Page 16 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 13


She walked in at eight forty-five, and I was sitting in the same seat, like it happened every day. She stopped and put her hands on her hips and smiled, looking so damn cute. Her strawberry-blond hair that hung past her shoulders had a slight wave, and her bangs fell right at her cheekbones. She appeared like she got out of bed and always looked that good; I knew most women took forever to make their hair that sexy. The thought of what she looked like in the morning took my breath away. I needed to stop and get both my heads in check. I didn't even pretend not to see her today. I hoped she might have arrived early to have more time to speak to me, but I was getting ahead of myself.

"Do you ever go home?" I tried not to flinch at the mention of home.

"Sure, but if I didn't get here early, I wouldn't see you. The job search sleeps for no one." Her smirk turned quickly into a smile, which mirrored the one on my face.

She looked at her watch. "Speaking of job search, I want to talk to you about a job. Let me get my espresso." Her smile grew bigger for some reason. I didn't know her well enough to know all her different smiles yet, but at this moment I couldn't wait to see all of them. The fact she mentioned a job should have had me on edge, but her smile could tame anyone. All I could see in her face was hope, which was an emotion that had been dangerous for me to rely on in the past. After leaving LA, I was afraid to hope, but the feeling kept creeping in. Sitting waiting for her to come back, I couldn't escape the feeling that Elizabeth Baxter was the one to change everything for me, and the anticipation was killing me. Now if she could get back here with her caffeine fix and sit down. I wanted to get started on the future.

She sat down and took a long sip; I could feel the stress leave her body. "Okay, I am better now."

I leaned in and gave her my devilish smile and playfully rested my cheek on my hand. "So, what's up?"

She closed her eyes, taking another long sip of her drink. I watched as she licked her lips and savored the feeling of the coffee running through her system. I wanted to taste those lips and at that moment would do anything to make that happen.

"Sorry, I was just letting the drug work through my system." I wondered if she made that face at other times. Shit! I had to adjust how I was sitting. I sat back and uncrossed my legs below the table and pushed them out. My leg automatically hit something hard, and I realized it wasn't the table leg, but Elizabeth's foot as her eyes opened up slightly. Deciding to be fearless, I let my leg rest on hers. I wasn't sure if I was making her uncomfortable in my direct attention and proximity. When she didn't pull away, I knew she didn't mind my touch.

"I was talking to a friend of mine about you. We were talking about you needing a job. She's quite a good networker." She was babbling, I was making her nervous, and that made my smile grow.

"She had a brilliant idea if you are looking for temp work, would you like to bartend at my event on Saturday? You are old enough to serve, right?"

I smiled to myself. First of all, I liked that Lizzie had been talking to her friend about me. Second, she was trying to find out my age again. Trying not to look smug or overly happy, I looked her directly in the eyes, willing her not to look away.

"You were talking to your friend about me? No wonder my ears were burning last night. As for bartending, sure, I am twenty-one and legal. Don't let the baby face fool you. I've had an eventful life," I lied, but I could pass for it, and I had a fake ID that I got while I was at Duke's. He shockingly had a good connection for excellent fake IDs which I only used for emergencies.

"Well, would you do it? You'd be helping me out. This event is super important, and the guys we usually get can be crap."

I smiled and nodded. "Sure, I'd love to help out a good cause. I've bartended a fair bit in my day." My work for Duke had given me more than enough experience to do an excellent job for Elizabeth.

"It's minimum wage, plus tips, but it's something."

"Sounds good. Can you pay me in cash?" I would have done it for free. Right now, I'd do anything to spend time with her.

"I don't think it will be a problem. Sorry, I don't have the details with me. Can I text you the info?"

I leaned back. "Best you just email me."

I took a napkin and wrote my email address for her. My hand touched hers in the exchange of the napkin, and she pulled back quickly like she'd touched a hot pan. "I had to give up my cell; without a job, it seemed like an unnecessary expense." I lied I had my cell phone from Duke, but I didn't feel comfortable just yet handing out the number, even to Elizabeth. Especially after what happened with Lana. An email was the best way to contact me now. I'd created the account when I left LA, just in case Duke needed to contact me. He wasn't great with technology, and his hands were too big for text messaging, but he could use email a little. I’d taught him to use the old PC in the office with only a little swearing. His emails weren't long-winded, they were usually a bad joke or silly picture, but they were always welcome.

"No problem, email is fine. You've saved my ass, thanks so much for helping me."

Speaking of ass, I would check out that sweetheart ass on her way out. "Maybe you can buy me that drink?"

