Page 26 of Rocco's Atonement

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I roll to my side and my pencil scratches against the paper. The words flow as I purge everything from my mind. I put all the things that I feel into my characters. But they are moving toward a happy ending, while I’m still stuck wondering what happened with Rocco.

I decide right then that even though it’s Sunday I’ll call Noah and ask him if he’ll help me talk to Rocco. I don’t want to ask Patience or Geoffrey because I have a feeling that’s why Rocco pushed me away. Geoffrey must have said something to him.

* * *


It’s been one week since I let her walk away from me. I’ve watched her every morning and stayed outside her condo every night. I can’t move on, and I pray she isn’t moving on. She’s blossomed into a glamorous woman. She’s always dressed to the nines. As the week went on, she grew more comfortable in heels. I hate to see her in the tight pencil skirts with the flowy tops, but I love seeing her come into her own. I’ve heard she’s met with the board, but Linc won’t tell me more than that. It’s Friday night and Linc has been trying to get me to come over for dinner, but I won’t leave her side, even if she doesn’t know I’m here.

The evening is progressing and I’m expecting her to stay in like she does every evening, but tonight I watch her slip out the building. She’s in a soft gray dress with a deep plunge neckline, and the hemline isn’t one I’d approve of without her being on my arm. Her makeup is darker than she’s worn it before and her shorter hair is down her back in waves. The sight of how sexy she looks has me adjusting myself until it hits me.

Who the fuck is she dressed like that for?

She stands outside waiting until a car pulls up, one I don’t recognize. I sit up in my seat unsure why she is going anywhere without her security detail. They didn’t follow her out, and I don’t see them in a car following along. I turn over the engine of my car to follow her.

I’m done waiting. If she’s up to going out on dates, then I’ll be the man she dates. Not some fucktard.

The car pulls away and heads back toward Midtown. I’m shocked when it pulls up to a familiar restaurant. I look around for a while before I find a parking spot and get ready to go claim my woman. She isn’t going to have dinner with another man right under my nose. And definitely not at the restaurant we all hang out at.
