Page 91 of Homeless Heart

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Chapter 50


My mom shouted too brightly over me, "Rise and shine, our little bride."

I rubbed my face with the back of my hand, sat up and took the coffee out of her hand, unable to find my words.

"Coffee," I muttered. Last night we had a lovely dinner in the city, and having Duke there was an excellent gift for Phin. My parents, Hope, and Duke got along like a house on fire last night, which put us all at ease. I think Hope had a crush on the big guy before the end of the night. However, we all drank a bit too much. To be honest it was more than a little bit. Now my head was throbbing this morning.

"Darling daughter, I know you're not a morning person, but get up, you've got a big day ahead of you. I hope Phin knows what he's getting himself into."

I drank my coffee and pretended to swat at my mother. "Yes, he's well aware I am not a morning person, can't cook, I'm a little clumsy, and not too tidy. But we both enjoy morning sex, shower sex, and eating in bed, so that's what makes us such a good match." I leaned over to put more sugar in my coffee and my T-shirt scraped over my nipples as I realized my boobs were very sore. Shit, that meant my period was coming soon. Mom pulled back the blankets off my legs.

"Hey, Mom!"

"Too much information, young lady! Come on; we've got to get moving so we can get down to Phin's parents' house. We can discuss your sex life while you get dressed. Olivia will not be happy if we are late."

"You are right about that one." I went to stand but quickly sat back down and rubbed my head. "I shouldn't have had that sixth glass of champagne."

"No, you shouldn't have," said my mother gleefully as she tidied my childhood bedroom.

"Fuck!" I whimpered as I dreaded looking hungover on my big day. My mother admonished me for my language as I slowly got ready to leave. I couldn’t help but wonder how Phin was feeling this morning.


I woke up for my wedding day with a smile on my face. I couldn't wait to get her down the aisle and make her my wife. We'd been through so much in such a short time. I jumped out of bed and pulled on my jeans and a T-shirt. I decided to shower and get ready at my parents' house. As I moved around the room with a spring in my step, it was like I was in the first half of the movie La La Land that Lizzie made me watch. Everything was vivid, and I couldn't stop smiling.

Duke was already sitting on the sofa drinking coffee and watching the sports channel, looking right at home. I smiled as I slid into the room like Tom Cruise in Risky Business, helping myself to his strong coffee.

After the wedding we were heading out for a quick honeymoon, so everything needed to be clean and organized. Surveying our house for the last time while I was single wasn't weird; it made me unbelievably happy.

Duke finally spoke up, dragging me out of my daydream, "You all set, kid?"

"Yep, all packed and ready, old man. You need to get your hair and makeup done? You need to look pretty for the pictures."

His chuckle rumbled through the room. "You saying I ain't pretty already?"

"Nope. Ugly as sin, but I wouldn't have you changing for me."

He gave me a rare smile. "Good, too old for that shit now. Let's go and get you married so I can have a drink."

"Sure, big guy. We'll make sure you get a drink." I finished my coffee, and I brought the rest of my stuff out and sat it next to my wedding suit near the door. We loaded the car and headed to my parents' house to have time to try and relax a little before the ceremony. Lizzie had everything organized to the last detail, but she was at her parents', so I told her I'd check in with Hope so the wedding setup was all executed to her instructions.

When I arrived, people were already there getting everything ready. Hope had her clipboard and was showing people where things went. I almost collided with my mother in the foyer as I looked down at my phone. She must not have been paying attention either as she was staring down at the seating plan on her clipboard.

"Phineas, you're here. I am just reviewing Lizzie's list." I smiled at my mother and gave her an unexpected hug, she stiffened a little, but she eventually returned it.

"Yes, Mother, I got the same list from her, and she went over things with me a million times. I am sure Hope's got it all in hand. Go check on Father." I smiled at her, and she returned it.

Duke followed behind me; the bright sun shone as we walked through the French doors that led out to my parent's backyard and pool. We’d lucked out with some unseasonably warm weather for December. The air was buzzing with efficiency, as the service people were busy setting up the chairs and flowers. The place was transformed, and Lizzie would love it. Standing at the end, all I could imagine was Lizzie walking down that aisle in just a few short hours. Duke stood silently next to me with his arms crossed over his body surveying the situation. I wondered what he thought of my parent's house and all this opulence. The sound of Lizzie's distinct text tone took me out of my reverie as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and smiled.
