Page 3 of Mob Boss

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Chapter Three ~ Marco: Three years later

“I don’t know why I have to marry her.” I ran my hands through my hair before turning back to my brother.

He tossed his pen down on his desk and let out a groan of frustration. "You know why. It's business. You always knew you'd have to marry for the family. It's what we have to do." He shrugged and went over to pour us both some whiskey. "Who knows, maybe you'll fall in love with her, and if not, you can have mistresses. You would be the first cartel boss that wasn't faithful to his wife."

Antonio had arranged for my marriage to Ivana, the daughter of a nearby cartel boss. I'd met her a couple of times, and she was pretty enough, but she was also very dull. Ivana didn't seem to have much of a personality. She didn't have the fire a certain girl I'd met years ago had.

Camila and I parted ways that night, my brother dragging me out of the wedding before I could get her number. I finally managed to get it but didn't text her for about another month. We were suddenly on the verge of an all-out war with another cartel, which took all of my attention. It hadn't been the time to get Camila involved in my private life.

When I did text her, I got a message the number didn’t exist. I ran into deadends after that and gave up. I didn’t see her around either. I finally heard she’d gone abroad to study.

I never forgot that sexy smile of hers, though. Camila's face was often the one I pictured when I jacked off. Sometimes I would even imagine her when I was fucking some girl I met at a club. I couldn't seem to shake Camila from my mind.

Now I had to get married. I guess a small part of me held out hope that Camila would come back around and we could be together. But, if I was married, that wouldn't happen. Something told me she would never tolerate being a mistress, and she shouldn't - she was too good for that.

“We can’t all be as lucky as you, big brother.”

Antonio’s marriage had been arranged as well. They started out hating each other but now were madly in love with a couple of kids and another on the way.

“I am pretty lucky, aren’t I?” He gave me a crooked smile and tossed back his drink.

“Fucker,” I muttered and rolled my eyes. I checked my watch. “Are you sure you can’t make it to the funeral?”

Camila's mother had passed away from a battle with cancer, and since her father was a lieutenant for us, at least one of us should make an appearance. I offered right away, hoping Camila would be back in town for her mother's funeral.

"I'm going to try, but Ivana can go with you just in case. It can be your first official outing as an engaged couple." He grinned at me, and I wanted to punch his face in. "I ordered a car to pick her up and then come get you. But, you know, you're also going to have to get her a ring soon."

“Great,” I muttered. I already hated being engaged.

We talked about business when one of my guys came in to let me know the car was here with Ivana. I stood up and smoothed out my black suit. I checked my hair in the mirror Antonio had in his office before heading out to the car.

When I got in, Ivana greeted me with a smile. I nodded and greeted her. Most guys would be thrilled to be married to a woman who looked like her with her long black hair and legs that never quit. She was wearing an elegant sleeveless black dress that perfectly fit her tall, svelte frame. I'd heard she even did some modeling as a teenager.

But she had no personality.

She looked disappointed when I sat as far away from her as I could in the backseat and turned to look out the window, not trying to talk to her.

We arrived at the funeral, and I got out of the car. I went around to the other side and opened the door for Ivana. I offered her my hand, and she took it before getting out. She slipped her arm around mine, and we headed into the church.

I nodded my greeting to people as we walked in, pausing to shake some hands and talk to a few of them. We received many congratulations on our engagement. I gritted my teeth and thanked people, shocked at how quickly the news had spread. Ivana looked thrilled, smiling next to me the whole time.

Eventually, we got in line to make our way to the front and pay our respects. Camila's mom was loved by many, and the reception line had been long. As we got closer, I finally saw her. I dropped Ivana's arm, and she gave me a look. My heart started to race, and my mouth got dry. I felt like a teenager who was seeing my crush.

Camila looked amazing. She was wearing a simple short-sleeved black dress, and her hair was down. It looked like it'd gotten longer since I'd seen her.

What surprised me was the little boy she was holding in her arms. He looked like he was maybe two or three years old. At first, I thought he was someone in her family she was just holding, but the way he clung to her made me wonder if he was her son. So I glanced around, looking for someone who could be her husband. But unfortunately, the only men nearby were her brothers and father.

The closer we got, the sweatier my palms got. I was ridiculous. If Antonio were here, he would be giving me such shit.

"Just a few more minutes, and Mommy will get you a snack."

Those were the words I heard when it was our turn next to pay our respects. My heart dropped, and insane jealousy overcame me.

Now I know where she’d been all these years.
