Page 20 of Homeless Heart

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I took a deep breath, trying to keep my own emotions in check. I looked away like I was checking something outside. Lizzie put her hand on my arm. "Are you okay? I am sorry; I didn't mean to be such a downer."

I put my hand on hers and squeezed, enjoying the human contact for the first time in so long. "No, I just think you are pretty amazing, and I want to get to know you." I couldn't hold back.

She never stopped looking at me despite her face turning a darker pink. I hoped that blush meant she felt the same way and not that she was embarrassed for me. "Yes, I'd like that too. I need a friend."

"Yes, everyone needs good friends." I didn't want to be her friend, but that was fine for now. Honestly, staring at her, I hadn't stopped thinking about what she would taste like or where I wanted to kiss Lizzie first. I knew we would be much more than friends, and my mouth would discover every inch of her. I'd start with her lips, then move to kiss each of those adorable freckles on her nose. For now, I would have to be patient, and friendship would do.

"You can never have too many. I've got to get going, as you know, my work's a roller coaster."

"Where do I buy a ticket for that ride?" Smiling at her, I watched her trip over her feet as she got out of her seat. "I'll see you tomorrow. Do you need me to come early to help out?" Not wanting her to leave.

"No, no, four is fine, that's earlier than most of the others are turning up." She gave me a nervous smile, and I returned a warm smile as I watched her heart-shaped backside as she walked toward the door.

She stopped at the door and waved, only just missing walking into a woman with a stroller coming in the door. "Bye, Phin."

"Bye, Elizabeth." I did my best to hide my laugh at her continued lack of grace. Then she was gone, and my heart became a little heavier and my dick a little harder. She made my body respond in ways no woman ever had in my life, and I loved it. Saturday couldn't come soon enough.

Well, it was settled; I had feelings for Elizabeth. No going back. There was a chance she would want to be just friends, but I was willing to risk it. She was the most amazing, warm, and generous person I'd met in a long time. I wanted to date her, be with her, kiss her, and I wanted to make love to her. My mind was racing with all these thoughts of the future that I hadn't ever even considered. This realization meant only one thing; I'd have to get my act together. I didn't think I could wait until I got my inheritance because she wouldn't want to date a young homeless guy. Thinking about her finding out and the pity that would show in her eyes was unbearable, I was homeless, but I had my pride. Worst-case scenario, I might have to wait for my money to come for our future to begin.

One way or another, Elizabeth would be mine.
