye as he enters me.

“I love you too, beautiful. Forever.”
