Page 100 of Homeless Heart

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Holy shit, Lizzie's having our baby! I carried her quickly, placing her in the small back seat of our little Mini Cooper. We have to get a new car, as this was an obscenely stupid car for people with kids. After I got my inheritance, I'd planned to get one before the baby came, but Lizzie had kept me busy baby proofing the house. She lay in the back with her feet up on the window. If this weren't happening to me, I'd have laughed at Lizzie's position. I rushed through traffic like the cops were chasing me. Her contractions were now coming faster and harder, and her screaming grew louder by the time we pulled up to the front of the hospital. My wife had a real potty mouth, and I just laughed when she cursed me for having done this to her.

I rushed in and grabbed a stray wheelchair and maneuvered Lizzie into it, wheeling her in frantically trying to find a nurse. The nurses were calm and collected. They took Lizzie and insisted I park the car, otherwise they'd have to tow me. I parked, grabbed the bag we stored in the car, and ran like a madman to find Lizzie. God, I loved my organized wife!

My heart was about to explode; I frantically ran up to the labor ward looking for her. A nurse finally told me her room number when she feared for her life as I looked like I might wring her neck if she didn't give me the answers I needed from her.

Lizzie was lying on the bed looking blissfully peaceful; she must have been in between contractions. The doctor was nowhere to be seen. They had gotten her changed into a hospital gown in that short time. I was so relieved to see her happy and calm; it gave me time to catch my breath and relax.

The doctor startled me as he came in and gave us the lowdown on what was happening. Unfortunately, Lizzie wasn't able to have an epidural because we'd waited too long. The doctor was lucky he wasn't in arm's length of my wife when he gave her that news. I knew she would be swearing again soon, and I worried she might punch me in my privates. As everything moved quickly, I tried to prepare myself for what was coming now. I'd read the books and watched the videos; I was ready to be a father. Well, at least that's what I kept telling myself.

Lizzie's parents were on the way, I'd texted them when I arrived. Also, during a break in Lizzie's contractions, I'd snuck out and called Duke. I'd ducked into a stairwell, so I didn't get busted talking on the phone. A particular nurse had been giving me the stink eye from the minute we arrived for using my phone.

The phone only rang once before Duke spoke, cutting me off. "Kid, is it time?"

"Yep, we are at the hospital, and it's close."

I heard him shouting at people in the bar. "Get out. All of you. I am closing up."

"Duke, you can't kick everyone out of the bar. Come up tomorrow or the weekend."

"No way, I am coming now. I'll get Mike to come down and open back up. Not waiting. My grandbaby's coming now, so I am coming too." I got a little choked up when he referred to our little girl as his grandbaby.

"Okay, don't kill yourself getting here. We'll be here for a while."

His laugh vibrated down the line. "Take care of our girls, and I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thanks, Duke."

"No problem, son, I am proud of you."

"See you soon." He didn't say anything else, he just hung up.

Trying to collect my composure after that conversation, I texted my parents to let them know the status of the baby. I was glad we’d grown closer over the last few months. My mother texted me to let me know we'd see her when we came home with the baby. She assured me it was because of my father's health and not wanting to catch any bugs at the hospital.

At that moment, I heard Lizzie's mother in the waiting room, so I went out to give them an update. When I came out, Eve clamped herself to me.

"Phin, can I go in? How is she doing? Is the baby here? When did her contractions start?" Dan pulled his wife off me and held on to her shoulders, pinning her to the spot.

I let her catch her breath. "Mom, she's fine, but she asked if you guys would stay out here." The look of disappointment that sat on her face almost broke me, but I had to stay strong.

"Oh, okay, I understand."

"Sorry, Mom, you know what she's like, and she's afraid of pooping herself in front of you." Dan tried to hide his laugh as he looked away, probably relieved he didn't have to go in.

"She really shouldn't have read all those books," her mother commented.

"I know we both should have stayed off YouTube. Look, I've got to get back. I'll come back soon with an update."

Dan spoke up, "Sure, son, go take care of the girls." I leaned in and kissed Eve on the cheek and ran back to Lizzie and my little girl who was fighting her way to us. Once I got back into the room, the time flew by as Lizzie's contractions got closer and closer. She did so well pushing and breathing as she worked to bring our little girl into the world. I was crying as I watched her be brave and struggle to push her out. I know why women have babies, because there's no way I could have ever managed to do it.

I kissed her and encouraged her that she was doing a great job throughout the delivery. The name calling and threats to my manhood were constant. The nurses blushed and laughed; they assured us they heard considerably worse every day. She begged for her favorite treats, and I bribed her that they'd be waiting for her when she was done.

Baby Petal Hope Dunbar was born on a sunny Friday on the twenty-eighth of August at four p.m. She was happy and with a healthy set of lungs. Noisy, just like her mother. Both of us knew our daughter would never be quiet from the moment she came into this world. We weren't wrong.

Lizzie was so tired, but the happy tears wouldn't stop as she kissed our baby wrapped in a bright pink hospital blanket. Inspecting her tiny fingers and toes, we saw they were all there and perfect. She smelled the top of her head for some reason, which made me smile. I edged onto the bed so we could both marvel at our little miracle.

Lizzie handed me our precious package. I'd never held a newborn baby in my life, so I wasn't sure what to do. I was terrified I'd break her, but the minute I took her in my arms, my protective instinct took over. Looking down at her my heart hurt because it was so full of love. Lizzie taught me how to love, but being Petal's dad was an all-new type of love that we'd figure out together.

"Lizzie, she's so small."

"I think she's perfect."

"You are both perfect and mine." I looked over at my wife through tears, kissing her long and hard on the mouth. Baby Petal decided to cry, interrupting our moment. Lizzie looked at me, understanding that this would be the first of a million interruptions in our life.

From this moment, life was perfect.
