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I suck her nipple through my mouth and feel it stiffen against my tongue, before giving sharp nips with my teeth. From the way that it makes her cry out, abdomen stiffening, her hips bucking up, I know she feels it in her clit. I can make her come this way if I want to, but there’s so much more to explore.

I lift up my head, licking a path over her full, sweet breasts as I knead them with my fingers, feeling a stab of rage inside me at how fucking unfair it is that I can’t feel her tender flesh with my bare hands. But she doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, her focus is up above me, staring at our reflection again. Her eyes go glazed and fiery, sharp and greedy, and I know the sight of me fucking her is pushing her to the edge.

I can feel the tension building inside her now, the way she’s moving her hips, the shortened rasp of her breath. She’s close to coming. I want to draw it out as much as possible, but I also know we have all the time in the world.

I push up inside her, a hard, deep thrust that sucks the air from my lungs.

She gasps, her nails scratch down my back, holding on tight. I hope she draws blood. I hope the marks she leaves will stick around for a while.

“You are in my soul,” she whispers in a breathless kind of awe, and her words strike me, a sharp blow. It hurts, this special kind of pain, and I don’t know why. Is it because I want it to be true? Is it because I’m afraid?

“Tell me again,” I say to her, closing my eyes as my lips go to her neck. “Tell me that again. Make me believe it.”

I want to believe every word you say.

“You are in my soul,” she says again, and then lets out a throaty giggle that both makes me harder and makes me realize this could all be an act, a false reality, one that the crystals are influencing.

“I am in your cunt,” I answer with a harsh grunt, grabbing her throat and pressing down on her windpipe for leverage as I thrust in deeper.

She takes that well, so well. Everything I do to her she embraces it, succumbs to it. I could fuck her here for the rest of my life, and if we’re not careful, we might end up doing that. The Crystal Caves have a way of warping both your senses and time itself. I could end up fucking her to death if I’m not careful.

Sooner or later, release comes for me. I may be a God, but even I have limits, especially when it comes to her.

I slide my gloved fingers over her clit, knowing the rough texture of the ostrich leather will act as a flame to a wick, and she immediately comes. Her garbled cry echoes throughout the cave, making the crystals chime and sing, her hips slam up against me in violence. She clenches me as she does so, milking me to within an inch of my sanity. Wet. Hot. Tighter than tight.

My release rips through me.

It feels like she’s rerouted the circuits in my brain and I’ve been reduced to jellyfish-like intelligence, all nerves and cells and desire. I know I’m loud, so loud that the ground shakes and crystals crash down into the lake, but I can’t help it. I’m fucking roaring. More an animal than a God. Back arched, head back, my body staked over hers, dick in deep, spilling inside of her.

“Oh,” she says through a hoarse gasp. “Oh…Oh.” She’s still writing beneath me, eyes rolled back, mouth open wide and wet and I’m struck by an abstract need to fuck her mouth again. But that would be ridiculous.

I lower myself onto her, keeping most of my weight on my elbows, my heart hammering in my chest. It’s hard to swallow. I’m unfocused, off-balance. Need a few more moments to right myself and feel in control again.

“I love being your queen,” she says, exhaling shakily.

I freeze. Pull back. Stare at her.

Her lips are swollen from sucking, from kissing, sweat beads her forehead. Her mahogany eyes are sated from the orgasms and they gaze at me with such sincerity that I know she’s telling the truth.

She loves being my queen.

I feel a thread in my chest being pulled and, for a moment I want to say fuck it, and just let her yank my heart loose.

But I can’t. I can’t let her do that. I can lose myself inside her, in her body, in the heat of our fucking, but I can’t lose my heart to her. I don’t even trust her.

I can’t trust her.

I want to, though.

Chapter 16
