Page 13 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 11


My need for caffeine wasn't what got me out of bed and to the café this morning. Not being a morning person, getting up was always a challenge, but today the thought of seeing that kid again was a great motivator to get moving. Kid? Who was I kidding; he was a man, just a younger man. I was thirty-one, and I didn't often hang out with youngsters. I was born in the eighties, so I had trouble imagining dating someone who was born in the nineties.

As I got ready this morning, I put on a little more makeup and wore a new blouse in the hope of seeing him. The thought of those dark green eyes staring back at me was reason enough to discount the possible age difference. The anticipation of seeing him again had my heart fluttering like I'd already had too many espressos. There was a particular spring in my step, in my cute ballerina flats, when I headed toward the café. As I approached the door, my mouth got dry, and my hands shook a little as I reached out for the handle.

As soon as I entered the café, I saw the dark-haired, handsome stranger sitting at the same corner table watching the door, looking right at me. He smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back at him. As I headed farther in, I realized my cheeks were getting warm. I was blushing, turning a light shade of pink, which didn't look good with my almost ginger coloring. Attempting to collect myself, I took some cleansing breaths as I approached his table. Calm down, Elizabeth, it's just coffee! What's the worst that could happen? I knew the answer to that was him wearing the hot coffee all over his lap.

Taking another deep breath, I walked over to his table and stood like Samantha asking out Jake Ryan in Sixteen Candles. "Hi there, I want to buy you a drink. My treat, what would you like?" I hoped he couldn't tell how nervous I was; my voice was two octaves higher than usual. There were dogs in the neighborhood howling right now. Be cool!

He continued to smile at me; it was a warm smile with the sexiest dimple in his right cheek. You only noticed it when he smiled. I had to stop checking out his mouth, so I looked him in the eyes. What a mistake! Those dark moss-green eyes had me, and now I couldn't look away.

"Fuck!" Shit, I said that out loud. He looked at me and chuckled but didn't say anything about my foul mouth.

“No, I have a drink here; maybe you can buy me one some other time?"

I was a little disappointed but tried to hide it with my smile. "Rain check?"

"Yes, definitely a rain check. Do you want to sit down and join me once you get your coffee?"

I looked at my watch, knowing I had plenty of time. I'd made an effort to come early to make sure I ran into the mystery man. "Sure, let me get my espresso." Like I needed caffeine, you could power a small car off my heart right now.

Buying myself some time to calm down, I stopped and fixed my espresso with two lumps of sugar. Taking a few calming breaths, I joined him, hoping my flushed coloring wouldn't give me away. As I sat down, I couldn't help the permanent smile on my face. "I have to have my caffeine fix in the morning, or I'm no fun to be around." Oh God, I suck at small talk.

He'd didn't take his eyes off my mouth while I took a sip of my drink.

"Feel better?" he asked.

I wasn't sure if the coffee was giving me a charge or the way he was watching me. I hoped that my klutz gene didn't rear its ugly head. Now is the time in the romantic comedy where you spill your coffee down your shirt, or your chair falls back and exposes the granny panties that you put on in a hurry this morning. I could only hope that the caffeine would take effect before any of those things happened. "Yes, I can be a human now." I sighed and immediately leaned back in the chair.

He held out his hand. "I am Phineas Dunbar, but people call me Phin. Don't ask; it's a family name."

I took his big warm hand, and I didn't want to let go. "Elizabeth Baxter, nice to meet you, Phin." I noticed him inspecting my hand to see if I had on a wedding ring. There was an undeniable attraction while we shook hands. His gaze made my heart flutter like I'd just drank a thousand espressos. Oh my, those granny panties would be toast. Neither one of us let go until the scream of a baby snapped us out of the spell. I hoped he hadn't noticed my sweaty hand as I pulled it away.

"So, Elizabeth, I see you got your phone fixed. What do you do that you are so attached to your iPhone?"

I took another drink and glanced down at my phone; I was stalling, but he didn't seem to mind. "I work as an event planner for a nonprofit charity, and it’s our big fundraising event this weekend. This week is my busiest time of year, and to be without my phone is like missing an arm."

He smiled at me and reached for my phone that sat on the table with my hand covering it like a protective parent. When he touched my hand, I pulled it away quickly feeling that electrical charge shoot through my body again. I couldn't fan my face, so I sat here hoping I wasn't turning a darker shade of pink. Shit, now I would look like my Strawberry Shortcake doll.

"Luckily, I had the insurance, and it only cost me fifty bucks to replace it. Between the new phone and the free coffee, it was a good day after all."

He sat back smiling at me, which gave me a chance to check out his faded dark green Henley shirt which was tight in all the right places. Shifting in my seat, I gave up and fanned my face, but it wasn't helping.

I took another sip of my coffee, savoring the flavor, trying to avoid looking at him but unable to resist him. He winked at me, which wasn't helping with the hot flash that was happening between my legs.

"What do you do, Phin?"

His smile weakened for a second; he looked uncomfortable for the first time since I sat down. "I am in between jobs right now; you know the economy and all."

I nodded at him. "Wow, that's tough. What do you want to do? You must be out of college?" I was fishing to find out his age now. Who could blame me?

"I've been out of school a few years now, but it's just so hard in this market to get work. Men twice my age and experience are looking for jobs." He shook his head. "Tough times."

I smiled at him, trying to make him comfortable again. "If you tell me what you want to do, I'll keep my ears open for jobs. I come across all sorts of work for people looking for it. I'd be happy to help. You know they are often looking for volunteers at the shelters to help." That recommendation seemed to put him on edge as he sat forward. Many people weren't comfortable being around the homeless; they tried to ignore them. "Would you mind working at a homeless shelter?" This answer might affect the rest of our relationship or the fact we would have one.

He took a drink of his coffee. "I have no problem at all with the homeless." A smile snuck across his face, which I couldn't read. "Isn't everyone one paycheck away from being homeless these days?"

Good answer. "Yes, that is true. I'll check around to see if there are any opportunities at a local shelter."

"Elizabeth, thanks for the offer. I'll keep that in mind."

I had to avoid those intense eyes, so I noticed the time on my phone. "Well, it was great meeting you, Phin. I owe you a drink some time. I won't forget."

"Great. I look forward to it, Elizabeth." I loved the way my name sounded when he said it. He held out his hand to shake it again. I eagerly took it, and he gave me a long, slow shake.

I reluctantly let go again, missing the warm feeling of his touch. "See you later, Phin."

He nodded, and that warm smile was back. "Count on it, Elizabeth." His smile hadn't changed as I turned to look at him and that damn dimple one last time before I headed out onto the busy sidewalk. Hoping I could make a graceful exit and not trip over my own feet.

Looking at my phone, I considered one-clicking a six-pack of new granny panties from Amazon.
