Page 68 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 40


The summer whizzed by, and we were already into August. Phin's birthday was getting closer, and the planning for the gala was ramping up.

This week was like any other, busy with work and loving my life with Phin. When Friday arrived, I was watching the clock when Hope called me from her desk. She never did that; she would always come in my office.

"What's up?"

"Um, I have Mrs. Dunbar out here. She said she wanted to drop by to talk about her annual donation." Her voice sounded nervous.

"Hope, what do I do?" My head was spinning, and I felt like my heart might explode. I was whispering despite no one being in my office to hear me.

"I'll get her a coffee, and you finish up your call." She was giving me the signal to get my shit together and then we would have to deal.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" was all I said as I realized what would happen. I took in a deep breath and put my hand over my mouth, trying to catch my breath and figure out what I would do.

She always comes in at this time of year to discuss her family's involvement, and get their monetary donation on the books, but it had slipped my mind. My boss was out of town today, and there was no way I could reschedule this with her standing outside. I didn't even have time to talk to Phin about it. While I tried to figure out what I would do, I looked around my office for anything with Phin's photo on it. I had one framed photo on my desk, so I threw the photo in the drawer. There was a picture of us as my screensaver, but his mother had no reason to see my laptop screen.

Hope had bought me a few minutes to calm down and compose myself. Everyone told me I had a terrible poker face, but I had to do this for Phin. I'd met his mother from time to time in the past, and she always intimidated me. I must do my best to try to hide my anger at this woman for what happened to Phin.

The knock at my door told me time was up. Hope showed Mrs. Dunbar into my office as I smoothed my sweaty palms down the front of my skirt. Her long chestnut-brown hair was up in a chignon, and she was wearing a mauve Chanel pantsuit, matching handbag, and shoes. Her clothes were classic in style and cut. I realized looking into her eyes they weren't anything like Phin's, but her cheekbones, nose, and mouth were his spitting image. His beautiful green eyes must belong to his father.

I took in a deep breath and shook her hand in a firm and confident manner. Mrs. Dunbar didn't like wasting time, so I didn't try and engage her in idle chitchat. I'd get straight down to business with her and then she'd be gone and then I could breathe.

As I looked her over, she looked more breakable than she had in past meetings. "Hello, Mrs. Dunbar, it's good to see you. Would you like tea, coffee, or water?"

She cleared her throat and nodded. "No, thank you, your assistant already offered me something."

Shit!“Mrs. Dunbar, it's good to see you.” Shit! I already said that! Get it together, Elizabeth!

I gave her a nervous smile, just wanting her out of my office as quickly as possible.

“I’m glad you’ve come in as usual to discuss your involvement in next year’s gala. As you know I don't believe it's ever too early to be organized."

"I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, time isn't on our side at the moment."

She was waiting for me to drive the meeting, but I was so freaked out that I was having trouble keeping it together. Come on, Lizzie!

"Sorry, what's happened?"

"Well, Miss Baxter, this year started badly for our family. Of course, we live with the heartbreak of losing our dear Phineas, and now my husband has been diagnosed with stage four cancer. He probably won't make it another year. I've been by his side since the diagnosis and helping to make sure his final days are comfortable. As you can imagine, I would love for us to be able to find Phin so he can say goodbye to his father."

Sitting across from me, Phin's mother looked much older than her forty-five years of age, and I have to say I felt sorry for her, briefly. I wanted to hate her for what her husband had done to Phin. His disappearance had taken its toll on her, and now with her husband's ill health, the poor woman would be on her own. I worked hard to keep a professional facade and fought back the urge to go over and hug this woman. Then I remembered this was the woman who'd hadn’t fought for Phin when he needed her.

"Mrs. Dunbar, I am sorry to hear about your husband. What would you like us to do?"

Mrs. Dunbar looked a little perplexed by my offer to help, but she gave me a warm smile. "I would be grateful for your help in finding my son. I've missed him every day he's been gone. If I lose his father too, I'll be all alone." She took a deep breath and looked back at me like she might break. "As I've said, I've been helping take care of my husband so I might ask you for a little more help this year than normal. Possibly put in some calls to some shelters. We've got a private investigator working on it twenty-four seven, but any help would be welcome. We'd be happy to donate more money if you need it."

"More money was always needed, but I will see what I can do." I wasn't lying. I couldn't wait to tell Phin about this tragic change in our timeline.

"Thank you, Miss Baxter. I will leave you to your day and check in again once you've had some time to consider a new plan. Of course, if you hear anything, you'll let me know."

She stood up to go and smoothed out her beautiful outfit, trying to regain her composure. I joined her and showed her to the elevators of the building. "I'll be in touch. I promise to keep you updated with information on the event. Goodbye, Mrs. Dunbar."