Her face got pink again, and it was fun to know that I have that effect on her. "Sure, it’s an open bar but I will need a drink. I’ll be running around like a nut most of the night, but maybe afterward you can make me a cocktail."

I gave her a sexy grin that had worked when I needed it to in the past. "I'll start working on it now."

She looked at her phone and stood up. "I need to go."

"Bye, Elizabeth, see you on Saturday."

"You won't be here tomorrow?" She looked disappointed, but then the smile quickly returned.

I ran my fingers through my shaggy chestnut hair that needed a cut. "Maybe. Bye, Elizabeth." Despite her disappointment, I wasn't sure if I'd be back tomorrow. I didn't want her to think I was a stalker.

She walked out, turning back and smiling at me as she headed out, almost running into a guy coming in the door. I loved that Elizabeth was a bit of a klutz. I was sad to see her go, but I knew now that I had a reason to see her again soon. I was looking forward to spending the day researching a signature cocktail at the library and finding something to wear to this event. I was allowing the hope and excitement to seep into my life, and it was more and more difficult to deny it now.

At the café, I asked Stacy if I could do some work, so she let me help out. I wanted to make some extra money in case I needed to buy a uniform to work at the event. I still had money from my savings, but I didn't want to use it unless it was an emergency. They would probably expect me to wear a white shirt and black pants, which I could pick up at the Goodwill or the shelter. I'd need to ask Elizabeth more about the event when she emailed me the schedule.

I worked hard at the café all morning and through the lunchtime rush, doing my best to keep my mind off Elizabeth. The only job worse than cleaning the gum off the bottom of the tables was cleaning the bathroom at Duke's that first night. Once I finished, Stacy gave me twenty bucks, and I went to the library. This was probably an affluent crowd, so I knew I'd have to know my stuff. I wanted to do an excellent job for Elizabeth. All of a sudden, I to wondered if my parents might attend this event. They had gone to this sort of function when I was growing up, which always amused me given their lack of charity at home. For some reason, I wasn't too worried about running into them now. They probably had retired to a golf course at some five-star resort, sending a check instead of attending this sort of event. Considering our history, I wasn't even sure they'd even bothered to notice I was gone. I'd stayed away from ever checking the Internet, despite what Lana had said to me.

I must admit, reading cocktail recipes wasn't a terrible way to spend the rest of the day. I learned a lot about making drinks working at Duke's, but this was a different class of customer. The thought of Duke reminded me I needed to call him; it had been at least a week since our last chat.

After finishing my research, I checked my email and was shocked to see I already had an email from Elizabeth.

Dear Phin with a Ph,

I loved your email address, hilarious. Glad you told me, as I probably would have spelled it with an F. Is that a pet peeve of yours? I had a friend in high school whose name was Kathy, and she hated when people spelled it with a C.

Anyway, here's the information for the benefit at the Westin St. Francis Hotel. Show up at four to help set up the bars, and the guests arrive at six. The party ends around twelve, but then you'll have to help with tear down. We finish at 2:00 a.m. I hope that is okay. I'll provide you a ride home if you need one.

Let me know if you have any questions. I've probably forgotten something essential.



I smiled for many reasons. One was that this woman already knew me. First, she knew it bothered me when people spelled my name wrong, but it wasn't their fault my parents gave me an old fashion family name. I'd been to events at that hotel, so I knew its layout out well. Knowing that type of posh hotel, I assumed I might have to wear a uniform, but she hadn't mentioned it. I was excited that I had another reason to email her about what I would need to wear. The only drag is that I will get off so late, I would miss getting into a shelter that night. If I was lucky, this could give me extra money, I could get a cheap hotel for the night, or maybe Elizabeth would invite me home with her. I couldn't even consider thoughts like that right now. She'd given me a job and been kind to me; I couldn't let myself have false hope that there could be more. Elizabeth helped people for a living; I was probably just someone who she thought needed help. In the future, working a handful of these types of events with Elizabeth's help could get me a single room in a place. I shook my head; I was getting way ahead of myself. Elizabeth needed me, and there was no way I would ever let her down.

I emailed her back right away.

Hello Elizabeth,

Do you like being called Lizzie like in Pride and Prejudice? Or Liz? Or Beth? Or are you always, Elizabeth? I am curious. I might call you sunshine because you brighten up my day.

Do I need a uniform for the event? Will you provide it, or will I need to buy something?

Sorry to hear it runs so late because I thought we'd have time for a drink. Remember that rain check? I might take you up on a ride; I'll let you know.

Thanks again for this opportunity.

Maybe I'll see you tomorrow.


Phin with a Ph

I reviewed it a few times and hit send, smiling at the screen.
