Page 36 of Homeless Heart

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She laughed, and I had succeeded in making her forget.

"No, it's fine. It was at a party, and he just walked up and kissed me. Like really kissed me, and then he smirked and walked away. I saw him high five one of his buddies, and then I never saw him again. I never got his name, I probably could have found out, but I didn't want to give him that satisfaction."

She looked down at her pizza and played with the pepperoni. I wished I'd had been the one to give her that first kiss and I wanted to kick that doofus's ass for stealing her first kiss from her.

I nudged her knee. "Elizabeth, that's no real first kiss. Someone taking it from you isn't real, who was the first boy you wanted to kiss you."

She took another bite and began to tell the story with her mouth full, trying to swallow. "Fine, but you will have to spill big time when it's your turn."

"Sure, I'll spill the beans for you. Now go on, finish, who was it."

"His name was Danny, and he'd become one of my best friends my freshman year in college. He'd been around when that douchebag guy kissed me, and he let me cry on his shoulder. Well, we both got drunk at a party one night, and we ended up making out in my room. He confessed that he liked me, and I told him I had a crush on him too. After that night, we dated for almost two years. Near the end of senior year, he would move back East, and I was staying here, so we broke up. We are still friends. He's married with two kids now, and I am happy for him. No real drama."

I took her hand. "You don't sound convinced. Are you still in love with him?" The thought she might be into someone else made my blood boil.

"Looking back, I am not sure I was ever really in love."

I leaned in and gave her a lingering kiss as relief ran through me.

"Do you want to tell me about your first love, Phineas?"

I sat back and noticed that she looked so cute with that dreamy look on her face. "Lizzie, I've never been in love. Not yet, anyway." Unable to confess my feelings for her at this time, I kissed her again. I wasn’t sure I could love someone this quickly.

She pushed me back, and her blue eyes were full of lust. "Stay with me this week? You aren't working. We can be slobs and hang out."

I laughed as I kissed down her neck while I considered her request. The thought of staying with Lizzie all week sounded like paradise. There were downsides to this, but sitting here with her I couldn't think of anything but saying yes. There were several benefits of spending more time with Lizzie. One of them was I could make sure she didn't contact my parents. The second one was that I could clean up her apartment. She wasn’t joking about being a bit of slob. The leftover pizza and bottles sitting on the coffee table would normally have me itching to clean up, but sitting here with Lizzie I knew they could wait.

I looked up at her. "Yes, it sounds fun. When you say 'hang out,' you mean have sex. It's not a secret code for cleaning up your apartment?"

She swatted at me. "God, you are terrible, but yes, that's what I mean. Right now, my vajayjay needs a break. Let's get a little comfy and relax. We won't be cleaning up any time soon unless it gets you turned on. Wait, do you need to get some stuff?" Not allowing me to answer, she looked down and kissed the space below my Adam's apple at the base of my neck. I loved the way her hot mouth felt on my skin. Not entirely in control, I moaned as she kissed my neck and ran her tongue up to my Adam's apple. She didn't need to know all my belongings were in the bag I had with me. Right now, I didn't give a fuck about my stuff.

Taking control of the situation, I moved so I had her on her back, trapping her underneath me. Hovering over her, my lips very close to hers, our breathing increased. "No, I've got everything I need right here. Now, let's get comfy." Her objections to not having sex were long gone.

We quickly got our pants off and made love on the sofa for a few hours before we finally stopped long enough to shower and eat some cold pizza. We were redefining Netflix and chilling. Now, I would have to clean the sofa.
