Page 27 of Miss Taken Identity

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My whole body’s screaming for his. I need him to be inside me, filling me with that huge bulge of his.

But more than that…filling me with a baby.

Our baby.

The thought would have made me laugh just a few hours ago, but right now.

Right this minute, it’s the only thing either of us seems to be able to start doing, let alone think or even talk about.

There’s no way the elevator is stopping for anyone else, and as soon as I know we’re alone, I’m in his arms.

Xander lifts me, and I wrap my legs around him, making me realize just how big he really is.

It’s a strain to even have my legs around his waist, but my body seems almost athletic since tuning in to the chemistry of his physique.


But stretching my legs around his waist is the last thing I’m expecting to give me a pleasant ache in the morning.

I can instantly feel the swollen helm of his cock pressing against my sex, drenched already under the sheer French Lace I was trying to save as a surprise.

Somehow I don’t even think Xander will notice. And I kinda shake my head internally, wondering why I even thought it was such a big deal to get sexy underwear.

Compared to the feeling of having him hold me like this, there’s no contest, and I know I won’t be wearing them long enough to even care anymore.

“I’m gonna finish what I started, Chloe…So help me,” Xander growls, taking huge strides from the elevator to our suite and kicking the door closed behind him, making me squeal with excitement.

A low moan of my own follows once he tosses me onto the bed, yanking at his clothes, almost looking annoyed he’d bothered to put so much on in the first place.

My legs are already squeezing together, slipping against one another as my thighs start to show just how dripping wet I am.

I move to loosen my dress, to do something to help things along, but Xander shakes his head.

“No. You just lie there, Chloe. You just let me take care of everything for you,” he growls with a grin I know only means one thing.

That he’s gonna return that little favor of mine from the bath earlier, only he’s gonna do it a hundredfold.

He’ll show me that Xander Alexander isn’t a man to be milked, fed, and then put to bed.

No sir.

He’s got more of what he painted me with, lots more. And I know just where he intends to put it.

All of it.

Slipping out of his suit jacket, he claws at his shirt and belt, drawing the belt from his pants and looking at it in his hands thoughtfully for a moment.

Looking like he’s thinking about using it somehow, but the twitching erection I can see straining against everything else he’s barely wearing has other ideas.

Both of us file away the concept of his belt and maybe a few other household items away, and once Xander undoes everything, letting his tailored pants drop, I let out a prolonged moan at the sight of him.

He’s the most beautiful specimen of man alive.

And he’s all mine.

Moving to the end of the bed, Xander grips my ankles gently, making me jump and shiver before he does anything else.

My whole body feels like the slightest touch from him could send me into an explosive climax at any second. I’m that hot right now.

“You want it so bad,” he says, almost sounding like there’s no challenge in it for him. It seems too easy for the man who knows what he wants, but he also likes a little catch and release in the process.

But he’s forgetting one thing.

That massive cock of his that I couldn’t even get my hand around? That’s gonna take some time for me to even try to take in some of it. Never mind as much of it as I’m craving right now.

But instead of worrying about that, I’m dying to find out just how much of my man I can take and how good he’s gonna feel doing it.

I’m already hornier than I’ve ever been, and that’s just from looking at him.

“Xander,” I hear myself moaning again, my hands gripping at my own chest, frantic to even try and replicate his touch.

I feel like I’m burning up inside this dress, needing to feel his naked skin against mine.

His grip on my ankles tightens, and he slides me closer toward him, the bed underneath me lifting my dress up as I go.

A low growl rumbles through me as I watch his eyes flaring at the sight of my thighs, then my wet panties.

The French Lace, I was so sure was too much, meets his approval.

But instead of tearing it off or yanking it to one side, Xander drives me wild. His thick finger hooked under the seam closest to my already quivering sex.
