Page 6 of Mob Boss

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Chapter Six ~ Camila

“Who was that? Was that Marco Bravo?”

My father was waiting for me at the door when I got inside. I swiped the tears from my eyes quickly and started to walk up the stairs.

“Are you crying? Camila Garcia, what is going on? Why do I have Marco Bravo outside of my house at this time of night?”

I paused on the stairs and gripped the railing. I took a deep breath and turned around. “Don’t worry, Daddy. We had a thing a long time ago and he wanted to talk to me before getting married. It’s nothing.”

He put his hands on his hips, not believing a word I just said. “It better be nothing. I think you should get your ass back to Italy sooner, rather than later.”

“Yes, Daddy.” I turned around and started back up the stairs. I got to my room and quickly shut the door behind me. Antonio was sleeping in a pack and play in my room and I smiled when I saw him. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. I had zero regrets about having him.

I leaned down and touched his cheek before covering him up again. I went into the bathroom off of my room and shut the door, choking back a sob. I couldn’t believe Marco had accused me of sleeping around.

I had no intention of telling him about Antonio, even when he showed up at my parents house late at night. I couldn’t bear for him to think I was some slut so I confessed. And ran.

I sat on the bathroom floor and cried silently. I don’t know what mess I’d caused by telling Marco that Antonio was his, but I doubted I’d heard the end of it. My father was right; I had to get back to Italy pronto. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and scheduled my flight for the two of us not tomorrow, but the next day. It was the earliest I could get. Antonio and I would hide out here until it was time to leave.

Eventually I managed to crawl into bed and get a little bit of sleep. I spent the next day going through some of my mom’s things, taking some jewelry I wanted to keep. I was on edge the whole time. Every time the doorbell rang or my dad got a call, I jumped. I couldn’t relax.

The day came for us to leave and I had Antonio in my arms. One of my dad’s guys had our bags and another was waiting at the car for us.

I opened the door and standing there was Marco Bravo.

Shit. We’d almost gotten away.

“Going somewhere, Camila?”

My father came to the door. “Marco, what are you doing here? Did we have a meeting today?”

Marco shook his head. “No, I’m here to see Camila.”

My dad gave me the side-eye and I gave a slight shrug as if to say I had no idea why he was there.

“Camila is on her way to the airport. She and Antonio are going back to Italy today.”

“I see.” He glanced at me. “I would like to speak with her, so I’ll see she gets to the airport.”

“That’s okay, Marco.”

“I insist,” he said firmly and I knew better than to argue, especially in front of my dad.

“Fine,” I muttered and Marco motioned for his guy to get my bags. I turned to my father. “Goodbye, Daddy.”

He hugged and kissed my cheek. “Have a good flight. Let me know when you get there.” He turned on his heel and left the room. Marco watched him walk away and shook his head.

“Let’s go.” He turned and walked out to his car. I followed behind, carrying Antonio.

We climbed into his limo and I settled Antonio next to me, giving him my phone to play with.

“I’m not taking you to the airport, Camila.” He sat across from us, watching Antonio intently. “We have some things to talk about.”

I sighed and leaned back and put my hand on my forehead. “I had a feeling but I’m not sure what there is to talk about, Marco.”

“I want to know more about Antonio. When did you find out you were pregnant? Is that why you left? Does anyone else know who the father is?”

I wiped my hands on my leggings. “A few weeks after our night together, I started to feel sick. I was tired all the time and couldn’t keep food down. Mom suggested I go to the doctor and that’s where it was discovered I was pregnant. You were the only one I’d been with who could be the father but I didn’t tell anyone. My parents harassed me for months to tell them who the father was, but I wouldn’t budge. When I started to show, my father sent me away to Italy to live with some family we have there and to have the baby. He didn’t want his unwed daughter around with the baby of some random man.”

Marco listened intently and I watched him clench his hands on his lap. The muscle in his cheek was twitching.

“I wish you’d told me.”

“I’m sorry. Truly I am. I wanted to, but the more time that passed, the harder it was to tell you.” A tear escaped my eye, rolling down my cheek. I really did feel terrible I hadn’t told Marco about Antonio.

“My sister’s kept me filled in on the gossip around here and I’d heard rumors you were soon to be engaged. That made it even harder. I almost didn’t come home for Mom’s funeral, but I couldn’t miss it. I had to be here. I also thought you’d long since forgotten about me, having moved on with countless other women.”

He snorted. “I won’t lie; I’ve slept with other women, but I’ve always compared them to you. You haven’t left my mind for three years, Camila.”

The tears were flowing freely down my cheeks now. "I've never forgotten about you either, Marco. How could I when I have this constant reminder? Antonio looks more like you every day. I'm surprised you didn't see it right away." I put my arm around Antonio and pulled him close. "I've belonged to you since that night, Marco."
