Page 57 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 34


After last night, I woke up with determination in my veins. I was on a mission to get my life back. No matter how much of a cliché it sounded like, today was the first day of the rest of my life. Reluctantly, Elizabeth grumbled as she pulled herself out of bed to get ready for work. When she entered the kitchen she twirled around so I could admire her black suede high heels that made her legs look so long, her cute black pencil skirt that highlighted her heart-shaped backside and then her sheer dark green blouse with a black camisole under it. Lizzie was hot in her work clothes, and I was having a hard time not taking her back to bed and playing naughty secretary. Instead I made her breakfast and her favorite strong coffee.

While she finished her breakfast, she enquired about my day. Once I sent her off to work, I could focus on my agenda for operation Right Track.

"So, hot stuff, what are you doing today?"

" I will get my life back together. First stop, I am going to clean up around here and do the grocery shopping." I bounced on the balls of my feet, unable to contain my excitement about my epiphany.

She stopped looking for paperwork and came over and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry, I know I let all your hard work go to waste."

I had to laugh; she had let it become a total pigsty again.

"I don't mind. I love cleaning."

Lizzie laughed. "God, I love you. I found my unicorn."

"Yes, you did. You can stroke my horn later." I bent down and kissed the smile on her lips. "Seriously, Lizzie, do you think you could see about finding me a place working at one of the shelters? I have worked at the shelters in the past but as a client. Could you put in a good word for me?"

She gave me that bright smile that always did me in. "Yes, I'd planned to do that anyway. You want to show or tell me your skills?"

I leaned in this time and gave her a long, lingering kiss to answer that question. "I think you know some of my best skills, but I don't think any of them will help with me getting a job or get you to the office on time."

Lizzie gave me another quick kiss and smiled. "I don't know; you are pretty good with your hands."

I held up my hands and wiggled my fingers at her.

"Put those away; there's no time for that this morning."

"Fine. You better go! Sweetheart, what time do you get home from work? I want to have the place ready for you. I need to get the hazmat team in."

We both laughed as she pulled away, I tilted her head up, kissing her pouty mouth gently, not wanting to let her leave. Her phone pinged with an incoming text breaking our trance, and she noticed the time.

"Phin, I have to go, I’ll be late. I left money for groceries on the counter."

"You don't need to leave money. I've got it."

Sadly, she picked up her bags, stopping short, giving me a bright smile, as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed me on the cheek. "Use it! Love you, Phin."

I kissed her one more time and then let her slip out the door. "Love you," I whispered.

She walked down the stairs and got into her little red chariot and headed to work like it was any other day.

Getting excited about cleaning should be weird for a guy my age, but I enjoyed it. I'd missed cleaning; I was as thrilled as a kid with a new toy. The feeling of control I had while cleaning was indescribable; it helped keep all my emotions and thoughts in order. All I could do was smile, inspecting Lizzie's messy place, my new home, and the solace that cleaning would give me. My skin itched to get started for some relief.

After cleaning the apartment and tidying up, I had a shower. Getting dressed, I realized I would need some better clothes if I wanted to look for a job. My first stop was to get my stuff from my locker at the bus station. For the first time in three years, I went into Old Navy and bought myself a new wardrobe. I'd had enough money saved up, so spending two hundred dollars on a new wardrobe didn't make me feel guilty at all. I got a couple of pairs of jeans, a few T-shirts, black boxer briefs and some pajama bottoms. I had a spring in my step and a grin on my face as I continued the rest of the day. At the grocery store, I bought some food for the week plus some items for dinner tonight. I walked through the aisles staring at the food, and the abundance of it all was overwhelming. For so long, I'd not been able to do this. Even when I lived at Duke's I never really shopped for anyone. At Duke's, I just ate from the bar's kitchen, not wanting to bother with cooking for just myself. Thinking about Duke's place reminded me I needed to call him when I got home. Duke would be upset with me for leaving Lizzie. I needed to apologize right away. As I stood at the meat counter, I decided to make her my favorite pot roast with all the fixings. Working at Duke's it was a favorite menu item. The thought of it now made my mouth water. After all my shopping, I got some flowers for Lizzie and grabbed a cab home. I sat in the back of the taxi with a goofy smile on my face because I was heading home. For the first time in my life, I had a home.

I went to work putting the food away and started on my cleaning routine—the anxiety left with the swipe of every clean surface. The house was already spotless, but I had my cleaning behaviors that helped calm me down. Once I’d calmed down, I realized I needed to get the pot roast in the oven. I put the ingredients together and popped it in the oven. The afternoon flew by, and when I finally looked at the clock, I realized it was after four in the afternoon, and I hadn't even had lunch. After fixing myself a sandwich, I went upstairs to clean up our bedroom and put away my new clothes. I raced downstairs to finish up and stopped to inspect our home and all my hard work. The house looked and smelled amazing, and I was proud of my work for the first time since I'd left Duke's. Shit, I meant to call Duke, I would have to do it later. Hopefully, Lizzie would appreciate my hard work. I put on some sexy soul music, lit some lovely smelling candles, and put the finishing touches on dinner. Just as I was sitting down at the bar with a beer, I heard her keys jingle in the door, and that sound made my heart beat even faster. The sound of her keys would forever make my mouth water and my cock harden.

She walked in, dropped her bags, surveyed the house, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. Finally, when she opened her eyes, a broad smile spread across her face, and her eyes twinkled with love.

"Oh my God, Phin, this house looks and smells amazing. You've been very busy."

I put her arms around my neck and wrapped my arms around her waist. Looking up at me, her ice-blue eyes were now a sparklingly dark blue.

I kissed her lightly and smiled back at her, not knowing how much I needed her approval. "Do you like it?"

"The house hasn't been this clean since I moved in and whatever that smell is, it has never come out of my kitchen. Unless they make a Yankee candle in pot roast."

"I am glad you like it. Pot roast is my favorite."
