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“Thank you all for coming here to join the love birds on their big day. I'm Todd and I was honored that Jake chose me to be the best man. I've known Jake for a long time and once he met Emily, he was hooked. I remember one time, all of us guys were supposed to get together and hang out. He had just started seeing Emily and I had a feeling he would bail to be with her instead. Sure enough, he got a call and his precious Emily was sick. I've never seen him in such a hurry before. I think that was when I realized he was serious about her. Jake hasn't left her side since. I'm happy for you, man. Keep him in line, Emily. Here's to the happy couple!”

Helen stands next. “Hey, everyone. I'm Helen, Emily's maid of honor. Thank you all for coming today. I met Emily a few years ago and she quickly became my best friend. She's honest, caring, and she's always there when I need her. When I met Emily, she had already been with Jake for a while and they hadn't been in Chicago for too long. Emily's a wonderful friend.

“Jake, on the other hand, is just as amazing as Emily. I'm a huge Jake fan and Emily can tell you that I'm always asking where his equally wonderful friends are. They are a great couple and I'm happy to know them both. I wish you both all the happiness in the world. Let's toast to the next chapter in their lives.”

A few minutes pass as waiters begin to serve the food.

“Those were really sweet, don't you think?” Emily asks in reference to the toasts.

“Yeah.” She looks flushed, her cheeks rosy too, and almost every time she looks this way, it means she's about to get sick. I will not have a sick Emily on our honeymoon. “Are you feeling okay, Sweetness?” I squeeze her hand and use my other to feel her forehead.

“I'm fine, Jake,” she answers, pushing away my hand. “The only thing I feel right now is love.” Sweetness gives me a quick kiss and then smiles at me.

“Are you sure? You'll tell me the moment you don't feel well, won't you? I don't want you getting sick.”

“I'm fine,” she repeats, wearing a secretive smile.

Mike stands and our little conversation ends as he gets everyone's attention. He prays and then we begin to eat. I can't help but steal glances at Emily. Not only because I'm worried about her health, but because she's so happy that she's radiating with joy and love. Emily's bridesmaids keep her in a conversation with them while my groomsmen do the same with me. Drake seems bored, though.

The food is delicious, but by the second course, Emily's attention turns to me. Her eyes gleam and her smile is lazy.

“Feed me one bite, husband,” she orders playfully.

The pleasure I feel by that one word is ridiculous. I scoop a bite of garlic mashed potatoes onto my fork and watch, completely mesmerized as my wife closes her mouth around the fork. Oh, I can't wait to get her alone. We finish the rest of our meal without any of those distractions.

“Time for cake,” Emily tells me.

I stand and hold my hand out to her, which she quickly takes. We walk over to a round table with the large cake on it, decorated beautifully with white and blue alternating layers. I slice into a layer with her hand over mine and glance at Emily who is watching me.

“I've changed my mind,” she says hastily.

“About?” I ask innocently, placing the two pieces of cake on the plate. We agreed to do the entirely cheesy, smash cake in each other's faces, tradition.

“Jake, you are looking really handsome and I'm feeling really pretty in my dress. I don't want cake all over me for it to fall onto my dress.” She crosses her arms over her chest, but then drops them by her side before finally clasping her hands together in front of her.

“Sweetness, my wife.” I smile. “We agreed.” Everyone is watching us patiently. I lean in, kiss her cheek, and whisper, “This was your idea, Sweetness, and you should always feel pretty because you are. And just think, somehow the cake and sweet icing will have to come off.” I run my tongue underneath her ear before standing upright again, grinning as I watch her. “It'll be fun,” I add.

“You better be glad that I love my husband.” Emily smiles, picking up one slice as I grab the other.

“Re-” Before I can even finish the word, she smashes the cake in my face, rubbing it in while laughing. I eat the parts that made it into my mouth and then say, “And here I was, going to go easy on you so you could still feel pretty.”

When I go to do the same to her, she turns her head and cake goes all over her cheek. I move my hand and shove what I have left in her mouth.

“Jake!” she squeals.

“Sorry.” I shrug. She turns towards me, all smiles, as she grabs a napkin and starts to wipe her face. I take it from her. “Let me.” Her eyes are too intense as she watches me watch her reaction as I gently clean her face.

“You know, based on what just happened, I was ready to eliminate you from being eligible for the Husband of the Year award. But when you look at me like you are right now and care for me like this, I want to go ahead and give you the award,” she says softly.

“All I want is you.”

“Definitely getting the award now. Plus, you already have me.”

I wipe the last of the cake away and start on myself.

“I'll get it.” Emily grabs another napkin, wiping as softly as I did for her. Drake catches my attention when I notice that he's walking towards the house, away from everyone.

“I'm going to go talk to Drake while you dance with Mike. I want to make sure I get the chance before we leave.”

Emily nods and finishes just as the DJ announces that it's time for the father/daughter dance. I hate that I'll miss this part, but something seems off. Emily walks away to meet Mike and I hurry into the house. I find Drake in the living room, sitting on the couch, staring at the wall.

“Drake, is everything okay?” I ask, sitting beside him. I thought that it was unbelievable that I'm married, but it's even harder to believe that he's fourteen.

“Yeah. I just needed a break.”

“Okay. I'll make sure to see you before we leave, but it won't be for long. Are you still okay with staying with Riley and his family for a week? You could always stay here with Mike.”

Drake shrugs. “No, I'll be fine. It's going to be fun. Riley's family is really cool, remember?”

Emily had met Riley before, but it wasn't until last month that we both met his parents. Drake asked to stay with them instead of Mike, and since it was okay with his parents, we decided to let him.

“Yeah, I remember. If you need anything, call Mike, okay? It'll be easier to get up with him than us, but we'll be calling to check in on you too.”

Drake nods and then looks at me, a smile on his face. “Thanks for the talk, but you're missing your wedding.”

“Jake?” I turn in my seat at Emily's voice. The dance must be over. “Is everything okay?” she asks from the doorway.

“Yeah, Sweetness. We were just about to head back out there.”

Drake stands when I do and when he reaches the door, Emily gives him a big hug. She whispers something in his ear, but it's too low for me to hear. Whatever she said, it made Drake hug her tighter. Once their moment is over, we return to the reception.

“What did you tell him?” I whisper before people can come up to us.

Emily takes my hand, grins, and says, “I told him that we were officially family and that I was proud to call him my brother-in-law.”

I give her a quick kiss and then our guests come and go between saying hello and dancing. Uncle Roy decided not to come, but Diane and my cousins are here. Soon, after Emily tosses the bouquet, it's finally time for us to leave. I've been wanting to snatch Emily away for too long as it is and now, I'm able to do so.
