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“He said that settling down with me felt too much like settling. Like I was the consolation prize he’d accepted when he couldn’t find anything better.”

If you’d asked me before that moment, I’d have told you I was over it and that Will’s words didn’t have any power over me. But saying it to Milo in that moment was different, like I could actually admit how much it had hurt.

“And now he’s trying to get you back. You know why?”

I shake my head through the tears that have suddenly sprung to my eyes.

He tips up my chin. “Because he’s finally wised up and discovered how lucky he was to even have a chance with you. A chance that he won’t get again. You are one of a kind, Mya Taylor. And you are no one’s fucking consolation prize.”

The phone on the bed between us rings again and the picture of Will and I flashes on the screen. Milo looks down at the phone and then up at me. “May I?”

I have no idea what he means so I shrug. He grabs the phone and swipes right to answer.

“Yes. No, you have the right number, this is Mya’s phone. This is her fiancé.”

My mouth falls open.

“That’s right her fiancé. A guy who is smart enough to know exactly how special she is and how lucky I am to be with her. A chance you won’t have again so please fuck all the way off and stop calling.” He pulls the phone away but then before he disconnects he puts it back to his ear. “And by the way, pal, her knee caps are fantastic.”

Then he drops the phone back on the bed and his mouth crashes down on mine.


It’s go time.

I settle gently on top of Mya, not wanting to shock her out of the moment. Maybe it hasn’t fully sunk in for her yet that she’s kissing me, the dude she’s hated for years and the guy who just put her in the middle of a big fat lie. Either way I don’t want to waste the opportunity I’ve been dreaming of since the day we met. I want to show Mya how good we could be together.

Her nails dig into my arms and I love that she’s just as into this as I am. The phone on the bed next to us is ringing non-stop now and the thought of her jackass ex calling while I’m currently worshipping her mouth makes me smile. Mya opens her eyes when she feels my lips move against hers.

“Why are you smiling?”

“Because I’m kissing you. It doesn’t take more than that, beautiful.”

I kiss her again, just because I can. Because we’re here and for once she’s smiling at me instead of insulting me and I’m afraid if I blink things will go back to the way they were. Mya’s hands dive into my hair and my eyes almost roll into the back of my head. If just her touch on my hair feels this good, I’ll probably blow my load before she even gets below the belt.

Then she stops.

“Wait. This is not a good idea.”

I push my hips forward, reminding her of where I am. In this position, she can feel all of me resting right against her stomach. Hey, what do you want me to say? A guy has to use every advantage he has.

“Feels like a good idea to me.”

The movement of our bodies has pushed the fabric of the shirt up and I can see her panties. A little pink scrap that might as well be a red flag in front of a bull. Her head falls back and she lets out the sexiest little moan as I grind against her. But then her hand goes to the middle of my chest.

“I don’t want this to get in the way of work. Sleeping with a coworker is always a bad idea. Plus there’s no point. It’s not like a relationship between us could go anywhere.”

My mood drops slightly. The thought of relationships usually cause that effect. But then again, I’m not really turned off by the thought of a relationship with Mya at all. Which is a shock. I’m more annoyed that she doesn’t think a relationship between us would work out. Strange, I know.

No time to examine that now. There’s something more important to discuss.

“I promise you that this chemistry between us absolutely has a point and it has nothing to do with the future. People have sex even if it’s not going anywhere.”

“Maybe other people do. I don’t. What’s the point?” Mya really looks bewildered.

If she’d said that earlier I would have been taken off guard but now that I know her past situation with her ex-dickhead I get it. She’s not used to the idea of sex being a pleasurable thing.

Which is something I can definitely fix.
