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“Little girl,” I say sternly, “you need to get over here right now. You’re getting a spanking and there’s no way out of it.”

She looks at me, eyes flashing, and says, “Oh, so you’ll break up with me for not letting you spank me?” She has a damned triumphant look on her face for putting it that way.

“No,” I say. “I’ll break up with you for lying to me. I’ll break up with you for making a commitment and agreeing to punishments and then, the first time the punishment is going to come backing out. I’ll break up with you for lying to me for months and me hurting you time and time again because you lied.”

“But that only hurt me,” she says, not as confidently as her previous comments.

“The hell it did,” I say. “You made me a victimizer. You made me hurt the woman I love and I’ll be damned if that goes unpunished.”

She looks for a moment as though she intends to keep arguing but then she just kind of melts. She looks at me and says, “But… but I thought I was being what you wanted, what a Daddy wants.”

“All I want is for you to be you,” I say.

“But I’m your little girl,” she says.

“You’re Tami,” I reply, “and that’s who you are. If we threw away the age play entirely, I would still be in love with you. You’re Tami. I love you, not some image of what you’re supposed to be.” I shake my head and say, “If you told me you loved something that hurt you. Anal sex, maybe. Maybe getting tied up. If you told me you loved those things and I did them and every time it hurt you, you’re making me someone that hurts you. You not only hurt yourself but you turn me into something terrible.”

She looks at me. I can tell all her defiance is wavering. I can also tell she never once thought about things the way I just put them. Hell, until I said it to her, I really didn’t think of things that way, steak dinners notwithstanding. Then, her defiance disappears. “You… I made you… Oh, God, Daddy. I didn’t even… Oh, Daddy…”

She stops talking and backs up a step. She lifts her tee shirt up and sets it down on the recliner. I think for a moment she is going to try to make it up to me with sex. I am not looking forward to refusing her but when she steps out of her pajama bottoms and sets them on the chair, she says, “You’re right Daddy.” Then she walks over to me and lays herself over my lap. “I… I didn’t have the right to make you hurt me.”

This will be the first spanking.

Perhaps this will be the first real discipline, actually. Nearly everything else has been playful and small, more like a game than actual discipline. I want to make sure she feels pain but not that she gets hurt and I say, “I want you to have a safe word, little girl.”

“A… A safe word?”

“This spanking should cause you pain but not damage. It’s designed for you to have a way to stop it instantly.”

“Oh, I won’t stop it, Daddy. I know I deserve it.”

“Little girl!” I say in the hardest tone I can. “This should hurt but it shouldn’t hurt you either emotionally or physically. I need to be able to trust that you’ll use the safe word. It’s for the same reason we’re having this discussion. It’s my responsibility to punish you but you bear responsibility to keep me from victimizing you.”

She takes a deep breath and says, “I understand, Daddy. I… I always thought safe words were for bondage or something.”

“They’re just as important here.”

“Okay, Daddy,” she says.

“What do you do when you get to a red light?”


“Exactly,” I say, “and you use the safe word if you need me to stop. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she says.

“And can I trust you to use the safe word if you need to?”

She takes a long time to answer and then finally says, “Yes, Daddy.” I’m hesitant, of course. This should be something good for the two of us and good for the relationship. I’m about to call it off when she looks up at me. “I mean it, Daddy. You’re right. I need to be honest. If I need to use it, I will.” The sincerity in her voice and her expression is unquestionable.

“Okay, little girl,” I say, “tell me the safe word one more time.”

“Red, Daddy,” she says, turning her head back down. I feel her body tense a little in preparation for the first spank. I don’t make her wait. I bring my hand down in a very hard spank over her ass cheeks and she gasps. It’s clear she had no idea the spanking would be a real, honest-to-goodness spanking. I land another hard spank and she yelps. With the third, I can see she’s fighting back tears. By the fourth, she’s losing the battle. She weeps after the fifth.
