Page 24 of Homeless Heart

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"Sorry, just think someone needs to look out for you for a change." Her smile never wavered, but I thought I saw the sign of a tear pooling in her eyes. She blinked as I ran my hand down her cheek, not saying anything, just letting her feel the concern in my touch. I didn't have any right to be this familiar with her, but nothing could stop me.

"Thank you," was all she said.

"Do you need a drink before this all starts? A shot might calm your nerves or a glass of champagne?"

"No, thank you, maybe once I get some food and caffeine on board. I'll consider having a drink."

I leaned back on the uncomfortable banquet chairs. "Can I sit and keep you company, or do you need me to do something? I got some food too."

She picked up her lists and looked them over. "No, I was sitting here looking at everything, and it seems we are all set for now. I do need to get ready soon. Go ahead and eat."

We both sat and ate together, and I watched her eat too fast, talking and gesturing with passion and humor at people who asked her questions. The warm glow in her eyes told me how much she loved her work. All this passion had me wondering what Elizabeth was like in bed, stripped down and vulnerable, ready for me. If I ever get to see her come, it might be the happiest day of my life. Thinking about all this passion, I was getting a warm feeling in my jeans, so I shifted in my seat, leaning closer to her.

"Phin, you should go get ready soon too."

"Yeah, I will, but not yet. It takes me five minutes to get ready. I might even brush my mop of hair for this special occasion."

"Don't go to any trouble for me. I like your hair." I suddenly felt self-conscious running my fingers through my hair, which was badly in need of a haircut. Ruffling it made it a bit wilder.

She put her hand up in my hair and straightened it. She pulled her hand away quickly, realizing she'd made such an intimate gesture. "Sorry about that, there was a piece standing up on top. I got it. Now you look perfect."

I loved the feel of her playing with my hair, and I could tell she was embarrassed, so I smiled, trying to put her at ease by changing the subject. "So, are you worried about anything? What's been the biggest problem with this event?"

"It hasn't been so bad because it's my fifth year doing it. The one video we were waiting for showed up so everything else should be fine."

"Video, who plays a video at an event like this one?"

"One of our big donors who can't attend this year. They have sent over a video message about their runaway son. As soon as Hope gets it ready, we need to put it on one of the video monitors. Sorry, you'll see it all night where you are at the bar."


"Right, you've not met her; she's my assistant." She looks around the room and points at the dark-haired young woman.

I was admiring her ability to keep all the balls up in the air. "Elizabeth, you are a multi-tasking tornado. I guess I really shouldn't be that shocked you are so impressive at your job. How much money are you hoping to raise tonight?"

She looked a little taken back by my compliments. "We will probably raise about five million dollars as it’s our fundraiser of the year. We need this money for operational costs for the year. This one couple donates a considerable amount each year to help find their son and support other people looking for their kids. That's why I was so stressed out about the video not arriving. They are intense people, and because they give so much money, it's a little nerve-racking when they are involved."

"I am sure it will be awesome, and I'm excited to see you in your sexy dress."

"Stop it. How do you know my dress is sexy?"

"You're in it. How could it not be?"

Her face was a turning a dark shade of red. "My dress isn't sexy; it's demure and sparkly. I'll be behind the scenes and directing things most of the night. I won't be able to talk to you much." I knew this was the case, but I was glad she looked a little disappointed.

"No worries, I understand, I'll be watching you. Make sure you eat tonight. If you want, I'll make your signature cocktail later."

"Well, that's nice of you. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for the sandwich. It was perfect. I'll save the cookie for later in case I don't get dinner."

I raised an eyebrow at her. She didn't take care of herself; she definitely needed someone to look after her for a change.

I could sense she was heading back into organizer slash caretaker mode. "I promise to try to eat. Now, you make sure you get dinner; all the servers get to eat. Don't miss it. I spent a lot of time coming up with the menu."

She was looking distracted as her phone rang, so I let her finish her work. "I am going to go get ready before anyone else turns up." I looked around the ballroom for a bathroom, but only saw an exit.

She sensed my confusion and put her hand on my arm. Her touch was comforting, and I didn't want to move away from her. "The restrooms are upstairs, or you can change in one of the offices in the back hall. Oh, and I've decided you’ll be the head barman so if you run out of anything find one of my assistants or me."

I moved in closer to her. "Are you sure you want to give me that much responsibility? I am sure they're more experienced people working for you. I am happy to take orders."

"No way, I trust you. You'll do fine. You've already proven you can be bossy. Just find me or Hope if you need anything."

"Now go get ready, I am heading up soon to go get pretty, it takes me much longer to look acceptable."

"You always look pretty, Elizabeth." Her blush intensified as I caught her smiling at me as I turned and walked away. Tonight was going to change my life; I felt it in my bones.
